One Sweet Ride

She smiled up at him. “Okay, so about all that stuff I said? I might have been wrong. You’re very good at what you do.”

“You have an amazingly responsive body, Evelyn. You just need to relax.”


“Also, you taste really good.”

She shuddered, and he scooped her off the counter into his arms and carried her into his bedroom.

When he placed her onto his bed, she kneeled. “Now it’s my turn to touch you.”

She reached for his cock, anxious to get her hands on him. “To taste you.”


GRAY HAD TO HOLD HIMSELF IN CHECK AS HE LOOKED at Evelyn, naked and disheveled on his bed. The way she had moved under his mouth with such wild joy had nearly undone him.

He laid his hand over hers. “Much as I’d like that, it’s been a while for me. You put your mouth on me and this is going to be over with in a hurry.”

She brushed his hand aside. “I don’t mind that. Then we’ll wait a bit and go for round two.”

Evelyn pushed him down on the bed. Granted, he only went because he wanted to, but he’d let her have her way, this time. And frankly, all he’d been thinking about lately was her mouth. He wanted it on his cock.

Clothed, she was beautiful. Naked, she was a knockout, with full breasts, slim hips, and the longest damn legs he couldn’t wait to have wrapped around him when he was inside her.

But right now, she was on top of him, kissing him, and he didn’t mind that part at all, because her breasts brushed against his chest. He reached for her breasts, cupping them to tease her nipples, listening to her breath rush in as he played with the hardened buds.

She had sensitive nipples, and despite what she thought, she could definitely come, and pretty damned easily, too. He didn’t know what kind of notions she had about sex, but he’d bet it had a lot to do with her provincial neighbors and some assholes in her past who hadn’t known how to take their time in pleasuring her. Or maybe she didn’t have a lot of practice in pleasuring herself. Maybe they could work on that together.

The thought of watching her touch herself made his balls tighten.

When she pulled back and kissed her way down his stomach, he filed that thought away for some other time.

Because there’d definitely be another time. Once wouldn’t be enough with Evelyn.

He should send a thank-you note to Cal McClusky for being such a fuckhead tonight.

Without that, she wouldn’t be here with him right now, skimming her hand over his abs, making his stomach tighten as she got within an inch of his dick.

And when she wrapped her hand around his length, he arched into her.

She looked at him and smiled, then began to stroke him.

“I like that,” he said, lifting his hips to help her as she wound her hands around him. “I’ll like it even more when you suck me.”

She wound her hair around, pulling it over her shoulder out of the way. “And I like you telling me what turns you on.”

She got up on her knees, her lips bobbing over his cock. She licked her lips and his cock lurched upward.

“You know what turns me on, Evelyn?”

She paused, turned to look at him. “What?”

“You. Naked you. Clothed you. Your mouth. Your legs. The way you talk. Arguing with you. Your smile. Every fucking thing about you turns me on.”

Her lips curved, then she turned and took his cock in her mouth. He shuddered as her wet, warm lips surrounded him.

“Fuck. Yes, that’s good. Take it deep.”

She grabbed the base of his cock and fed it into her mouth, taking him inch by inch until it disappeared, then released him, his dick wet with her saliva. Then she took him again. And again. She snaked her tongue around him, using suction to draw him deep into her hot, sweet mouth until he was ready to explode. When she reached down and gave a gentle squeeze of his balls, he felt the impending release.

He reached for her hair and let it fall over his thighs like a silken waterfall. “I’m going to come, Evelyn. You ready for it?”

She only hummed against his cock, then drew him deep again, this time only letting go partway before clenching his shaft between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

He pumped into her, letting go with a loud groan as he released into her waiting mouth.

Evelyn held on to him as he bucked and shuddered through his release until he was spent. Only then did she let go and crawl up his body to lay her head on his shoulder.

It took Gray a while to catch his breath.

“I felt that one all the way through my spine,” he said.

“You’re welcome.” She splayed her hand on his chest. “Your heart is beating fast.”

“It was a damn good orgasm.” He tipped her chin back and kissed her, then rolled her onto her back and deepened the kiss.

He wouldn’t get enough of her tonight. He already knew that.

It was going to be a long night.


EVELYN HAD EXPECTED GRAY WOULD NEED SOME RECOVERY TIME. But five minutes of some very heavy kissing and his erection was back.

Jaci Burton's books