Release Me

“Oh.” I shake my head, feeling like a fool. “I forgot. I did that for last year’s birthday.” I take a deep breath and look him in the eye. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.”

I run my finger over the cool countertop. “I can’t believe how amazing this floor is. The house isn’t even finished yet.”

“I made sure to complete the areas that mattered for this week.”

“Oh. When did you do that?”

“After you agreed. It’s remarkable how fast things can be accomplished when the price is right.”

“You didn’t have to do this for me.”

“I didn’t want to bring you to a construction site.” He reaches out his hand and I take it. He leads me to the back of the bathroom, past the shower with at least a dozen showerheads and a tub the size of a swimming pool.

There’s only one closet, but it’s huge. We step inside and I see that it’s been divided down the middle with something that resembles a kitchen island, but has bureau-style drawers on either side. There’s a remote control on top of the island. He picks it up and presses a button. I hear water start to run in the tub.

The right side has a few white shirts, some jeans, some slacks, and something in a garment bag. A tux, I presume. On the whole, it’s pretty thin. In contrast, the left side of the closet is packed full. Robes. Dresses. Skirts. Blouses. And shoes. Hundreds of shoes. “Mine again?” I ask, raising a brow.

“I think you’ll find it all fits.”

“You know, shopping is part of the fun.”

“And I’ve already promised you a spree. In the meantime, you have plenty to choose from.”

I roll my eyes. “What’s in the island? Underwear?”

“No.” His mouth twitches. “I thought we were clear that underwear isn’t needed.”

“But when I’m home—I mean, I’m going to have job interviews this week, I hope.”

“No underwear,” he repeats. “Not this week. Not unless I specifically tell you to.”

I consider arguing, but I don’t. It would be for form only. The truth is, the idea excites me. Being naked beneath my dress. Knowing that it’s because it pleases Damien. Thinking of him every time a breeze caresses my sex.

“Bra?” I ask.

He eyes the curve of my breasts under the red robe. “No,” he says, and my nipples peak with arousal. He notices, and I see the answering excitement in his eyes.

“People will be able to tell,” I say.

“Let them,” he says. “Come on.” I follow him to the tub. “Too hot?” he asks.

I dip my hand in. It’s hot, but not unbearable. “Not even close.”

“Really?” He looks intrigued, and turns down the cold water tap until it is only a trickle.

“Is that bubble bath?” I ask, pointing to a built-in dispenser. “Go ahead.”

I press the button, and a floral-scented gel squirts into the water right beneath the tap. Bubbles immediately form. “Now that’s a bath,” I say, laughing. “Can I get in?”

“Of course.”

I drop the robe and climb in. Already conveniently nude, Damien follows. He eases his back against the side and then settles me in between his legs. I feel his cock, soft now, against my rear. I shimmy a little, and it twitches.

“Tease,” he murmurs. He squirts some liquid soap into his hands and begins to bathe me, caressing my arms with suds, then my breasts, then dipping down to stroke between my thighs. I close my eyes and lean back, feeling him get hard against me, feeling my body opening for him again. I just had him—and now I really am a little sore—but I still want. Dear God, how I want.

His fingers tease me, gently making circles around my clit, making me squirm. “I’m not going to fuck you again,” he whispers. “And I’m not going to make you come.”

I shift position, silently protesting.

“Tomorrow,” he says. “Anticipation. It’s a good thing.”

J. Kenner's books