One Sweet Ride


A week after the convention, Gray was resting on the back deck of his place in Daytona. At least he had company. His best friend Garrett had a day off and was playing Tampa Bay next, so he and his fiancée, Alicia, were spending the day with him.

“This is not the pep talk I’m looking for, buddy.”

Garrett laughed. “Hey, if you want a pep talk, call someone else. All you’re gonna get from me is honesty. You fucked it up. Am I right, Alicia?”

Alicia winced. “I was hoping I wouldn’t get dragged into this one, but yes. He’s kind of right, Gray. There’s nothing worse than telling a woman she can’t do it all.

And you hid from her. While you were injured. You know a woman who cares about you would want to check on you and be sure you were okay. What were you thinking?”

Gray sighed. “I was trying to help. But I made the wrong choice. I get that now.”

“Well, that’s a first step—admitting you were an asshole,” Garrett said, lifting the beer to his lips. “Now what?”

“I have no idea. She’s back in Washington and busy as hell with the presidential campaign.”

“So?” Alicia asked. “If you want her, go after her.”

Gray rapped on his cast with his knuckles. “I’m a little slowed down here.”

“Oh, the poor millionaire,” Garrett said. “You mean there’s something you can’t do? Gimme a break. You’ve always been the man with a plan. There’s nothing you can’t do, cast and broken ribs or not. So what’s got you flummoxed?”

He looked out over the water. “I don’t want to hurt her again.”

“Man, love really screws with your head, doesn’t it?”

“Hey,” Alicia said, giving Garrett a mock glare.

“I didn’t say it screwed me up. Just Gray.”

Alicia laughed and turned to face Gray. “So, do you have a plan? And hopefully that plan doesn’t include manipulating her again?”

“I thought I had one, but it might make her angry if I did something without her knowledge again. Ours is a complicated relationship, and getting to that place where the two of us could be together isn’t easy.”

Alicia leaned over and laid her hand on his. “Gray. It doesn’t matter who you are or what your circumstances are. Love is never easy. But if she’s worth it, you’ll find a way to make it work.”

He missed Evelyn. He’d always enjoyed kicking back and relaxing here at his beach house. Right now he was frustrated because he couldn’t even be at the track until he was more mobile, but he was thinking more about Evelyn than racing, and for him, having a woman take precedence over his career was a first. That meant something.

It meant she was worth fighting for.

He would make this work.

“I have an idea or two. I want to run it by you both and you can tell me if you think it sucks or not.”

Alicia grinned. “You know I’d love to help. I want you to be happy.”

“I don’t care if you’re happy or not,” Garrett said. “But I do like the view here, man, so if it means we get to stay a little longer, I’m all ears.”

“Garrett,” Alicia warned.

Gray laughed, knowing Garrett would bend over backward to help him out. “I knew I could count on you, Alicia. Garrett, you’re on beer duty.”

“Done. Beer for me and Alicia, lemonade and a pain pill for you.”

“You’re so funny.”

“Okay, seriously,” Garrett said. “I’m happy to lend an ear or do whatever I can to see true love prevail.” Garrett sent a look over at Alicia that had her smiling in return.

Yeah, this love stuff? Well worth the struggle if it meant Evelyn would look at him the way Alicia looked at Garrett.

“I like the two of you together,” Gray said. “He was cranky the last time I saw him.”

“He’s still cranky,” Alicia said. “But he has his moments.”

“She loves me, so she’s blind to my faults.”

“I’m not that blind, buddy,” Alicia said. “Remember, I’ve seen you at your worst.”

“True that. That’s how I knew you were a keeper.”

Gray laughed. “Yeah, anyone who could put up with Garrett at his worst and loves him anyway? You should get a medal, Alicia.”

Alicia grinned and cast a look at Garrett. “I don’t need a medal. I got the guy.”

Garrett grasped her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “I love you too, babe.”

“Jesus,” Gray said. “Any more of this and I’m going to have to find my crutches and give you two some alone time. Can we get back to me and Evelyn now?”

“Sure,” Garrett said. “Let’s get you and Evelyn that happily ever after.”



Jaci Burton's books