One Sweet Ride

She enjoyed the taste of him, giving him the same kind of pleasure he gave her. She shifted, rolling onto her back and dropping her head down off the bed so he could watch his cock go down her throat.

“Christ, Evelyn.” He leaned over her, pumping his cock between her lips while he massaged her breasts. She reached between her legs, so caught up in the moment, her senses heightened by his touch and the way he watched her that she couldn’t help but want to get off again.

“You’re making me crazy doing that,” he said, his voice tight with strain as he slid his cock over her tongue. She clamped tight, closed her mouth, and swallowed as she moved her hand over her clit and *, wanting to come when she made him come.

He brushed his fingers over her breasts, teasing her nipples, pulling at them until the pleasure between her legs intensified. She was so close to coming she had to hold up.

She wanted him to go with her.

“You ready to come?” he asked. “I’m going to come in your mouth, Evelyn. I want to come hard.”

She hummed against his cockhead and slid her fingers in her *, rubbing against her clit until she couldn’t hold back the rushing orgasm. She moaned as she came.

“Fuck yes,” Gray yelled, and erupted into her mouth. She arched against the hard climax while swallowing everything he gave her, wanting to prolong it for him. When he went soft in her mouth, she let go, flicking her tongue at the head.

He fell onto the bed next to her and pulled her against him. It took her a few minutes to regain her bearings, but she finally got a look at the oversized bedroom, the wraparound balcony, and the amazing maple furniture that looked like it had been hand crafted.

“Nice room,” she finally said.

He laughed, then dragged her out of bed. “Wait ’til you see the bathroom.”

He was right. A window overlooking the ocean caught her attention right away, but the shower was decadent, with its multiple showerheads and a whirlpool tub with so many massaging jets she was determined to take a soak in it before she left.

They showered, dressed, then went downstairs.

“Hungry?” he asked.

“Yes. All that sex drives my appetite.”

“Hopefully it drives your appetite for more sex.”

She arched a brow. “Right now it’s driving my appetite for food.”

He opened the refrigerator. “Chicken?”

“How do you have food in your fridge?”

“My staff knows my schedule. They make sure the house is well stocked when I’m going to be home.”

How utterly convenient. “Fantastic.” She came up beside him. “I’ll make a salad.

And we can grill some vegetables.”

He frowned. “No baked potato?”

After grabbing what she wanted out of there, she closed the fridge door. “A little healthy won’t kill you. Besides, you need the extra vitamins, what with all this sex we’re having.”

“I need the extra carbs to cope with all this sex we’re having.”

She couldn’t resist the grin. “Go grill the chicken. I’ll prep the vegetables and make the salad.”

He prepared the chicken on a plate, then grumbled, “I still think a baked potato would be better.”

“Whiner. Go.”

After dinner, they took a long walk on the beach. The sun had set and the ocean was silver and spectacular in the moonlight.

“I could get used to this,” she said, holding Gray’s hand as they took a slow stroll.

“I might become clingy like one of your groupies and leave my career in politics and decide to squat on your property here.”

He paused, studied her in silence. She hoped he knew she was just kidding.

“Do you do windows? Because it’s hard to find good housekeepers here.”

She snorted out a laugh. “Sadly, I suck at cleaning.”

He sighed. “Then I’m afraid it’s a no.”

“Damn. I was already mentally packing. But only if you leave the keys to all those cars you have parked in the garage.”

“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”

Now she paused, tugging on his hand to stop them. “You wouldn’t trust me with your precious classics?”

“Not on your life. I’m the only one who drives those babies.”

“What happens when you get married someday and your wife wants to tool around in that GTO? Are you going to tell her the same thing?”

“Hell yes. I don’t want some woman, fresh from her manicure, getting pink nail polish on one of my cars.”

She rolled her eyes. “It’s a good thing I brought that up. You’ll have to be sure to have the no-driving-the-muscle-cars entered into the prenup.”

He went quiet. She wondered if the whole marriage and prenup thing was a sore spot for him in some way.

“Uh oh. I hit a sore spot, obviously. Have you ever been serious enough to get close to marriage?” she asked.

He grinned. “No sore spot at all. I’m just making a mental note about no-driving-the-cars in the prenup. And no, I’ve never gotten remotely close to marriage yet. Have you?”

“No. But believe me, I’ve got my prenup already planned out.”

Jaci Burton's books