Stark Naked

Chapter Five

Matt thought the week would never end. He tired himself out as much as possible, moving the calves to a new pasture, riding fence with the men, repairing a stretch of pipe that carried water to the cattle. Each night he stomped in the house, dusty and tired, swallowed his dinner and fell into bed. But as busy as he was, still each day dragged by.

Lying in bed at night, trying to will himself to sleep, instead he replayed every minute he’d spent with Reenie over and over like a video caught in a perpetual loop. Agonized over it. Chewed on it like a dog with an old piece of rawhide. And he wondered just when what he felt had turned into… Well, whatever it had turned into.

He was still mortified by his performance in front of both Amy and Reenie that first night. Embarrassing Amy that way was unforgiveable. And totally unlike him. He was, after all, a respectable businessman, a rancher with a reputation in the community. Oh, sure, he played hard, and was fortunate enough to pretty much have his pick of women. But he prided himself on always being in control. Always. All the time.

But that deal he’d sealed had been a real biggie. He’d had a few drinks with the buyers, then run into a couple of people he knew and had a few more. He should have taken time to eat dinner, but he’d been having too good a time and the hours had just slipped away. He was just damn grateful he’d had sense enough to talk one of the hands into a ride home.

What an ass. No wonder she keeps pushing me away.

But he hadn’t imagined the combustible heat that exploded between them last Saturday. She’d been just as aroused as he was, and it wasn’t just Saturday afternoon play time. Something very intense had happened between them. Matt had more than his share of experience to make comparisons, but he’d never, ever, had a sexual experience like the one with Reenie.

Just remembering it made him hard as a rock, painfully so. When even cold showers didn’t help, he found himself lying in bed stroking himself to completion, something he hadn’t done since he was sixteen.

But holy f*ck, he could still feel the wet walls of the delicious p-ssy tightening around him. Still roll the taste of her around on his tongue. A flavor that made the alcohol he’d swallowed last week pale in comparison. He wanted to stroke her skin again, cup those warm breasts in his hands. Tease those sweet nipples until they grew and swelled and hardened and he could lick and nip at them.

Jesus! I’m doing it to myself again.

The problem was he couldn’t seem to get past that damned first impression. It wasn’t that Reenie was a prude whose sensibilities had been shocked. Far from it. She was a very sexy woman with a good brain, a smart mouth, and a chip on her shoulder bigger than his prize Angus bull. Someone had done a real number on her, bad enough to send her hightailing it from California to Texas. Matt wished he had five minutes alone with the jerk, whoever he was.

But that wouldn’t solve the problem. He thought he’d been pretty tricky hiring Orion for the big fundraiser and maneuvering Reenie into being in charge. At least it would give him enough contact with her to break down some of those walls she was so good at erecting. But it would be a challenge and he couldn’t afford to make a mistake.

By the time Sunday rolled around he was more nervous than he’d been asking Raelene Johnson to his senior prom.

“Wow!” Amy lifted an eyebrow when he walked into the kitchen. “I didn’t know we were having company today.”

Matt filled a coffee mug and took a slow sip. He deliberately hadn’t mentioned Reenie’s visit to his sister. “What makes you say that?”

“Could the fact that Sundays you usually hang around the house in sweats and an old T-shirt but today you’re spiffed up have something to do with it?”

“Just trying to look decent.” He turned away from her so she couldn’t read his expression. Amy was too good at that. “Anyway, I’m having company, not you.”

“Excuse me? Explain yourself please.”

“Reenie might be stopping over this afternoon,” he mumbled.

“What?” She walked around to stand in front of him. “My friend is coming here and you didn’t tell me? Anyway, I was pretty sure after your spectacular display last weekend she’d never show up here again. So how did this happen? And how come I’m just now finding out about it?”

“Because she’s my guest, not yours.” He took another swallow of his coffee. “And I’d really appreciate it if you’d find someplace else to be.”

“Wait a minute. Wait just a damn minute here.” Amy reached over and set her mug on the counter. “Look at me, Matthew. I want to know what’s going on here, and I want an answer right this minute.”

He tried on a smile. “What’s the matter? Don’t you trust me with your friend?”

“No, as a matter of fact. Especially not after what happened. So give, or I’m planting myself on the front porch.” She snapped her fingers. “Wait. You never did tell me what happened when you went to apologize to her. And she’s been avoiding me all week. So let’s have it. Right now.”

Matt sighed. He loved Amy. They’d always been very close. Running the ranch together had made them even closer. But he was walking a high wire here and he really, really didn’t want Amy around watching him maybe make a fool of himself. Or telling Reenie what a bad choice he might be.

“Listen. I’m going to ask a huge favor here.”

Amy burst out laughing. “This must be very good. Begging doesn’t come easily for you. What do you want?”

“I want you to listen to me and not interrupt. Please. And then make yourself scarce.”

She hitched herself up on a stool at the island counter and picked up her coffee again. “Okay. My curiosity’s got the best of me. Talk.”

Matt went to stand at the kitchen window and stared out at the horses playing in the corral, something to keep himself calm while he spit out his words. As briefly as possible he told her about hiring Reenie for the barbecue, making the arrangements with Orion and signing the contract.

“Without talking to me?” Her surprise was evident.

“Yes, and I apologize. I know how hard you work on this every year and I had no business making a decision like this without you. But Amy, I want to handle this with Reenie myself.” He turned to look at her. “Please.”

She stared at him and her mouth turned up in a slow smile. “My God, you actually bit the big one, didn’t you? And with Reenie Davenport, of all people.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do. I don’t know what happened last Saturday but if I had to make a guess, I’d say you’ve fallen way hard for Reenie Davenport. Oh my God.”

“You’re wrong.” He gritted his teeth. “I just… I only…”

“And I’ve never seen you at a loss for words before either. So let me guess. Reenie told you to go peddle your papers someplace else.” She threw her head back and laughed so hard tears rolled down her cheeks. “Oh, this is so good. The great playboy Matt Stark sniffing after a woman who won’t give him the time of day.”

Oh, but she did. And it was the best time I’ve ever had. Now I have to convince her not to stop there.

“Are you finished?” He gripped the mug so tight he wondered the handle didn’t break off in his hand.

“Oh, oh, oh.” She swiped at her face with the back of her hand. “Pardon me, but I haven’t had such a good laugh in ages.”

“Okay, okay. Enough.” He was holding himself together by a very worn thread and he needed to get Amy’s cooperation here. “Can we save the questionnaire for later? Can you just this one time do something for me because I ask you to?”

Her face softened. “This is really important to you, isn’t it, big brother?”

“Yeah, it is.” He’d rather have bitten off his tongue than tell her that, but he was in a very big bind. “And I promise, the three of us will sit down and go over all the details of the fundraiser. You can be as involved as you want. Just please give me this afternoon.”

“The promise I want from you is that you won’t trash her like you do with most of your women.” She shook her head. “God only knows why they keep coming back for more.”

“Let’s hold the discussion of my love life for another time. Okay?”

She studied his face for so long he wondered if she’d actually do what he asked. Finally she nodded. “Okay. But only because I sense Reenie is different for you than all the others. But, Matt, if you do anything to hurt her, the fact you’re my brother won’t be enough to keep me from killing you.”

He nodded. “Point taken. And thanks.”

“Oh, one other thing.”

“Yes? Now what?”

“Try to keep your clothes on this time.”

“Ha ha ha.”

She grinned at him as she headed upstairs.

Matt didn’t realize exactly how tense he was until Reenie’s car headed down the long drive and pulled into the graveled parking area. He let out his breath and stood up from the porch steps where he’d been waiting. Amy’s last words still echoed in his mind.

“Try to keep your clothes on this time.”

If things went the way he hoped, both he and Reenie would be naked before the afternoon was over. Amy had promised him clear sailing until seven o’clock. If he couldn’t accomplish what he wanted by then he might have to give up women altogether. And that was a sobering thought. Especially for him.

She looked so good walking toward him, slim legs encased in jeans, the soft fabric of a tank top caressing her breasts, a tailored shirt open over it and knotted just beneath those mouthwatering mounds. Her hair was caught up in a smooth tail, leaving her ears exposed to show tiny golden hoops dancing in the sunlight. Matt wanted to nibble on her earlobes for hours, tasting their texture. He wanted his mouth on other parts of her body, too, but today he would take things slowly. He hoped.

“I’m glad you didn’t change your mind,” he told her, reaching for one of her hands. He lifted it to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “I’d have been real disappointed.”

“I almost did. I’m not so sure this is a good idea.” Reenie looked around. “Where’s Amy? I thought she’d be here too.”

I’ll bet you did. Your safety factor.

“She’s busy this afternoon. Won’t be back until early evening.”

She frowned. “Did you pay her to make herself scarce?”

“Would it be so bad if I did?”

She sighed. “Matt, listen—”

“Reenie, Reenie, Reenie.” His hands slid smoothly up her arms and cupped her chin. “Why don’t you just relax for this afternoon. Forget about everything else. Let me show you the ranch and we can talk about the fundraiser.”

“Okay.” Her forehead creased in a frown. “How will we get around? You aren’t going to make me ride a horse, are you?”

He laughed and something inside him eased. “Not today, darlin’. But before too long. No, today I’ve got something special for you. Come on.” He took her hand and tugged her along. “I promise you’ll like it.”

They detoured through the house so she could leave her purse and Matt could pick up a cooler. Then he walked her through the area where the fundraiser would be held.

“We set up a double tent here in the backyard,” he explained, waving his hand at a vast expanse of rolling meadow just beyond the corral. “Dance floor, tables and chairs, bar. Tables for the silent auction. We rent all of that but you can take care of it, right?”

“Of course. We can even use the same vendor if you’d like.”

“Why don’t you see who gives us the best price and we’ll go from there.” He walked her back to the parking area. “The one thing I don’t need help with is parking. We use the field over there that isn’t fenced in and I hire high school kids to park the cars. Gives them a chance to earn some money.”

“And work for a project that helps them at the same time.”

He nodded. “That too.”

“What do you use for power? And lights?”

“Generator. We keep one in the barn in case the power goes out. It’s important to have a controlled environment for the horses and for the breeding barn. We used to rent the lights but decided it was cheaper to buy them and store them.”

Reenie cocked her head and gave him an odd look. “You pay for all of that, don’t you? I mean, the ranch does.”

“We make a good livin’, darlin’. I believe in giving back to the community.”

She looked around slowly, gauging the amount of the space and what could be done with it. “How many people usually attend?”

“We always get a good turnout,” he told her. “Probably about three hundred people. But the’re mostly just from this county and the next one. Members of the Association. This year we talked about extending it into San Antonio, and that’s where the website will help.”

“Along with selective advertising. We’ll get some ideas together for you.”

“Amy will be in on all the meetings after this,” he said, guiding her back toward the barn. “But today I wanted you to get a feel for what a ranch really is. Know what we’re all about. Anyway, come on. We’re burning daylight. Hey, Jake,” he yelled. “You got everything ready?”

Reenie’s jaw dropped as one of the ranch hands emerged from the barn driving an old-fashioned buckboard with two horses hitched to it.

“I didn’t think those things existed anymore,” Reenie said when she could find her voice.

“They don’t. At least not in any great amount. I found this, restored it, and we use it for special events.” He lifted her up onto the buckboard seat then placed the cooler behind her. “Thanks for getting this ready, Jake.”

The other man nodded then hopped down so Matt could take his place. “Y’all have a good time,” he called as he headed back to the barn.

Matt flapped the reins and clicked to the horses and they started off at a slow, dignified trot.

Reenie’s stomach had been tied in knots since she got out of bed that morning. A dozen times she’d picked up the phone to call Matt and cancel, but she knew that was just the coward’s way out. And the damndest part of it was she really wanted to see him. She hadn’t been able to get either that damn erotic dream or the memories of Saturday afternoon out of her head. And now here she was, alone with him and scrambling to keep her defenses up.

To make matters worse, he looked good enough to eat in his jeans and chambray shirt, the perpetual Stetson clapped on his head, looking like every woman’s dream. When she drew in a breath the mingled scents of man, meadow and trees drifted seductively across her nostrils. It seemed everything, including nature, was conspiring to tear down her defenses.

“This is very Little House on the Prairie of you,” she said, trying to distract herself with her usual sarcasm.

But Matt just grinned. “I was thinking more like Bonanza. Only I’m better looking than Little Joe.”

“And modest too.”

Matt expertly drove the buckboard through the nearest pasture, got out to open the first gate, drove through it and closed the gate again. The cattle were all in distant enclosures so they had nothing but open meadow in front of them. Reenie gave herself up to the enjoyment of her surroundings, feeling the sun on her face and the soft breeze in her hair. She had a sense of being dropped into a movie set. All that was missing were the cameras and a director.

Reenie thought of a million sarcastic remarks she could make but somehow they all bottled up in her throat. She was shocked to discover she was actually enjoying herself. Worse than that, relaxing. And why not? The weather was beautiful. Perfect. The environment great. And she was sitting beside a man with so much sex appeal he should be labeled a lethal weapon, her body wrapped in an air of sensual awareness.

Reenie had never in her life been afraid of a relationship. But the recent damage by A*shole Aaron was still so fresh, so painful, she couldn’t make herself give herself up to the pleasure.

I need psychiatric help.

“I can almost feel your brain cooking,” Matt teased as they rolled along. “How about letting it just all hang out today, Reenie. Think what a novelty that would be for you. No comment?” he asked, when she didn’t answer. “No problem. In fact, maybe good. Better.” He tugged back on the reins and the horses slowed. Stopped. “Okay, we’re here.”

Reenie looked around. “Here? Where? It looks like we’re in the middle of no place.”

“Exactly right. See? I knew you were smart.” He walked around and lifted her off the seat before she had a chance to protest. “Come on.”

He grabbed the cooler and a blanket rolled up in the back of the wagon then led her to a spot beneath a cluster of tall oaks. With efficient movements he spread out the blanket, opened the cooler and stretched out full length, patting the space beside him.

“Come on down. It’s okay. I’ve still got my clothes on.”

She frowned. “What’s going on here?”

Matt blew out a breath and shook his head. “Jesus, Reenie. Try not to overthink everything so much, okay? Can’t you just take a chance on having fun for a change?”

“Taking chances only leads to trouble,” she told him. “And you’re trouble. You know it.”

Before she knew what was happening he reached up, grabbed her hand and tugged her down beside him.

“Trouble doesn’t always have to be bad,” he said softly. Reaching into the cooler, he pulled out two bottles of Corona beer, uncapped them and held one out to her. “Here. Live dangerously.”

Reenie managed to maneuver herself into sitting cross-legged position and took a tentative swallow of the beer. It wasn’t her first choice of beverage but she didn’t want to be rude. And it was obviously a favorite of Matt’s. He handed her a wedge of lime. “If you push this into the neck of the bottle and drink the beer through it, the lime juice enhances the flavor.”

When she tried it she discovered the liquid was surprisingly good.

“See?’ He grinned. “Look what happens when you take a chance.”

Matt leaned back on one elbow, balancing his beer. He told her how his grandparents had started the ranch, why he and Amy had taken it over, how he’d gotten involved with the Cattlemen’s Association and then the scholarship program.

Reenie cradled the bottle in her hands, rubbing her thumb against the condensation at the neck as she listened to him. When he finished she said, “Why are we really out here, Matt? We could have been finished when you showed me the area where your event will be held.”

“I thought you ought to get a feel for what a ranch is like, what we all do. It might help with the graphics y’all design.”

“Okay. I’ll give you that,” she agreed. “But we could have ridden around and then gone back to the house. So why this?”

Very slowly, he removed his hat and placed it on the blanket. He plucked the beer bottle from her fingers and stuck it in the cooler along with his. And then, very deliberately, he pulled her down until she was flat on her back and he was looming over her.

“We’re out here because I want to do this.” He bent his head and ran his tongue across her lips, tracing the outline and the seam. “I want to kiss you, Reenie. And a lot of other things. I can’t forget how good we were together last Saturday. There’s something explosive between us and it’s stupid to pretend it doesn’t exist. So what’s the problem?”

She pressed her hands against his chest, struggling to find some measure of control. To make him understand. “You are. You’re trouble, Matt. With a capital T. And I’ve had all the trouble I want to deal with.”

He nipped her lower lip. “Someone did a number on you, Reenie. I’d like to punch his lights out, but since that’s probably not possible I’ll just have to do my best to erase the aftereffects of it.”

This time his mouth left no question about its intent. The kiss was hard, almost bruising, his tongue sweeping into her mouth like a marauder. How was it that just his words immobilized her and robbed her of sane thought? One touch and she melted. He was like a powerful drug habit she couldn’t kick. When she tried once again to feebly push him away, he deepened the kiss and one hand slid along her rib cage. Fingertips grazed the lower swell of her breasts and knuckles brushed at her hardened nipples.

A whip of lust cracked through her and wrapped tightly around her. His mouth was at once soft and firm, moving along the line of her jaw, the column of her neck, coming to rest at that spot behind her ear where the flick of his tongue made her shiver. It made cream soak her panties and the pulse in her womb dance like the throbbing beat of a jungle drum. She wanted…she wanted…oh, God, she wanted so much.

Nimble fingers untied her knotted shirttails and slid the blouse from her body. He then lifted the tank top and eased it over her head. When his mouth closed over one nipple she felt the heat and moisture through the thin satin of her bra. Desire lashed at her, pulling at the need rising inside her and she lifted herself to his touch. Fingers threaded through the black silk of his hair, pulling his head tightly to her body. She moaned in protest when he moved his mouth away, only to whimper with satisfaction when he fastened it to her other nipple.

He took a long time, sucking and pulling, biting gently until the pleasure became so intense it was almost painful. And still he teased and tormented, his warm hand rubbing across her midriff and stroking down to her hip.

Reenie couldn’t stand it. She had to touch him. Fingers clumsy with haste, she tore open the snaps on his shirt and touched the warm, hard body beneath the fabric, sifted her fingers through the crisp hair on his chest. The moment she made contact with skin she moaned, passion surging through her. Matt was right. She couldn’t argue. Whatever was between them was electric, as powerful as a storm and as impossible to ignore.

Her skin burned where his hands touched her as he unsnapped her jeans and tugged the zipper down. She cried out in protest when he sat up and moved away from her.


“Never make love with your boots on, darlin’.” His voice was husky, thick with desire and as rich as heated molasses. He pulled each boot until it came free, then her socks, finally sliding both jeans and panties down her legs. The drift of air was cool on her heated skin but it did nothing to lower the temperature of the desire curling through her like a hungry snake. She opened her legs for him, a silent plea to feel his body there, but Matt was busy with his mouth again.

There wasn’t an inch of her he left untouched. His lips and tongue moved over her tummy, her navel, the swell of her hips, the curve of her thighs. He took a long, slow journey starting at one ankle, moving up the inside of her legs, across the nest of curls covering her sex and down to her other ankle. The more he kissed and bit the more she writhed beneath the pressure of his hands.

Oh, God, she wanted him inside her. Every nerve in her body focused on that one overriding need. But Matt was far from through with her. When she felt his mouth closing over the swollen bud of her *, she arched off the blanket, crying out with the intensity of the sensations.

He pulled and tugged with his lips before the sinful heat of his tongue invaded her slit, licking the length of it from top to bottom. Again. Again. And just when she was sure she couldn’t take it anymore he thrust his tongue inside and stroked it in and out.

It was like riding a rollercoaster, climbing slowly to the top of the hill, every bit of breath stolen from you, then plunging down so fast your heart raced and pounded. Only Matt never let her get all the way to the bottom. He’d take her to the top, dangle her on the edge and then back away.

She was crying with frustration now, begging him, imploring him. She felt abandoned when he moved away from her, but she opened her eyes when she heard the snick of a belt and the rustle of fabric to see him stripping off his boots and clothes. Then he was as naked as she was, kneeling between her thighs. When he rose over her she reached down to close her fingers over his hot erection, rewarded by the hiss of his indrawn breath. She wanted to make him feel good too.

Wriggling slightly, she snaked a hand between his muscled thighs to cup the heavy sac with his balls. His gaze locked with hers as she moved her fingers, manipulating, teasing. She made a small sound of protest when he brushed her hand away.

“I need inside you,” he breathed. “Now.”

He rolled on a condom with one hand, positioned himself at the entrance to her cunt and pushed inside her.

Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes.

He held still for a long moment.

“Look at me, Reenie,” he commanded.

Her eyes flew open and locked with his. God, she could get lost in those eyes.

“Don’t look away.”

And she didn’t, not while he drove into her again and again. Not while he braced on one hand while with the fingers of the other he rubbed and stroked her *. Not when she felt the orgasm rushing through her, too long denied. Not when she felt his pace increase and his body stiffen. And not when he took her over the cliff with him, both of them shuddering with the force of their release.

She had no idea how long they lay there, locked together, riding through the aftershocks. She didn’t know whose heart hammered faster, whose breathing was more ragged. It seemed forever until Matt slowly eased himself from her body and dealt with the condom. Then he reached back to the cooler and pulled out the two bottles of beer.

“Probably a little flat by now,” he told her in an unsteady voice. “But still cold.”

Reenie sat up and rolled the cool bottle against her forehead, trying to make some sense of what had happened. She wasn’t a stupid person. She wasn’t weak or easily led. Yet it seemed the moment Matt Stark touched her, every brain cell went to sleep and the rest of her body took over.

“Matt,” she began.

“Not today, Reenie.” He was smiling but there was a warning in his voice. “Just for today can we please accept that what we just did was beyond phenomenal? That something special is developing between us, even though neither of us expected it?”

“I can’t do that. Please.”

She twisted her fingers together, disgusted with the situation and with herself. But she seemed to have lost all self-discipline where Matt was concerned.

“Reenie, listen—”

“This can’t work between us. I know that. I should know better than to be alone with you. Because when you touch me my brain goes to sleep and that’s not good.”

“Reenie—” he began again.

“No.” She nibbled her lower lip. “I’ll agree with you the sex is hot. Okay, incendiary. Outstanding. But that’s no foundation on which to build a relationship.”

“You can’t build anything if you keep running away from it,” he pointed out.

“You know as well as I do it’s only good until the next female catches your eye and I’m done playing that game.”

“Are you going to let me say something here?” he asked, his voice edged with irritation.

“No, because you’ll just try to confuse me. I shouldn’t have come out here today, but I really thought Amy would be here. And I’ll take half the responsibility for what just happened. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it as much as you. But I can’t do this anymore, so please don’t ask me to.”

“I think we could have a lot more here than sex, but you’re too stubborn to even give it a chance. So I made a fool of myself when we met. Can’t we get past that?”

She could hardly believe they’d had this whole conversation naked. What was she thinking of? They dressed in an awkward silence, Reenie avoiding all eye contact with him.

“I think I have what I need,” she told him. “I really need to get home.”

Matt stood, barely the space of a sheet of paper from her, his warm hands resting on her shoulders. “I’ll say this once more. Don’t keep running away from this, Reenie. At least give it a chance to find out what it really is.”

She looked away. “Been there, done that, got the broken heart to show for it. I can’t go through it again. Sorry.”

“You’re judging me on someone else’s actions,” he argued.

“But you’re just like him. A player. A partier with a string of women from here to San Antonio.”

“That’s harsh, Reenie. You don’t really know me at all.”

“I know enough. I know the type.” She shook her head. “That’s not for me.”

He put his hand under her chin and turned her head so she faced him. “What is for you? Tell me, so I’ll know.”

“Something I don’t even know if we could have. If you even want with anyone. I’m sure it will sound stupid to you, but I want roses. Champagne. Chocolates.”

“So I messed up not bring them when I came to apologize?”

Reenie bit her lower lip. “It isn’t just the…the stuff. It’s what it means. Amy and I used to talk about our dreams and I had a specific one that dealt with that special man in my life, whoever he turned out to be.”

Matt chuffed in frustration. “Maybe if you give me a clue I can be that person. Ever think of that?”

“On the strength of two very intense times together? I don’t think so.”

“Reenie, some people date for years and never feel the connection you know we have. What is it you think I can’t deliver?”

She looked at him sadly. “Forever. Guys like you just don’t stick around for forever. Just take me back to the ranch, Matt. Please. And next time you want to see me, set up a meeting at the office.”

The ride back to the ranch was accomplished in complete and uncomfortable silence. Matt’s simmering anger was almost palpable. As soon as he pulled up in the yard Reenie jumped down from the seat and raced into the house to get her purse and keys. Matt caught up with her just as she opened the door to her car. He grabbed her arm and pulled her around to face him.

“Just tell me one thing,” he insisted, eyes blazing. “Answer one question for me.”

“What?” she asked. “What do you want to know?”

“What is it you’re so afraid of? Tell me what.”

She looked at him a long time, then whispered, “Myself.”

Desiree Holt's books