Release Me

“Cool.” I flop down on the couch next to him. “So where is she, anyway?”

“Um, the bathroom. She’s taking a shower. I think she’s going out in a bit. I told her I’d hang out for a while and watch some screen, but now I think I’m getting hungry.” He stands. “Why don’t we go grab something?”

I shake my head. “I’m stuffed. You go on.”

“At least come sit with me. I’m just going around the corner to the Daily Grill.”

He’s already at the door. For someone who was casually vegging a moment ago, he’s certainly eager to get food. “Do you want me to make you something? We have a ton of leftover pizza.”

“Nah. I’m craving their burger. You coming?” He has the door open now.

I think about the camera and the pictures I want to dump into Photoshop. And then I think that Ollie is one of my best friends. “Sure,” I say. “Just give me a sec.”

I grab my sack and head toward my bedroom, but I pause long enough to tap on the bathroom door.

“Don’t be coy,” Jamie says. “Just come on in.”

The shower’s running, but Jamie’s voice is clear, and I imagine she’s probably got her leg propped up on the toilet seat as she shaves. Since we haven’t been shy with each other since ninth grade, I open the door. I’m not at all surprised to see her leg slathered with shaving cream. I am surprised by the expression on her face. It’s one of complete and total shock.

Everything clicks into place.

“Hey, Nik! Why are you home in the middle of the day?”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I snap. “He’s engaged. Off limits. Jesus, Jamie.”

“I—” But she doesn’t finish. Just grabs a towel and wraps it around herself.

“Shit.” The curse bursts out of me. “Shit, damn, fuck.” I am not an expert curser, so that’s pretty brutal for me. “Did you fuck him?”

Her lips are tight together, but she gives just the tiniest nod.

I leave the bathroom and slam the door behind me. Ollie is still standing by the door, and I can tell from his expression that he either overheard our conversation or is smart enough to have figured out the gist of it.

“Jesus, Ollie,” I say.

He looks contrite. Hell, he looks beat up. “I fucked up, Nik. What can I say?”

I exhale. I’m furious, but this is Ollie and I love him and I have to be there for him. For him, and for Jamie. Oh, God. Jamie. “It had to be Jamie? You couldn’t have fucked someone I don’t love? You guys are my best friends—I don’t want to be in the middle of this.”

“I know. I do. I’m sorry. Look, come get some lunch with me. I’ll—we can talk. Or not talk. Just come, okay?”

I nod. “I’ll just have a tea or something. I had a huge lunch with Damien.”

“Damien,” he repeats, and I force myself not to wince. I hadn’t meant to mention Damien’s name. “Christ, Nik. He’s bad news.”

“Don’t you dare,” I say, and I have to work to keep tight control on my voice. “Don’t you dare give me that shit. You can’t stand here and tell me you don’t like Damien Stark. You can’t toss something like that at me and stand there like you’ve got the moral high ground beneath your feet, because you so do not.”

“You’re right—you’re right.” He runs his fingers through his already untidy hair. “Listen, I’m just gonna get a burger and head back to the office. We should talk tomorrow, okay? You can berate me about Jamie all you want. And maybe I’ll even have some shit to tell you, too.”

“About Damien?” I ask coldly.

He hooks his thumb at the door. “I’m going to just—I really am sorry.”

J. Kenner's books