
“I don’t believe you for a second. That girl was just your type. A huge slut!” she shot at him and he rolled his eyes.

“Was my type,” he said slowly before shaking his head. “Don’t know if you know this, but my type is a crazy pregnant lady who has a wicked right hook and eats more Ben & Jerry’s than a fat kid eats cake,” he said, but this time she shook her head.

“No, if I were your type, you would have let me in.”

Totally exasperated, he glared. “Kacey, I couldn’t even look you in the eye after what I did to you, let alone open up to you. I was fucked up, remember? And you said you wouldn’t throw my past in my face. Natasha is my past.”

“That was before your past came barreling into my life, stabbing me in the chest with the rejection all over again.”

“What rejection?” he yelled. “I’m with you. I sleep with you! I impregnated you! I am marrying you!” he said, each sentence louder and with more meaning.

“The hell you are!” she snapped, and she might as well have hit him.

“Oh, really?” he roared. “What, you aren’t marrying me now?”

“I don’t know what I am doing! I am so damn mad at you I could scream!”

“You are screaming, crazy,” he said matter-of-factly, and her face went red. He understood she was upset, but she was being downright dumb.

“You need to go! Get your shit and go!” She seethed, and for some reason, that bothered him. He got that they were arguing, even that he was an idiot for withholding that piece of information from her, but he would not accept that she wanted him gone. Bullshit.

He glared, striking his hands to his hips. “If I’m getting my shit, saddle up, baby, ’cause you’re coming with me.”

“I am not!” she yelled and he went toe-to-toe with her.

“Yes, you are, because you are mine. This baby is mine too. I am not going anywhere without the person who completes me. Get over this shit and kiss me!”

But she pushed him away, her eyes filling with tears. “If I completed you, then you would have come to me instead of going to her.”

Roaring out a sound of distress, his arms shook as he let his head fall back. “Oh my God, Kacey, I wasn’t in my right mind back then. I was fucked up. We both know this. Why are you acting like this?”

When he looked back down at her, she was glaring, tears rushing down her beautiful, angry face. “Because it hurts. It hurts to know that I couldn’t be there for you, to help you, that you pushed me away and clung to her.”

“So it’s your pride, your jealousy, that has you acting like this? Wanting to throw everything away for something that I did so long ago?”

She glowered. “You know how bad it hurt me when you didn’t want me to help you, and instead of being truthful with me, you lied about her. Hid her.”

“I never even thought about her because I don’t fucking care about her. Yes, we talked a lot, but that’s all it was. I didn’t even sleep with her but that one weekend. Even when she pestered me to do it when I was in rehab, I never did. I didn’t want her! I wanted you!”

“But you went to her.”

“Because I had no choice. I wasn’t coming to you until I was at least somewhat of a decent dude. Until I was the man you deserved. Now, stop this and come here, hug this out. Your blood pressure is probably through the roof, and I hate when you’re mad at me.”

But her tears rushed down her face, her eyes full of hurt and rejection, and he didn’t understand. She said she forgave his past. Why was she acting like this?

“No. Go.”

He held her gaze for a long time, the tension so thick he almost choked. She needed time to calm down. He had no problem giving that to her, but not until he proved his point.

“Fine, I’ll go, maybe for a drink since, apparently, I’m still that guy.”

Was it childish? Yes, but she was on a whole other level of crazy and he needed to knock her down.

Toni Aleo's books