No Limit

Gasping, I smacked a hand over my mouth. “Oh my goodness.”

Sliding the ring on my finger, he kept his green gaze on mine. “I love you, Aylee McFadden. I may drive you insane sometimes, but I hope you can see past my faults and go on this next adventure with me. Please say you’ll marry me.”

I pulled him up and jumped in his arms. “Yes!” I cried. The crowd cheered and I held him tight. “I love you so much.”

He chuckled. “You say that now, just wait until we’re eighty. You’ll probably kill me by then.”

“All right, you two, the fun isn’t over yet,” Diane called, waving her hands at us. “I have something to give you.”

Jason jumped down and helped me off the table, straight into my uncle’s arms. “I’m so happy for you, peanut. Promise me you’ll bring the grandbabies to visit.”

“Uncle G that’s not happening any time soon,” I laughed.

Diane ruffled my hair and whispered in my ear, “I’m sure it’ll happen sooner than you expect. Hopefully, they’ll take after their mother.”

“I heard that,” Jason grumbled.

She smiled at us both. “I have you both an engagement present. I know you’re taking some time off, so it’ll be perfect timing.” Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a large envelope and handed it to me.

When I opened it and took a look inside, my eyes started to burn. “Diane, this is amazing. I can’t believe you’d do this.” Inside the envelope was an all-expense paid trip to Ireland.

“You’ve told me how you wanted to connect with your mother’s relatives, so I thought it’d be the perfect present. You can see the land and visit your family. It’s so beautiful there.”

Wrapping my arms around her, I squeezed her tight and let go. “Thank you. This means a lot, really.”

“You’re welcome. You and Jason could use the vacation.”

“That we could,” he said, giving her a hug. “I thought she was going to kill me when I told her we got called in.”

Diane laughed. “I can imagine. I hope you two have fun. Make sure to take lots of pictures.” She winked at me and then joined her husband who was talking to a group of Carolina Cougars. Jason and his famous friends . . .

Putting his arms around my waist, he drew me into his body, placing his forehead to mine. “Are you happy?”


“Good, because there’s nothing I wouldn’t give or do to make you happy.”

I placed a finger on his lips. “I know, but the only thing I need is you. You’re the only thing in this world that’s going to make me happy. As long as you’re by my side there’s nothing else I’ll need.”

“You sure about that?”

I nodded. “It’s an oath. You have my body, heart, and soul. Loving you will be the ultimate adventure.”

“And loving you will be mine.”

Coming this August


(An Armed & Dangerous Standalone novel)

Read other books by L. P. Dover

This thank you goes out to every single one of my readers and future ones. Without you, writing couldn’t be possible for me. Some people say that authors are their rockstars, but I think it is you who are the rockstars. Thank you for being awesome.

Also, I have to thank my husband for putting up with me. He has to deal with me when I get into my writing zone and I know that can’t be easy.

And of course, I can’t forget Kim Walker, the superpower PA. I swear she has the capability to do anything. I really do think she has powers. I would be lost without her.

Regina Wamba, is one amazing woman behind the camera. Thank you for making my photo shoot epic. You totally rocked the pictures and made an awesome cover out of them.

To my lovely editor, Victoria Schmitz, thank you for making my words shine. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

L.P. Dover's books