Miles of Pleasure

chapter 13

The next week was good for Kaylee. She and Ashton spent a lot of quality time together, doing normal, everyday things. They watched television, hung out with friends, and caught up on some much needed sleep...together. For the most part they got along, with only a few mild spats peppered here and there.

The day Kaylee got her cast off, nothing could bother her. Because of the location of the break, the doctor wanted to get the cast off her shoulder so that she could start regaining small amounts of mobility. Though she would have to keep her shoulder in a sling except when she was in physical therapy, it was so much better than the gigantic cast she previously wore.

To celebrate, Noah organized a little party. The celebration wasn't just for Kaylee though; it was more of a party to celebrate the end of the tour. No matter what the actual reason, there were plenty of reasons to party.

Kaylee was busy in her room, trying to get ready for the party, when she heard a knock at her door. She was hoping it was Jenny. Even though she had the cast off, it didn't mean she was able to fully function and use her damaged arm. Something as simple as putting on a shirt or buttoning a pair of jeans could be tough. She needed a little help getting ready, especially since the party was already starting.

"Come in," Kaylee said desperately.

"Hey, just seeing if you were ready yet," Ashton told her as he walked into the room. The glare he received was the only answer he needed. "Guess not."

Kaylee sighed. "Sorry, I'm just a little frustrated. I thought having the cast off would make things so much easier, but it's still hard."

"Need any help?" Ashton walked up behind Kaylee and put his hands on her shoulders. Their eyes met in the mirror they were standing in front of. "I'd gladly help you get dressed...or undressed," he offered.

Kaylee rolled her eyes. As much as that thought had been crossing her mind lately, she knew it wasn't a good idea. Not yet, at least. "Keep dreaming."

He smiled indulgently. "I know, sorry. But at least you have your cast off. Noah has another week with his."

Ashton turned her around and pulled her into his arms, still careful of her shoulder. "Seriously, is there anything I can do to help?"

"You can go find Jenny for me?" She looked at him with pleading eyes.

"No problem. Then I'll be downstairs waiting for you. After all, you're my date for this shindig, and I wouldn't dream of making an entrance until you're by my side." He quickly kissed her cheek before departing to look for Jenny.

Kaylee stared after him, still battling her feelings. They had grown a lot closer with each passing moment they spent together, but a part of her was still trying to protect herself from Ashton. He seemed to truly care about her, but knowing everything she knew about his past, Kaylee had a hard time letting her guard down completely. She wondered if he might revert back to his playboy self at any moment, and that made her very cautious.

Another knock at her door brought her out of her thoughts. "Come in," she called, and was relieved to see Jenny enter her bedroom.

"Oh, thank God, Jenny. I need help," she whined.

'That's what I'm here for!" Jenny smiled at her. "Now, what can we do to make you beautiful for that young man who is so crazy about you?"

Kaylee smiled. "I don't think he's crazy about me, I think it's just the thrill of the chase." She walked into her closet, and came back out with a couple of clothes hangers in her hand. "First of all, which outfit do you like best, and then I might need you to help me with my hair."

Jenny looked through the hangers, carefully studying each one. "Well, I like this one." She held up a classy pair of black pants and a button down blouse. "But Ashton will like this one." She handed Kaylee a pair of Capri pants and a halter top, and put the other clothes back in the closet. "Go get changed and then we'll do your hair. You'll need to put it up if you're going to wear that shirt."

Fifteen minutes later, Kaylee and Jenny stood back from the mirror admiring their hard work. She was finally ready, thanks to Jenny. Both women went to the living room where they found Ashton waiting. Jenny laughed at the longing look in his eyes when he saw Kaylee.

"Wow, you look great." He stood up from the couch and went to kiss Kaylee's cheek. "Do I get the honor of having the two most beautiful women on my arms as we make our appearance?"

Kaylee laughed at his attempt at chivalry, and hooked her good arm through his. Jenny smiled and took his other arm. He led the two women out to the back yard, where the party was already in full swing. Once outside, Jenny grabbed Kaylee and pulled her to the side.

"I just wanted to tell you to have fun tonight, okay? I'm not going to stay long, so I won't cramp your style."

"Jenny! Don't leave any earlier than you want to. We invited you because we love you, and we want you here with us. You certainly don't cramp our style!" Kaylee scolded.

"Just the same..." Jenny told her, before she walked off with a smile, leaving Kaylee alone with Ashton.

He grabbed her hand and led her through the crowd to mingle with all their friends who had shown up. There were a lot of people they hadn't seen in a while, and it was nice to catch up with everyone. More than a few people eyed them, since they'd never seen Ashton and Kaylee together and not fighting like cats and dogs. The biggest shock was to see them holding hands, cuddling, and kissing.

Everyone wanted to know what was going on between them, and their standard answer was always to smile and say they were 'just friends'. No one believed it, seeing how they were looking at each other, but they also didn't know what to think. Kaylee and Ashton were having a great time catching all their friends off guard with their 'relationship'. They even heard some of their friends making bets on how long it would be until they exploded at each other.

Kaylee was having a great time until a familiar face caught her attention. She tugged on Ashton's arm and pointed in the woman's direction. "What the hell is Brittany doing here?"

Ashton craned his neck to see the woman Kaylee was talking about. He had heard all about how Brittany had dumped Noah, leaving him completely heartbroken in high school. Even Ashton had a bad feeling about the woman.

"Only one way to find out," he said, dragging Kaylee over to where Brittany and Noah stood.

"Hey guys, look who made it," Noah said proudly when Kaylee and Ashton walked up.

"Brittany," Kaylee said coldly in greeting.

"Hey, Kaylee. How's it going?" Brittany asked with fake enthusiasm.

Noah watched the exchange between the two, and quickly pulled his sister to the side. He had such a hurt look on his face that it made Kaylee feel a twinge of guilt.

Luckily, the feeling didn't last long.

"What was that all about?" Noah asked his sister. "Don't you like Brittany?"

"Didn't you learn your lesson in high school?"

"People change, Kaylee, in case you didn't know that," Noah gestured toward Ashton.

"I know they do! I just don't trust her," she fired back. She knew Noah had a point, but Kaylee just had this feeling in her gut when it came to Brittany.

"Just give her a chance, please, Kaylee." His eyes pleaded with her. "I'm not interfering with you and Ashton. You could at least give me the same courtesy."

He was right and she knew it. Everything in her wanted to meddle and fight and interfere as hard as she could, but he was being kind by overlooking Ashton's faults. She could do the same here - even if she didn't like it one bit.

"Fine, but if she hurts you, I'll kill her." She knew that she couldn't resist the wishes of the person she was the closest to in the world. She still wasn't completely on board with the whole Brittany thing, but she'd try her hardest.

Kaylee and Noah rejoined Ashton and Brittany, only to have Ashton whisk Kaylee right away. He quickly pushed her through the crowd until they were completely on the other side of the yard.

"What the hell was that for?" Kaylee asked, feeling a little cross at being pushed the whole way without an explanation.

"That woman is a snake!" he exclaimed, his voice edged with a shudder.

"What'd she do?" Kaylee was getting madder by the minute.

"The little slut was all over me. She said she heard I was the playboy of the group, and that she and I could have a lot of fun together. I told her I wasn't interested and that I was seeing someone. She had the nerve to tell me that no one had to know, and in fact she preferred it that way."

The angrier Ashton got, the louder his voice got. It wasn't as though he had a problem with a woman who just wanted a good time - obviously he had had more than his fair share of those. But when it was a woman who claimed to want to be with Noah and tried to get with him the moment Noah turned his back, that went far beyond just wanting a "good time." That was the kind of thing that could truly hurt people, and Ashton felt dirty for simply being pulled into the middle of it.

Kaylee felt the steam rising inside of her. It was bad enough that the bimbo was playing her brother...again. But to make it worse, Brittany knew there was something going on with Kaylee and Ashton, but that didn't stop the cow from flirting with her man. 'Not that I have any stake on him, but...' Kaylee thought to herself.

"And just when I told Noah I'd give her the benefit of the doubt." She shook her head in disbelief.

"She'll hang herself soon enough," Ashton told Kaylee. He was sure she would. He had seen women of her kind before. Noah was his best friend, and he didn't want to see him hurt. But he didn't want to get involved, because he knew Noah had to see things on his own, or else he would never get rid of the girl.

"You know what, I've had enough of this party," he said, pulling Kaylee closer to his body. "How about you and I go inside, get away from these people, and have wild, crazy, dirty sex all night long."

Kaylee blushed as she looked into Ashton's eyes. She wanted nothing more than to take him up on his offer, but she still wasn't sure if he was really into their 'relationship'.

"Or..." she smiled.

"Or we could go make out until I am so sexually frustrated that I can't stand it anymore, and I beg you to have sex with me, but you still say no, and I finally pass out from frustration but I'm still surprisingly okay with that?" he said.

Kaylee laughed hard. "I like the way you think!" She led him into the house, making sure to put a little extra wiggle in her hips since she knew that's exactly where his eyes were focused.

"Uh, you're killing me. But what a sweet, sweet death."

Stephanie Nicole's books