Melting the Ice (A Play-by-Play Novel)

Even Gray had to see the benefit in that, and maybe before he left tonight he needed to have another conversation with Gray and talk about the good things he could bring to a relationship with Carolina.

After church and more media time, they headed back to the house, where the staff had cooked up an amazing turkey dinner.

Drew’s eyes bugged out at all the food. Turkey, ham, and more side dishes than he could put on his plate.

And then there was wine.

“When’s your next game, Drew?” the vice president asked.

“Monday. But I head back tomorrow for practice.”

Mitchell Preston nodded. “As do I. Not for practice, of course, but there’s a lot to be done and the time off is always brief.”

“Unfortunately,” Mrs. Preston said, laying her hand on her husband’s arm.

“At least we’ll have a little more time off for New Year’s,” Mr. Preston said.

“Will you be back here?” Drew asked.

The vice president shook his head. “No, we’ll be taking in New Year’s in D.C. Gray, will you and Evelyn be there?”

Gray shook his head. “We’re heading to the house in Daytona for New Year’s Eve. Some alone time for the two of us.”

Evelyn smiled at Gray.

Mrs. Preston nodded. “Understandable. You two don’t get nearly enough of that, and soon enough Gray will be gearing up for racing season to start again.”

Evelyn sighed. “That’s true. And it seems as if it just ended.”

“But we still have time before that revs up in full, so we’ll take advantage while we can.”

“And speaking of those wedding plans . . .”

Evelyn looked at Mrs. Preston. “We’re working on it.”

“And yes, Mom, we’re working on setting a date. Just haven’t pinned one down yet,” Gray said.

“As busy as both of you are, I want that to happen sooner rather than later. How will I ever get grandchildren?”

“We’re practicing for that,” Gray said.

The vice president laughed and Mrs. Preston shook her head.

“I promise, Mom. We’re getting married next year.”

She frowned. “That doesn’t give me much time.”

“Oh, please. Loretta Preston can put together a wedding in a month if she needs to. You’re a woman who makes things happen.”

Drew listened to all this back-and-forth with a smile on his face. He’d always liked Gray’s mom, and having Gray and his dad get along so well had to be such a relief for Gray. All through college there had been such tension between them.

Now his life was settled. He had a woman he loved and his family was whole again. He was happy and in love and looking forward to a secure future.

In the meantime, Drew had spent a lot of years wandering aimlessly, dating women who definitely weren’t the settling-down type.

Until . . . recently.

Though Carolina wasn’t ready to settle down, not with what she had going on in her life right now.

He shifted his gaze toward her. She was smiling as she listened to Gray and Evelyn talk wedding plans. He wondered what she thought about that, about where her life was. Did she even compare them, or was she satisfied and thinking only about her fashion line?

He knew it was her priority, that her career was the number one thing in her life.

And where did he fit into all that?

Maybe he didn’t fit in at all, and he was just someone she fucked to ease the tension.

He sure as hell had used women in his past to ease the tension from his job, and then thought nothing about letting them go.

Why did he even care? They were just having fun, right?

? ? ?

AFTER LUNCH, CAROLINA TOOK HER GIFTS UP TO HER room, needing a few minutes of quiet time. It had been nonstop motion after rocketing out of bed this morning.

She needed to pack. She’d head back to New York tomorrow morning, back to the frenetic pace of work and deadlines. This had been a relaxing interlude, and she was grateful to have been able to spend time with her family, because it would likely be the last bit of relaxation she’d have before Fashion Week.

She fingered the necklace Drew had given her. Such a surprise. He didn’t seem the romantic type. She hadn’t expected a gift from him at all, and if he had gotten her one, maybe a Travelers jersey or something. Nothing like this. She went into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror.

The necklace was simple. Nothing extravagant, and yet what she’d told him had been the truth.

It was perfect. She felt his touch burn into her skin even as she stared at the necklace.

Ridiculous. She no more belonged to him than he was hers. Drew saw a lot of women, and none of them on a long-term basis. And why would she even be interested in what he did? They were just having some fun. He was going to go back home, play hockey, and no doubt hit on other women, while she was going to head back to work and not have sex with anyone else. She’d gotten exactly what she wanted out of him—hot sex and tension relief.

But as she stared at the necklace, she wondered how Drew felt, if what was between them was more than just sex.

Right. Like it could ever be anything more than just sex.

Jaci Burton's books