Sun Kissed (Orchid Island #1)

Hired as a junior producer, her actual duties had been that of a contestant wrangler, which she’d enjoyed and had made her feel like a mother hen to a clutch of chicks. Although she’d been too busy working to have time for any serious romantic relationships, if she spent an evening sitting home with a good book, as she usually did, it was by choice, not because of a lack of opportunity.

Eventually, she’d come to realize that her friendships would wax and wane according to her success. In the beginning, those on the rungs above her hadn’t noticed her existence, while others who’d been struggling along with her during those early days had drifted away as her star had begun to rise.

After one particularly unsavory public incident, which had been edited out of      Beauty      , Lani had realized how badly her life had slipped out of control. Which was when she’d jumped off that glittery hamster wheel and returned to Orchid Island, reuniting with her old friends, and picking up relationships as if she’d never been away.

“I’m choosy about my friends, as well,” he said mildly, breaking into her thoughts about how the smartest thing she’d ever done was to return home. “In my business, I have to be.”

With that point silently acknowledged, Lani decided to change the subject. “You don’t have to keep the painting,” she said. “That was a dirty trick.”

“Giving it to me as a welcome-to-Orchid-Island gift?” He surprised her with a boyish grin that showed off amazing dimples and had her wanting to jump him on the spot. An impulse she resisted. “I thought it was inspired.”

She laughed, enjoying the moment. Enjoying him. “It was the only thing I could think of. The minute I saw it, I knew I’d simply die if I had to hang it on my wall.” She shook her head. “I do wish my father would get over his Picasso period. At least in the old days, his subjects bore some slight resemblance to reality.”

“I’ve also no idea what it’s supposed to be,” Donovan admitted. Since it was too large to carry, they’d left the brilliant orange-and-red abstract oil painting at the Breslin house. Thomas had promised to have it delivered to the cottage the following day.

“It’s supposed to depict the legend of Kealehai.”

“I’m still lost.”

“It’s one of our island’s most popular stories,” she said. “One day, Kealehai, an ancient goddess of fire who lives in Mt. Waipanukai’s volcano, decided to take on a human form and walk among the people. When she reached a beach on the far side of the island, a great ceremony was taking place to honor the eighteenth birthday of Taranga, who was not only a prince of the royal family but had been given the gifts of male beauty and charm by the goddesses who’d attended his birth. As Kealehai watched the festivities, she became captivated by him. Not only was he a stunningly beautiful young man, Taranga was the best dancer she’d ever seen.”

“Love at first sight.”

“Or at least lust at first sight,” Lani agreed dryly. “Especially since, according to legend, she’d gone a century without a human mate.”

“Talk about your dry spells.”

“I suppose time’s not the same when you’re in spirit form,” Lani suggested. “At any rate, being a very passionate spirit—”

“Which would be expected for a goddess of fire.”

“Exactly. Kealehai decided that she had to have him, but there was a slight glitch.”

The lazy breeze coming off the water fanned her hair, allowing him to breathe in the fragrant gardenia scent of her shampoo. Hit with a sudden jolt of desire, Donovan slipped his hand into his front pocket to keep from touching her. “A glitch?”

When she stopped to look up at him, moonlight gleaming in her eyes, he wondered if she’d heard the raw need in his voice. “Donovan?”

He knew that if he responded to the soft invitation in her voice, he’d be toast. He’d built his life on a solid foundation of self-control and wasn’t about to allow this woman, as enticing as she was, to undermine it in a single day.

“You were telling me about Kealehai,” he reminded her, rigidly reining in the impulse to drag her down onto the warm sand and reenact      From Here to Eternity      ’s iconic beach lovemaking scene.

“Right.” Lani blew out a deep breath, suggesting he wasn’t alone in his feelings. “Since she derived her spirit power from the volcano, if they made love on his village’s beach, so far away from her own fire pit, her youthful human facade could crumble away and the handsome young man would realize how old she actually was.”

“Mature women have their appeal, but it sounds as if she might have been pushing that envelope.”

“She was several centuries older than your average cougar,” Lani agreed. “So, she put a trance on him long enough to get away. Then, once she got back to the volcano, she sent her younger sister, Marua, to bring him back.”

Joann Ross's books