One Sweet Ride

“Of course. What designer doesn’t?” Carolina smiled. “But if you launch too soon, before you’re ready, you blow your one and only chance of success. So I’m taking those baby steps right now and working on a line I believe will work.”

Evelyn grabbed Carolina’s hands “I’m so excited for you. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

“It’s nerve-racking, trying to design your own line while working for another designer.”

“Does David know what you’re doing?”

“Of course not. No designer wants to believe he has competition from within his ranks. Plus, he’s such a paranoid diva. He’d fire me on the spot.”

Evelyn laughed. “I can’t imagine how difficult that must be. So you work at home on your own designs?”

“Yes. And as hard as David works me, it keeps me busy at night and on— Oh, hell, no. What are you doing here?”

Evelyn turned around as a shadow spilled over the picnic table. A tall, mouthwateringly gorgeous man came forward, a wide grin showing off straight white teeth and a devilish smile.

“Nice to see you too, Lina.”

“It’s Carolina, you idiot.”

The gorgeous guy grinned. “Where’s your brother?”

“It’s not my day to watch him, but you should definitely leave and find him.”

Tall, tanned, and sexy took a seat next to Carolina. Wow. He was stunning, with shaggy raven black hair and the most unusual gray eyes. And the body. Oh, the body.

He half stood and leaned over the table, extending his hand. “Since Carolina has decided to be rude, I’m Drew Hogan, a friend of Carolina’s brother.”

“Evelyn Hill. I work for Senator Preston.”

“Nice to meet you, Evelyn.”

“Guard your panties, Evelyn, or Drew will try to get in them within the next five minutes.”

“Ouch, Lina,” Drew said, before he turned his attention back to Evelyn. “She lies.

I’m a lot smoother than that, and a gentleman. I’d give it at least a half hour and buy you a drink first before I tried to get your clothes off.”

Evelyn laughed. “Thanks for the warning.”

She shifted her gaze to Carolina, who was staring daggers at Drew.


“And again, Drew. What are you doing here?” Carolina asked.

“Gray invited me.”

Carolina rolled her eyes. “Whatever for?”

Drew shrugged. “No idea. For some reason, the bastard likes me.”

“Fortunately for you, someone does.”

Carolina’s insults seemed to roll off Drew’s back. He looked at Evelyn. “She’s mean to me. You feel sorry for me, don’t you, Evelyn?”

“Not in the least. I would imagine you could hold your own, even with a prickly female.”

“Well, Lina has her share of thorns.” He picked up Carolina’s hand, and despite her tugging to release it, held it firm. He pressed a kiss to the tips of her fingers. “But I know for a fact there’s a sweet rose underneath.”

“You are such a dick, Drew.” Carolina jerked her hand away and shoved it in her lap. “Why don’t you go find Gray and leave me—us—alone?”

“No need to look for me. I’m right here.”

Evelyn looked up as Gray took a seat beside her. He handed the women their iced teas.

Gray shook Drew’s hand. “I’m glad you came.”

“Me, too,” Drew said with a grin. “Though your sister’s not.”

Gray shifted his gaze to Carolina and quirked a smile. “Still pissed at him, huh?”

Carolina lifted her chin. “I’m not pissed at Drew. I don’t feel anything for him at all.” She stood, walked around the table, and pressed a kiss to Evelyn’s cheek. “We’ll chat later.”

“Okay.” Evelyn definitely wanted to know about Carolina’s past history with Drew.

But in the meantime, she focused her attention on the two incredible-looking men sitting at her table.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” Drew said to Gray.

“Yeah,” Gray said with a half smile. “Me, either.”

“Is this your doing?” Drew gave Evelyn a brows-raised questioning look.

“You could say that. My job is to work with Gray on helping his father’s campaign.”

“No shit.” Drew shifted his gaze to Gray. “So you’re working with your dad now?”

“Indirectly,” Gray said. “Something about introducing my fans to my dad through social media.”

“Ah.” Drew nodded. “More voters. Gray has a big fan base.”

“Exactly,” Evelyn said. “And what do you do, Drew?”

Drew grinned. “I play hockey.”

“Oh, I love hockey. Who do you play for?”

“New York.”

“Wow, that’s a very successful team. And you went to college with Gray?”

“Yeah. We go way back.” Drew focused his attention on Gray. “Speaking of, missed you at the golf tournament.”

“Yeah, sorry man. The schedule just didn’t work out for that. How did it go?”

“Great. Trevor came in third. I was fifth. Garrett was tenth.”

Gray nodded. “Pretty good showing. Bet Garrett hated you both beating him.”

“He did,” Drew said with a laugh. “Lost a thou on a bet we made, too. That one stung.”

“That’s what he gets for betting on golf with you guys.” Gray looked around.

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