
His eyes open and they are light golden, looking at me with awe and reverence. He nods and says, “You’re amazing.”

I flash him a quick smile and straighten his tie out. “I know. Now, let’s talk about this appeal and figure what we need to do so we can kick those motherfucker’s asses.”

Matt’s laughter rings out loud, and yeah… my chest puffs out a little that I did that to him.

“Hey, baby. I’d like another Slippery Nipple.” I punctuate my statement by wriggling my bottom against Matt’s lap. I can feel the rumble of a groan tearing through him, but he grips my waist hard to stop my movements.

Party pooper. Who cares if we’re out in public?

“No more Slippery Nipples for you,” Matt says emphatically. “You’re going to be hating life tomorrow as it is.”

Dude! Cut off by my boyfriend and during my celebration. That’s messed up.

I look at my watch and I admit… I must be a little drunk because I have to squint my eyes to bring it into focus. It’s only nine PM, which makes it even more embarrassing that I’ve been cut off.

We’re celebrating because I had my first solo hearing today and won. Now, granted… it wasn’t much of a fight, and yeah, the other side didn’t even show up, so technically the judge had no choice but to grant in my favor. But hey, a win is a win is a win, and I wasn’t about to say no to Matt when he suggested we go out for drinks to celebrate.

He surprised me even more when he suggested I invite Macy, and so now here I sit with my boyfriend and my best friend. It’s a plethora of ‘friends’.

Whoa… I just used the word plethora, so I can’t be that drunk.

“Hey Macy… I just used the word ‘plethora’ in my mind,” I say, genuinely impressed with myself.

Taking a sip of her vodka tonic, Macy grins at me. She’s completely enjoying my inebriated state because she doesn’t get to see me this way often. I don’t like giving up control.

“That’s great, Mac. But so what?” she asks, shooting Matt a conspiratorial wink.

“W-e-e-e-e-ll,” I drawl out. “I’m obviously not that drunk if I can use big words in my head. Thus, I deserve another Slippery Nipple.”

Matt’s arms wrap around my waist, and I can feel the rumble of his chuckle against my back. He leans in and kisses me on the neck. “It’s arguments like that that will make you a legal star. I’m convinced. I’ll go get you another Slippery Nipple.”

Matt deposits me back in my chair and heads off to the bar. I watch him as he walks away, leaning my head on my hand, and giving a swooning sigh.

“Girl… you have it bad,” Macy remarks. “I never saw you act this way around Pete.”

“Pete who?” I ask. “There is no Pete… there is only Matt. Hey… that sounds like a really deep, philosophical statement. Kind of like, ‘I think, therefore I am’. Except now it’s, ‘There is no Pete… therefore there’s Matt’. Man, I have layers.”

Macy bursts out laughing at me. “I love you, Mac. I really, really do.”

A silly grin breaks across my face. “Awww. I love you, Macy-girl. I love Matt, too.”

“You do?” Macy asks, her laughing abruptly gone and replaced by genuine curiosity.

I glance over at the bar and take Matt in. He’s leaning against it casually, watching a basketball game that’s on the TV while he waits for my drink. Do I love him? Or am I just drunk? Can it be both?

No immediate answer comes to mind, and I realize I’m not quite the philosopher I thought I was just a few minutes ago.

“I don’t know,” I tell Macy. “I know I’m ridiculously happy with him. He’s given me everything I asked for.”

“Well, you’ll know when you know. For now—enjoy the ride. And I do mean that with every bit of sexual innuendo I can muster.”

Looking back at Matt again, I tell her, “Oh, he’s giving me the ride of a lifetime. I’m definitely enjoying it.”

Sawyer Bennett's books