Play Dirty: Devil's Mustangs MC

When the doc arrives, I place her in their car, her calling out my name and reaching for me. I run back towards her as she lies flat in the back of the van and kiss her palm. She feels the curve of my jaw as I speak softly, “I’ll be back. I’m not letting you go anywhere without me, you hear?”

While the doc looks at her, I head off towards Maddie. She’s busy chatting with Ace about Michelle managing to rescue them and how she picked locks just like the boys taught her when she was in preschool. When she sees me, she runs back into my arms, holding on me so tightly I feel as though I am about to burst.

“Dad, when can we go home?” She looks up at me, hopeful but hesitant. She knows the answer before I can even say it.

“You can’t go back Maddie. Not after today. The Coyotes may want to retaliate and Jager is going to hold Addison in the basement while they figure out what to do with him for all this mess.” She looks down at the ground, a few tears filling the corner of her eyes. I kneel down next to her as I explain, “I’m going to call Grandma and have her take you for a little bit, until everything settles down. And as soon as it is clear to go, I’ll bring you back to Michelle’s place.”

“But I want to be with you…and Michelle. Can’t we be together? Won’t you protect me there, too?”

My heart is breaking for this girl who has experienced so much loss and grief in her lifetime. How do you explain to a child that her fairytale life can’t come true – at least not yet.

She interrupts my thoughts, “Dad, I know you and Michelle like each other. I can totally tell. If you really like her, just tell her. I know she likes you, too.”

I brush a bit of hair from her eyes as I correct her, “It doesn’t work like that, Maddie.”

“Yeah it does. She likes you. You like her. And you make it work. Please, Dad, just try.”

I sigh and kiss her forehead and cheeks. My little girl has always been wiser for her age and smarter than most of the people I know. How can she understand matters of the heart when even I can’t work it out? I take her hand and lead her back to Ace. She gets inside of the car and the two drive off towards the highway.

I feel a tap as a soft, tired voice asks, “Where is she going? Is she going to be okay?”

Michelle is standing behind me, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and waist. She’s bandaged up and the doctor has removed most of her clothing. Even tattered and torn, she is more beautiful than ever.

I pull her into me as I reassure her, “She’s going to be fine. They’re going to a safe house outside of town with her grandmother. I’ll check on her later tonight, but I think she’s going to be okay. But what about you?” I stand back a few feet, looking her square in the eye. There is so much hurt washing over those pale eyes that I find myself lost in them again.

“I’m – I’m... “ She gives up, her strength fading with each word. “I don’t know what I am. I just want to get home. Can I do that? Can you bring me home?” She adds gingerly, “I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

When the next car arrives we take it, heading out towards Michelle’s bungalow in the suburbs. As we round past the perfectly trimmed shrubbery and landscaped yards, I watch as Michelle leans back and closes her eyes. The setting sun illuminates her pale skin as she takes in the safety and comfort of her surroundings. This is her space, her home. She is out of motorcycle world.

Her hands shake as she unlocks the door to her house, and I reach over her to steady her hands. I whisper into her ear as I guide the key towards the side, “It’s okay. There’s nothing behind the door.”

“I’m not afraid of what is behind the door.” Michelle replies shakily. She takes a step inside and spins towards me before I can enter. “I don’t know about this.”

“About what?” I ask as I reach my hand around her head, guiding her body to rest against mine.

I feel her exhale deeply as her whole body softens. I lean down and press my lips to hers, my whole body sparking. She reaches around my neck and pulls herself up to her tippy toes causing both of us to fall backwards towards the alcove wall.

Her kisses speed up frantically as I struggle to keep up with her. Her hands sink lower and press into my chest, eventually finding my collar. She pulls me in even closer as she begins to pull up the hem of my t-shirt. I fling it up and over my head as she looks up at me with eyes that are deep and dark with want.

She drops the blanket, revealing her bare skin, cut up, bruised, and held together by white gauze. I can see small red marks where the blood has managed to push through. I get to my knees and look up at her. With a sigh I begin to kiss each of her bruises and marks along her torso, my hands tracing over the forming scars of her thin, curved body. I move towards her arms where most of the damage is, and she grimaces as I sink small kisses at her wrist and going up.

Evelyn Glass's books