Stormy Persuasion

Chapter Fifty-One

Judith woke with a smile and a nasty headache. The headache went away as the morning progressed; the smile stayed. It had been a magical night, just not at the ball. It would be nice if she could remember it in more detail, but her joy was still overflowing. She ought to caution herself that she’d felt this way before after the first time Nathan and she had made love, but she didn’t. This was different. This time she was sure Nathan loved her.

Jacqueline showed up midmorning instead of staying home to receive her own callers, which wasn’t unusual. Jack didn’t have the patience for all the formalities of a Season. But she still couldn’t escape all of her beaux. Having been told where she’d gone, some of them followed her to Judith’s house, so the parlor on Park Lane was quite crowded today. Which was why it took so long for Jack to find a moment alone with Judith.

When she did, Jack observed, “You seem quite chipper today, though I have to admit that was a splendid ball, wasn’t it?”

“No, but it was a splendid night.”

“I thought you went home angry?”

Judith didn’t reply to that, grinning excitedly instead. “I’ve made a decision. You were right. I should have told Nathan long ago how I feel about him and I will, just as soon as I see him again.”

“He barely said two words to you last night. D’you really think that’s going to happen?”

“Yes, for the simple reason that he made quite an impression last night on the ton. He’s no doubt on everyone’s lips this morning.”

Jack glanced over her shoulder, then nodded with a snort. “He’s definitely on their lips.”

“So every hostess is going to want to include him now.”

“They might want to, but no one will know where to send invitations!”

“But I do.” Judith grinned. “And I’ll make sure they do.”

“You’re going to break our pact to wait, aren’t you?” Jack said with a sour look.

Judith hugged her tightly. “I have to. You will, too, once you feel this way. It’s the most glorious thing, Jack, really it is.”

“Just so you know, if he hurts you again, I’ll do the same to him.”

Judith laughed. “So will I!”

She canceled her engagement for that afternoon so she could go through all of her own invitations and jot brief notes to each hostess. She gave his address in care of Derek, so she sent her cousin a note, too, to deliver them to the ruin. She even added the postscript “It will be repaired soon!”

Of course Nathan might not go straight to Hampshire. He might be staying somewhere in town until he could declare his intentions to her. But in that case he’d finagle his own invitations, just as he’d done last night. So she did expect to see him again, and soon. The only thing she didn’t expect was for him to call on her on Park Lane. He’d made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want to run into her father. But he could come through the window again. . . .

Her confidence started to wane by the end of the week. She didn’t get despondent, though. She got determined instead. She confided in Jack about what she was going to do. Jack merely cautioned her not to go alone. So they found her parents in the dining room that morning, and just in time. Anthony had just stood up to leave. His habit was to escape the house before the callers arrived.

“Sit down, please,” Judith requested. “And don’t worry, the house is now officially back to normal.”

“Did a few months fly by without my noticing?” Anthony said drily as he resumed his seat.

Judith might have laughed at his quip if she weren’t putting the cart before the horse, as it were. “No, but I am henceforth declining all callers, well, except—no, he won’t, and we know why he—” Before she got any more tongue-tied, she declared firmly, “I’ve canceled all my engagements, too. The Season is over for me.”

Roslynn might have had some warning, but she still exclaimed, “Judy! It’s barely begun!”

“But there’s no point, Mama, when I already know who I’m going to marry.”

Judith was looking at her father as she said it. He didn’t ask her who, merely said, “I don’t suppose he intends to ask my permission first?”

“And risk a resounding no?”

“But has he even asked you yet?”

“No, but he will, just as soon as I get to Hampshire. Will you take me?”

He didn’t answer. He looked at Jack and asked, “Are you responsible for the courage in her words?”

Jack grinned cheekily. “No, actually, I just wanted to watch.”

Anthony snorted. “Minx.”

He didn’t look angry, and it was usually quite easy to tell when he was. Judith still held her breath as he stood up and came over to put his hands on her shoulders.

“Is he who you really want, poppet?”

“More than anything.”

“That’s quite a lot. And since I’ve already had my brow beaten quite enough lately, I suppose I should summon the coach.”

She gave a delighted cry and hugged him, but he wasn’t quite done. “Of course, if he should disappoint you, I’ll want to know why.”

At least her father didn’t say he’d kill him. One hurdle down, the bigger one to go. . . .

Johanna Lindsey's books