Saved by the Rancher

chapter Thirty-Two

Two weeks later . . .

JENNA AWOKE IN Jack’s arms, just like she had every morning for the last three months. They still couldn’t get enough of each other. Though Jack had pointedly said he wanted to marry her and have children, he’d never said he loved her. The words weren’t necessary, because he made a point to show her how much he loved her in everything he did and said. David had given her the words over and over, but showed the lie in his every cruel deed.

They’d settled into a comfortable routine. Jack worked in the barn, or around the ranch, and Jenna took on a new client. She worked in Jack’s home office on her computer, until he returned home each evening. They’d have dinner together, then sit on the couch and watch TV or read together. Sometimes they had Summer, Caleb, and Lily over. Jenna loved having a house full of people. She remembered being alone, night after night, lonely for company. Now she could have a house full of guests, or just be in Jack’s arms, exactly where she wanted to be most.

Jack’s monthly trip to auction was today. Afterwards, he and Caleb were driving to the courthouse to sign and record the deed for Caleb and Summer’s piece of the property. On the way home, he and Caleb would deliver a colt to a friend’s ranch.

Summer was dropping off Lily before she went to work. She had cut back her schedule to three six-hour days until the new baby arrived. Then she’d take everyone’s advice and stay home with her kids, at least for a while.

Jenna looked forward to having Lily for a few hours. She loved the little girl like her own, and if her suspicions where right, she and Jack would welcome a new little one in about seven months.

Jack would be so excited. She needed to confirm her suspicions soon.

Jack had hinted a few times that he thought she might be pregnant. She had discouraged him so far, wanting to surprise him when she was certain. Who was she kidding? In her heart, she already knew Jack’s baby was snug as a bug in her belly and she couldn’t be happier. Since she had Lily today, she’d wait until tomorrow and go into town and get a home pregnancy test.

Jack stirred next to her. His morning erection pressed to her hip. She thought about letting him sleep longer, but why waste a perfectly good erection. She kissed his chest and moved up his collarbone to his neck and pushed him onto his back. Straddling him now, she pressed a kiss to his earlobe and whispered in his ear, “Good morning, my love.” She lowered herself onto him and rocked against his hips. She kissed his neck and shoulder, rocking herself back and forth with long slow movements. Her breasts brushed against his strong chest muscles. Her hard tipped breasts ached for his touch, the sweep of his tongue.

Without opening his eyes, he grabbed her hips and moved with her. When she was ready to peak, he wrapped his arms around her, now healed, back and pressed her close to his chest. He thrust deep, filled her as she fell over the edge with him.

Unable to move, his arms wrapped around her, her face buried in his neck where she nibbled and nuzzled.

“Good morning to you, darlin’,” he rumbled out the words, practically purring.

“Mmm. I couldn’t resist you. You’re all warm with these strong muscles everywhere. I had to get my hands on you.”

“Baby, I’ll oversleep every day if that’s how you wake me up.”

“You didn’t oversleep, I just couldn’t help myself. Every time I’m with you, I can’t help but touch you, Jack. You’re addictive.”

“I hope you never find the cure. I can’t get enough of you either.” To prove it, he cupped her bottom with both hands and pressed himself deep inside her, setting off a new wave of aftershocks. She moaned as the pleasure crested and washed over her again. He loved it when they were like this together. He’d never felt this close to a woman in his life. With Jenna, he could let everything go and just be with her.

“Ready to go again, big guy?”

“Not exactly.” He wrapped her in a bear hug. “While you are inspiring, I’ve got to get up and get ready to leave with Caleb. You haven’t mentioned your surprise.”

“While your morning erection and my taking advantage of it are stupendous, I wouldn’t consider it a surprise. More a biologic and obsessive kind of thing.”

He laughed. “Funny. I meant the surprise I left on your hand while you were sleeping.”

Jenna sat up on top of him and gaped. A beautiful four-carat diamond ring sparkled on her left hand. She clamped both hands over her mouth, smothering her squeal of joy. Tears welled in her eyes. She held her hand in front her again and stared, just to be sure it was real. “It’s gorgeous.”

“You’re gorgeous.”

Not exactly how he planned to ask her. He intended to wake her, ask her, and then make love to her. He didn’t mind her way. Her gloriously naked body sitting atop him, the huge smile on her face, her eyes shining with unshed happy tears. Yeah, her way worked.

He skimmed his fingers down the valley between her breasts to her stomach. “I love you.” Those unshed tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks. He’d never told her, but made a point to show her. Proving his love had seemed infinitely more important than telling her. Now he wanted to tell her again and again—for the rest of his life.

“Marry me,” he whispered reverently. He swiped the pads of his thumbs across her wet cheeks, pulled her down, and kissed her softly, nibbling at her lower lip.

“Please, Jenna, be my wife,” he begged against her lips.

“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you,” she said against his mouth. Tears spilled from her eyes to his cheeks.

“I love you so much. You’ve made me the happiest man these past months.”

“Being here with you has been more than I could have ever wished for myself even six months ago. Everything in my life has changed. I’m happy for the first time in years, because of you.”

They kissed and held each other for a long time. Savoring each other and the special moment they had shared.

“Come with me today. I don’t want to leave you here alone.” Jack was concerned every time he left the ranch without her. Ben had said several times her ex didn’t leave her alone for long. He hoped nothing would happen while he was away. He never wanted to see her hurt again.

He rubbed his hand over her thigh and the long scar that ran down the back of it. He never wanted to forget what that man was capable of doing. He’d been patient with her, waiting for her to finish things with her ex. So far, she wasn’t forthcoming with her plan to take him down, but her long phone calls with Ben told him she was working hard to do it.

“I’ll be fine, Jack. You’ll be back tonight. Beth and Lily will be with me most of today. I’m going to work on one of my projects later and send it to my client. I have plenty to do. Don’t worry. I’ll be here when you get back.”

“I don’t like the hang-up calls.”

“Two hang-ups in a couple of weeks is not unusual,” she responded, trying to downplay his concerns.

“The guards have mentioned seeing cars stop on the road and hearing strange noises in the woods.”

“Animals live in the woods.” When he rolled his eyes, she added, “They’ve never found any sign someone is on the property.”

“Come with me.” He’d suggested the same more than once. She tried so hard to live each day without letting the fear paralyze her from enjoying her life, but sometimes he caught her looking over her shoulder, or jumping at a strange noise. He tried his hardest to give her a sense of ease and safety when she was with him, but they both knew, so long as David was out there, she’d never be safe.

“We’ve been over this. I promised to watch Lily today. I’m having some plants delivered. Lily and I will plant them in the gardens. I know you’re worried something will happen. That’s what the guards are for. Besides, David got married yesterday in San Francisco. I doubt he’s thinking about me.” She hoped he’d forget all about her, and she’d never see him or fear him again.

“If I ever get my hands on that bastard, I’ll kill him.”

“Jack, calm down. He’s too busy with his new wife. They’re probably on their honeymoon. I’m here, safe on the ranch, with you. He doesn’t even know where I am.”

“He’s found you before. Lots of times before. Too many times before. You don’t even know how he finds you. How do you know he doesn’t know where you are this time?”

“Jack, this is the same argument we’ve had a dozen times. All I can do is hope he doesn’t find me this time. Maybe it’s over now that he has someone new in his life. Maybe he’s over his obsession with me. It’s not like I can call him and find out. All I can do is be careful not to alert him to where I am. That, and my other plans are in the works. When the time is right, I’ll use those plans to end this. If I can control the company, I can control him. It’s complicated.”

“Complicated. This plan is taking too long. He haunts every second of your day, and mine.” Resigned that he couldn’t keep her locked away, or by his side every second, he relented. “I want your word you’ll stay on the ranch while I’m gone. With the guards, you’ll be as safe as you can be, I guess.” He hoped. God, if something happened to her, he’d never forgive himself. He couldn’t live without her.

“I promise, I won’t leave the ranch. I know you’re worried. I am too. Believe me, the last thing I want is him coming after me again. You know what he did the last time. Next time, I think he’ll kill me.”

The same chill he felt run through her, danced up his spine and he held her closer. “Don’t say that. There won’t be a next time if I can help it.”

“I don’t want to talk about him, or the situation, anymore. He wins every time we make him more important than you and me and our life together.” She traced his jaw with her fingertips, her eyes bright with happiness. “You asked me to marry you.”

“You said yes.”

“You knew I would.” She playfully smacked his shoulder and laughed with excitement. “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Turner.”

“Soon. Very, very soon. I promised you a ring and happily ever after. I’m one down, one to go.”

“You’re my happily ever after.” She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and kissed him until he wasn’t thinking about anything but her in his arms, safe and sound.

Jennifer Ryan's books