Sins and Scarlet Lace

chapter TWENTY

Declan and Cade drove the perimeter of MacKenzie land in an open-top Jeep used for rough terrains. There was less than two years difference in age between he and Cade, and they’d been the closest because of it. Not that they didn’t love their younger brothers and sister, but they were friends as well as brothers.

“So what was it you didn’t say to everyone back there?” Cade asked.

Dec drove across a shallow stream and water splashed up on the tires. They climbed higher until they were at the top of a hill and could look down on the MacKenzie land, while the mountains stood menacingly to the east. Things were happening. He could feel it in his bones, and he took comfort in the fact that men he trusted were ready to cover his back.

“Whoever hacked into my system and followed my trails set a few pieces of bait of his own. It was clever the way he did it. More showing off than trying to be effective in doing any damage. On top of that, he knew where to look and what to look for when he hacked into Director O’Daniel’s classified files. He knew to look for me first, and that led him to MacKenzie Security and the agreement we have with the government for contract work.”

“So who is it?” Cade asked.

“That’s the problem. The only man I know who could do all of those things is supposed to be dead.”

“That’s the thing with this business. Dead isn’t always as dead as it’s supposed to be.”

“He knows we’re here, and he’ll come for her because he thinks she still has the safe deposit box key. He’s going to need that money to set up his new life, and we’re standing in his way.”

“I guess he’s going to be in for a surprise when he finds out we have the key and you managed to find the location of the lockbox.”

“He got cocky using the bank Sophia used for all of her business. He was still trying to make her look guilty, but it was just a little too pat. We’ll hand over the information to Director O’Daniel in a day or two. I’m more than willing to let the CIA clean up the rest of this mess. I’ve got plans.”

“I hope they involve finally making an honest woman out of Sophia.”

“I’d love to. The problem is she isn’t so keen on being an honest woman.”

“Those are my favorite kind of women,” Cade said with a sigh and a smile.

They started back down the hill again and the CB radio in the Jeep crackled to life. “We’ve got signs of a hot spot about midway up the mountain range and tangos moving in,” Brady said.

Declan jerked up the transmitter and held it to his mouth. “Shit, are Sophia and Shane back yet?”

“Negative. No response. Everyone is in position and Jade has your back from up top. It looks like things are about to heat up. Get your asses back here.”

Dec floored the accelerator and the Jeep went flying down the hill. He and Cade both saw the missile launch from the hot spot Brady had warned them of in the mountains at the same moment.

“F*ck,” Cade swore. “Clear out.”

There was no time to slam on the brakes. They both opened their doors and rolled to the ground, taking cover as the Jeep went on without them. Training saved their lives. They both covered their heads and rolled towards a gulley. They’d almost made it when the missile hit its target and the Jeep went up in flames.

Heat so intense he was sure it scorched the back of his clothes surrounded them and black smoke and nauseating fumes blurred their vision and darkened their faces with soot. He and Cade both rolled to their feet and started running the rest of the way.

Declan felt his heart stop in his chest as a second short-range missile launched. He knew who the target was, and there wasn’t anything he could do but pray.


“This has to be your fault somehow,” Shane said to Sophia as he used the jack to raise the front of the Jeep.

“You’d better be nice to me or I’ll leave you here by yourself,” she said. “I can see the gates from here. I could be back home grilling steaks by the time you get it rolling again.”

“He’d like hearing you call it home. He built it for you, even though I’m not sure he realized it at the time. The rest of us did though.”

She sighed and handed him the tire iron when he held out his hand. “It’s complicated.”

“Not so much. You both have some shit to overcome. But you love each other. That’s what it boils down to, right?” He took off the old tire and put on the new.

“So speaks the man who’s determined be the last standing MacKenzie bachelor.”

Shane grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “That doesn’t mean I can’t recognize something is right when it’s staring me in the face. Besides, I’ve decided I like you okay. Not everyone can be a MacKenzie. You seem to come by it naturally.”

“Only a MacKenzie would think that was a compliment,” she said, laughing.

“See what I mean? You’ll fit right in.” Shane rolled to his feet and dusted off his hands. “Now let’s go cook some steak. I’ve worked up an appetite.”

He was about to get back in the Jeep when he heard the familiar sound of a missile launching. An explosion rocked the ground as it hit higher up above MacKenzie land, but he knew it for what it was. Someone had declared war on the MacKenzies.

“Move,” he yelled at Sophia, launching himself over the hood of the Jeep as the second missile was launched. He felt it bearing down on them and grabbed Sophia around the waist, throwing her as far as he could and hoping she’d be clear of the blast.

He knew he wouldn’t.

Liliana Hart's books