Shine Not Burn

“You’re right. But I was just trying to make a point. I don’t care where I am, as long as I’m with you.”

My mind shifted to practical matters so I could keep the reins tight on my runaway heart. “But where would you work? There aren’t any ranches around where I live.”

“I have an MBA in finance. I could get a job without much of a problem, I’m sure. I’ve been managing the business of this ranch for years, and it’s a big operation. That translates into all kinds of other work.”

My tears went on pause and I pulled my upper body back a little so I could look up at him. “You have an MBA? From where?”

He gave me a sad grin. “Does it matter?”

“No.” I answered automatically without thinking because that was the polite thing to say, but on further reflection I realized it didn’t matter because we couldn’t be together anyway. Him having an MBA didn’t change anything.

“What about your brother? You haven’t told me how his wedding figured into this whole thing.”

Mack released me and turned to stand side-by-side, lacing our fingers together and tucking my arm up under his. “Okay, sorry … got side-tracked there. Where was I? Oh, yeah. Getting back … I came back from Vegas after swearing Ian and his friends to secrecy. But the story got around somehow that one of us was off with some girl all night, ruining the party.”

“Who told?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I think Boog was somehow involved. He wasn’t there, but he was on the phone with everyone before and after. He’s kind of the town gossip.”

“Boog?” I couldn’t believe it.

“Yeah. Boog. The guy’s a granny gossiper. Makes my mom crazy.”

“But the story wasn’t complete. Why didn’t the gossipers say it was you?”

“Oh, they did eventually. But whoever Ginny was eavesdropping on didn’t specify or she missed that part, so she flipped out thinking Ian had cheated on her and came after me.”

“You? Why you?”

“I don’t know. I guess she expected me to be supervising or something since he’s my little brother. She confronted me at my house in town. I brought her inside because she was making a scene on the front porch. She was hysterical, and when I tried to tell her it wasn’t Ian, it was me, she didn’t believe me. She must have thought I was just covering for him.”

“Couldn’t she just have asked him? Why was it all on you to take care of things?”

“I guess when she first found out, she tried to call Ian and discuss it, but he wouldn’t talk to her about it. He got defensive when she came right out and accused him of messing around on the trip and refused to talk to her. They used to fight a lot like that - she’d go off the handle on him and then he’d shut down and give her the silent treatment. He doesn’t do well with shouting and she’s definitely a shouter. Then he wouldn’t answer his phone. By the time she got to my place she’d decided he’d slept with some other woman and we were all in on the plan to keep it hush-hush. I think she had revenge on her mind.”

“What do you mean?”

“She came after me. Like trying to come-on to me.”

“Oh. Wow. Ick. What’d you do?”

“Tried to get her off me and get away.”

“Did you succeed?” I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear his answer.

“Yes, I succeeded.” He frowned at me. “Do you really think I’m the kind of guy to sleep with my brother’s fiancée?”

I shook my head. “No. I never would have thought that about you.” I was so relieved he wasn’t that kind of guy I was giddy.

He sighed, looking off into the distance again. “Anyway, people saw her coming in all hysterical and being in my house for a while and let Ian know. He asked me what happened, and I told him. Small towns love the gossip.” He sighed heavily. “That’s one thing I wouldn’t miss leaving here.”

“You told him?”

He nodded, his jaw set in a hard line. “Yeah. I told him. I’ve wondered many times if I should have just kept it all a secret, but I’m glad I didn’t. Even though Ian got hurt, it doesn’t change the fact that lies are like acid. They eat everything away eventually - your integrity, your heart … your soul. It’s not worth it.”

I nodded. “What does your brother think about all of it?”

“He was really angry at me for a long time. He didn’t speak to me for months.”

“But it wasn’t your fault.”

“I’m the one who disappeared that night in Vegas and started the rumors. Ginny made a mistake overhearing only part of a conversation and letting it get the best of her, but if I hadn’t done all that, it never would have happened.”

“But she was totally wrong for coming on to you. I mean, come on. She doesn’t deserve that much of a break.”

“Let’s just say she showed her true colors that day. Ian never forgave her. He canceled the wedding, tore up the honeymoon tickets, and mailed her the pieces.”