Play Dirty: Devil's Mustangs MC

But not today. Today I want him, all of him. If this is my choice to bed him, I want that cock inside of me. So as I feel his cock pulsating deeply and his breath begin to pick up, I let go with a pop. Cal picks me up off the ground without a second to spare and places my back against his stomach. Roughly, he grabs the top leg and pulls it under his arm, hitching it up near my face. As he kisses me, I feel it – the amazing sensation of being full again. It hurts at first, but the pleasure following the pain is unreal. I could spend all night feeling him enter and leave me and never want it to stop.

I tip my head back to him as he takes more of me. The position is deep, so deep. I’m feeling him at angles I doubt have ever been touched before. His steady pounding of his cock rattles me in rhythm to his own body. It’s hard to keep our mouths locked like this, but neither of us break our lips’ embrace. My own arm locks around his neck to keep it in place.

As he goes in and out of me, picking up a maddening speed, I guide his hand to my stomach, and he takes the lead, slowly dipping down to my exposed clit. He starts by just resting it on top of it, and adding a small amount of pressure against the strokes of his cock. And then there’s a sharp sting as he slaps the sensitive tip of my skin. I let out a yell as I roll back into his body wanting more. He slaps it again with his fingers, the feeling reverbing not just in my *, but throughout my entire body.

Cal enters me with his finger, placing it on top of where his cock is working. It’s just slightly in there, but the feeling of the extra stretch sends me to new heights. He finds my button almost instantly. And I’m reeling, falling faster and faster. I want to cry out, to scream. But I’m breathless as he continues to push into me. Deeper. Every stroke is deeper. It’s like he’s punishing me and rewarding me with every single beat of his cock into my *.

I hold onto the sheets as my body begins to curl and tense. He whispers into my ear, “That’s it. Cum for me, Michelle. Cum for me!” And I let go – every bit of anger, every bit of fear and anxiety. It all explodes out of my body into one, mind numbing sensation that leaves all my blood rushing to my folds.

I come up, gasping for air. In the midst of it all, I managed to turn myself onto my stomach and away from him. But I feel his breath on my cheek as he whispers, “You’re not done yet.” I have no time to think before he's in me again, this time taking me from behind on his knees while I rest my stomach into the pile of sheets and blankets. I manage to pull myself up on my palms and stretch out before he grabs me around the hips for balance.

He’s riding me now, riding me harder than before. Something intense and untamed is taking over his body as he sends his rock solid shaft into my *. He calls out something, but I can’t make it out over the sound of his balls slapping against my flesh. When I don’t answer him, he grabs my hair and pulls my head up. I scream out from the shock as he yells down to me, “Say you’re mine, Michelle. Say I own you!”

“I – I – I—” I can’t bring myself to do it. I’m lost in the pull of his body, the way he isn’t Cal anymore.

“Say it!” His scream is raw and needing, just like my body. Again, I'm trembling from the spasms shooting up my body. I want him to finish me. I want me to finish with him. His cock driving deep into my flesh sends me reeling as I hold on for the end of the ride, praying that this moment, this buildup, never ends.

“I’m yours! I’m yours!” I yell back, hoping he can hear me. My words push us both over the edge as he falls on top of me in a heap, and I collapse into the bed. He slowly removes himself from me before rolling to the side of where I'm lying.

After few silent moments, both of us panting and sucking in air, he turns to me and brushes the hair out of my eyes, “Twice?”

I nod and confirm, “Twice.”

His face beams in pride. “Next time, let’s go for four.”

Next time? My heaven goes crashing back to Earth as I think about that implication. There is no next time, not for us. Whatever this is, whatever I want it to be, it has to end.

I lift myself up and off the bed, finding my dress in the dark. He sits up, amused, unsure of what is going on. It’s all just part of the game for him. I suppose he’s done this so many times that that makes sense. How could I be so na?ve to think I was more than just another * to own, another soul to convert?

I slip on my panties as I look at him as seriously as I can, “Cal…I can’t do this. I’m sorry.”

He sits up straight, his hands resting on his knees, “What? What are you talking about?”

“This. I can’t be this kind of girl. This isn’t what I want, and it’s not fair for Maddie or for me. I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go.” I bend down, searching for my purse. I have no idea where I left it in the mess of the last twelve hours. I find it under his shirt near my shoes, which I sling on quickly.

Without waiting to hear his reply, I open the door and walk out. Downstairs, a few of the men are still celebrating. The smell of booze and sweat knocks me off of my feet. And the sight of coke lines on a huge round mirror just makes me more enraged at the situation.

Evelyn Glass's books