No Limit

He shook his head. “You tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine.”

“Maybe someday. Right now, I’m going to bed.” Standing, I started for my room and then turned, his eyes following me. “And there’s not going to be a sock on my door so don’t even bother waiting for it.”

He chuckled and got to his feet. “Sweet dreams, firecracker.”

The next morning, I woke up earlier than Jason and ordered breakfast. I didn’t want to wake him so I ate and studied the suspects’ files. All of the men were wealthy business owners of sorts; powerful men. One of them was obviously paying off the media. After eating breakfast, I slipped on my bikini and slid my clothes over it. If Jason was going to sleep all day, I wanted to at least enjoy the free time to clear my mind. I could always think better outside. Grabbing the sunglasses out of my bag, I slid them on top of my head and wrote Jason a note saying I was at the pool.

By the time I got down there, it was still early enough to where there weren’t that many people. I grabbed a water from the bar, took off my shirt and shorts, and laid out by the pool.

“Would you like a cocktail?”

I looked up at the waiter and smiled. “Oh dear God, no. It’s too early for me to drink.”

With a devilish grin, his white teeth stood out from his tanned skin. “It’s five o’clock somewhere, right?”

“True, but I’ll pass. Maybe in a couple of hours.”

“I’ll be back later then. Enjoy your morning.” He strolled off and started flirting with a couple of older women who just ate him up like a doughnut.

Sitting back in my chair I watched as gradually more people congregated around the pool. I loved to read, but people watching was always better. One thing the bureau loved about me was that I didn’t look the part. I may be a red-haired and pale-skinned Irish girl, but I could kick some serious ass. Many people have gone up against me and failed miserably.

After a couple of hours of keeping to myself underneath the large umbrella, I spotted a group of young men with their plaid shorts and boat shoes. Frat boys by the looks of them. They sat across the pool from me, but I could see them staring. It wasn’t long before one of them got up and walked over.

“Excuse me,” he said.

I slid my glasses on top of my head. “What can I do for you?”

“Well, um, I have a question.”

I had a feeling it was going to be one I didn’t want to answer. “Okay, shoot.”

He licked his lips and looked back at his friends who all waited on the edge of their seats. “My friends want to know if your hair is as red down there as it is on top of your head.” The poor boy looked uncomfortable as hell and I was about to make it worse.

“Down where? I don’t understand,” I said, acting innocent.

Hesitating, I could see the sweat beading on his brow. It took all I had not to laugh and punch him at the same time. Moving a step closer, he sat down on the edge of the seat, turning his back to his friends. “Please just smack me and get it over with. It’s part of my initiation.”

“You are a frat boy. So tell me, what happens if I don’t smack you?”

“I lose points.”

“And you honestly think saying shit like this to women is worth it? What if I was your mother someone was doing this to?”

“Hey, honey,” a voice called from behind me.

I turned around as Jason planted his lips on mine. He nipped my bottom lip, and I gasped. Pulling away, I saw he was dressed in a white T-shirt and khaki shorts, his tattoos showing through the fabric. The frat guy’s face turned pale and he started to leave, but Jason grabbed him by the neck.

“Not so fast, shithead. What’s this I hear about finding out the color to what?”

“It was just a joke,” the guy whimpered.

“Just a joke my ass. Which one of your fucktard friends put you up to this?”

“Th—the one in the pink and gray striped shorts.”

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