Melting the Ice (A Play-by-Play Novel)

How was she going to survive the next two days with him in the house? How was she going to keep her family—mainly Gray—from finding out about the two of them?

She wasn’t certain how Gray would react if he knew there was something going on between her and Drew. Gray and Drew went way back, all the way to their wild partying days at college. Gray knew Drew as well as anyone, knew how Drew was with women. There was something about guys not wanting their best friends to date their little sisters, some unwritten code or honor or some ridiculous man-code bullshit like that.

“Is it safe for me to enter?”

She looked up from her spot in the family room, where she had a wide swath of wrapping paper and shopping bags. She smiled at Evelyn. “I wrapped your presents an hour ago. Come on in.”

“Great. I’ve been wrapping for two hours straight and I needed a break.”

“Ditto.” Carolina stood and stretched. “Have you seen my mom?”

“Yes. She hightailed it out of here about an hour ago with your dad. They were going to a neighboring ranch—something about seeing some old friends?”

“Oh, right. The Nelsons. How about we hit the kitchen for some tea?”

“That sounds like a great idea. I don’t know about you, but my back is killing me.”

Carolina laughed as they crossed the foyer and went down the hall toward the kitchen. “Mine, too. And did you notice when the word ‘wrapping’ is mentioned, all the men are suddenly scarce?”

“Yes. Gray said something about them going to the lodge to play golf since the weather is so nice today. I think they were just trying to escape having to wrap presents.”

“Or maybe they’re doing last-minute shopping.”

They entered the kitchen and Carolina poured two glasses of iced tea.

“God, I hope not. I’d like to think Gray had the presence of mind to have done his shopping weeks ago.”

They took a seat at the table. “Seriously, Evelyn? He’s a man. They never think ahead.”

Evelyn sighed. “You’re right. They’re probably at the mall now, along with every other guy in town, with that deer in the headlights look they all get because they’ve waited until the last minute to do their shopping.”

“Which means you’ll get a toaster for Christmas. Or gloves.”

“Or kitchen towels or something equally hideous. Ugh.”

Carolina laughed. “Which makes me glad I don’t have a man in my life. See? This way I’m not disappointed in gifts.”

“What about Drew? Surely he’ll give you something.”

“Why would Drew get me anything?”

“Because the two of you are in a relationship?”

Uh-oh. “No we’re not. He’s only here because I found out his family wasn’t going to be around for the holidays. And of course, because he’s Gray’s friend.”

Evelyn gave her a look. “Honey, this is me you’re talking to, not your brother. I see the way he looks at you, and the return looks you give him. You might be able to fool your mother and your brother, but I’ve had the hots for a guy before—your brother, as it was. I know when a woman is lusting after a man, and you are definitely in full-on lust mode.”

Defeated, she leaned back in the chair. “And I was hoping not to be so blatantly obvious about it.”

“Oh, it’s not obvious. At least not to everyone. You and Drew did a fine job last night of appearing like you weren’t even breathing the same air. But you smiled at him, and then he smiled at you, and I just so happened to be looking at both of you when that happened. Oh, the chemistry between the two of you is explosive.”

She sighed. “It is, isn’t it?”

“And you two share a history, if I recall. From back in college?”

“Yes. And not a good history, either.”

“I remember that somewhat contentious reunion last year here at the ranch. So you’ve forgiven him for how he treated you back then?”

Carolina shared Drew’s apology, and what had transpired between them since then.

“It sounds to me like he’s been trying to make amends.”

“It seems that way, but my career right now is vitally important to me. I don’t really want to get involved with anyone, least of all Drew.”

Evelyn nodded. “I understand. The timing of Gray and I getting involved couldn’t have been worse. But love happens when you least expect it to.”

“Love? We’re not anywhere close to being in love. This is just lust and an incredibly hot sexual attraction. It’ll burn itself out in due course.”

Evelyn gave her a lopsided smile. “Sure it will, honey.”

“Seriously, Evelyn. That’s all it is. I wanted him for so long back in college. And now that he’s reentered my stratosphere and seems genuinely interested in me, it just seems natural for me to want to take advantage, you know? There’s nothing else to it. We’re so cosmically different in every respect. He’s a hotshot athlete, and my future is in fashion. We have nothing in common other than the sex.”

“Right. And Gray and I were so well matched, what with me being in politics and him being in auto racing.” Evelyn gave her a pointed look.

Jaci Burton's books