Once Upon a Prince


1. In the opening of the story, Susanna had a plan. One she stuck to for far too long. Is it possible to cling to an idea or want too long? Discuss areas of your life where you might need to let go.

2. Nathaniel’s life is about to change. He doesn’t feel ready to be king. He hopes it’s later rather than sooner. Discuss ways to embrace life’s changes. If change is hard for you, how can you embrace it with a more willing heart?

3. In the beginning we see Susanna wants what she wants. Adam and living on St. Simons Island. There’s little consideration of God’s plan. Our plans and wants can muddy up our ability to seek God’s desires. How can we clear the waters and tap into his heart for us?

4. Aurora restructured her life to engage God. Would you be willing to give up something that meant a great deal to you if it meant you had a constant sense of God’s presence?

5. Susanna says Aurora is the most free of them all. Is she? How can we be “tent dwellers” in our daily lives?

6. Often there are clues directing us into the Lord’s will but we can’t see them or grasp them. The gold shoes are that for Susanna. She misses the clue but doesn’t give up on seeking understanding. What clues have you received that were indicators of God’s direction for your life?

7. Nathaniel is locked into duty to his country but he loves Susanna even though he can’t marry her. Have you ever surrendered your will for the sake of a greater cause? If not, how would you respond if faced with such a challenge?

8. When Prince Stephen and Queen Campbell conspire to bring Susanna to the coronation, did you see it as manipulative or something for the greater good?

9. Was Susanna right to leave early? Was she being a coward or trying to get out of Nathaniel’s way? Is it sometimes best to get out of the way of another person’s destiny even if it hurts our own wants?

10. Nathaniel changed a nation because of love. Is it possible to change our families, our relationship, our communities, even our nation with the pure love of Jesus? How can you be both bold and humble in truth and love?

11. Nathaniel remembered the snow. Was there a time in your life when you remembered something special about someone and filled a need? Did someone do that for you?

12. An engagement tailgate party! Share a story from your life when you were surprised by friends, family, or your spouse.

Rachel Hauck's books