Night Owl

"Get out," he snarled at the stripper.

Unfazed, the stripper accepted another bill from Matt, smiled at us both, and breezed out. The door clicked closed behind her. Matt stared down at me, tilting up my chin as if I were a disobedient child. My legs trembled.

"God, Hannah," he whispered. "You're perfect. Did you like that? Did you like making me hard like that? Look at my cock."

My eyes traveled down the buttons of Matt's shirt to the tent in his slacks. I swallowed.

"Looks good, right?"

I nodded.

"Did you enjoy showing your tits to that woman?" He chuckled and reached for my breasts, squeezing them mercilessly. "You're a slut for me, aren't you Hannah?"

"Yes," I gasped. I covered his hands with mine. My brain screamed: feminine power, feminine power! It was my turn to drive Matt crazy, god damnit.

I slid off the chair and fell to my knees at Matt's feet.

Before he could react, I yanked down his slacks and boxers, grabbed his cock—damn, I'd forgotten how huge it was—and began to suck hard on his head.

"Mm!" Matt groaned. "Ohhh... fuck..."

Success! His noises spurred me on. I swirled my tongue around his head and stroked his shaft with one hand, fondling his balls with the other.

"H-Hannah," he stammered. "Oh, god... what... are you doing..."

I looked up at him. His eyes sent a shiver through me. He was gone, totally gone. A soft shock of hair swept across his brow. His head was lowered, his lips parted slightly. He watched in a stupor as my tongue and mouth made his cock glisten.

"Mmm," he moaned again. He clenched his teeth. Fuck, he was fighting it—fighting his pleasure, fighting for control. So hot.

I worked faster. With long, deep sucks I drew his head into the back of my throat. I ignored my own little gagging sounds as his huge member filled my mouth. I could never have taken the whole thing, but I did the best I could with my hand and the seal of my lips.

Soon I tasted cum. I moaned onto his cock.

Matt staggered back. He pressed himself against one of the mirrors. I eyed his shaft.

"Hannah," he growled.

I crawled forward, smiling up at him. My breasts swayed pendulously.

"It's okay Matt," I whispered, licking my lips. Oh, it felt good to have control this time. "I know you need this. Come on. I bet you're already about to explode."

I was teasing him, but when I took him back into my mouth, I realized with surprise that I was right. After just minutes, Matt was close to coming. His balls were tight in my hand. His shaft throbbed in my mouth.

I saw him glance aside and then I saw what he saw: us, reflected in a mirror.

His chest rose and fell fiercely. He looked stricken and delirious. God, I loved it.

"My cock, god, my cock Hannah," he pleaded.

I began to bob my head on it, looking up at him.

"A-ah, yes... fuck... no... not yet, f... fuck not yet, Hannah, don't."

I would have crowed in triumph if I could.

His protests notwithstanding, Matt was giving tiny, helpless thrusts into my wet mouth. I squeezed his shaft harder and picked up the pace. He arched away from the wall, tugged at my hair, and came hard, coating the back of my throat with cum.

"Fuck!" he rasped.

I had no doubt Matt's moan was heard beyond the door.

I swallowed and sat back on my heels.

"You taste amazing," I murmured.

Matt swayed against the wall.

Before he could turn the tables on me, I yanked up my bra and dress, gave Matt's tight ass a squeeze, and scrambled for the door. To be honest, I was afraid to linger in the room with him. He was watching me with his steady green eyes, though he had yet to do up his slacks, and I felt precisely like I was standing in a cage watching a tranquilized tiger wake.

I blew him a kiss at the door.

"I'll meet you outside," I said, and then I got the hell out of there.





1. Buy time (a day)

2. Frozen food (Pam?)

3. Pictures, photo albums

4. Bethany's clothes & shower stuff

5. Girly things (esp. in the bathroom)

6. My books

M. Pierce's books