No Limit

“Will you at least consider my offer? I’m moving tomorrow. I’m leaving my address and a small present for you at your uncle’s. If you don’t come to New York, at least I know there’ll be something here to take care of you.”

A tear fell down my cheek onto the pillow. “You’re too good to me,” I cried.

“It’s because I love you, I always have. No matter what you decide, I’ll always be there for you.”

“Thanks. I love you too. New York is a big city compared to Augusta, be safe on your move.”

He laughed. “That’s for damn sure. Be careful out there.”

“I will.” We hung up the phone and I sat there, debating on if I should go after Jason.

Instead, I changed into my pajamas and sat in the dark, drifting in and out of a restless sleep. Whether I dreamt it or not, I don’t know, but there was a time in the dead of night where a set of arms wrapped around my stomach and held me close. Jason’s scent engulfed me and I held onto him, breathing him in. I fell asleep fast and then woke up to the morning sun, alone. It had all been a dream, but I swore I could still smell him.

With my back turned, I could hear Jason coming up behind me. “Where did you go last night?” I asked, slicing my apple with a little too much force. We had an hour before it was time to leave for the big party and I had yet to see him all day.

“I needed to blow off some steam.”

“I see. You must have been pretty angry for it to take all night.”

“Trust me, I needed it.”

Stabbing the knife into one of the apples, I turned and glared at him, his eyes widened. “I bet. Just make sure next time you let me know where you’re going in case I need you. Not that I would want to encroach on your fuckfest, but we do have a job to do here.”

“Fuckfest? What the hell do you think I did last night?” he asked, returning my glare.

“Oh, I don’t know, probably screwed the first sea donkey who was willing to ride your cock.”

“I’ve been out here for months, sacrificing my own pleasures for the sake of the job. I need the release. And what does it matter anyway? You let me go for your ex.”

“It wasn’t like that,” I exclaimed.

“Oh yeah? And what was it like? I bet he told you he missed you and that you two should get back together.” My face paled and his eyes narrowed. “Exactly.”

“So what? What if he did say those things? It doesn’t mean I told him I wanted him back.”

He stepped closer. “And just because I went out last night doesn’t mean I fucked the first girl who came my way.”

“The second then,” I countered.

His jaw clenched, but then he smiled. “I guess you’ll never know.” Winking, he backed up with a smirk on his face. It made me want to smack the shit out of him. “I need to get ready for the evening. I have a date with a whore.”

Grabbing a slice of my apple, I threw it at his head. “Ah, you’re so goddamned infuriating. I think I’m beginning to hate you.” It was a lie, but it felt good to say. If anything, it made me want him more. Shoving the remaining apple slices in my mouth, I trudged to my bedroom and slammed the door.

The dress I had picked out was silky and black and fell to the floor. I was tired of showing my legs, but this time it’d be the swell of my breasts and all of my back that would be on display. I hoped Jason choked when he saw me.

When the time came for us to leave, I emerged from my room with my head held high. Jason’s mouth dropped open as I walked by him. Glancing over my shoulder, I caught him staring at my backside.

“Holy fuck. Make sure you stay by my side tonight.”

“I can’t promise that. As you said earlier, I’m a whore, so I guess I need to act like one.”

He ran his hands over his face and groaned. “Only with me. Why do you have to make things so difficult?”

“The only person doing that is you. Can we go now?”

He motioned toward the door. “After you, firecracker.”

Huffing, I grabbed my purse and marched out the door. Jason caught up to me and grabbed my elbow. I tried to jerk away, but he held tight. “I thought we were getting along there for a while.”

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