Melting the Ice (A Play-by-Play Novel)

He slid his hand into the pocket and took a stroll.

God, he was a natural. Some models took years to perfect a walk like that. Drew took seconds to head down the room, stop, turn, and head back.

Women would be falling at his feet.

And even better, the outfit looked magnificent on him. He was tall, lean, with chiseled looks that would serve him well on the runway.

Or in a magazine.

Or on a billboard.

He was perfect for her line.

“How did I do?”

“Great. Stand there for a second.” She ran and grabbed her notebook and took a photo of him in the clothes. “Now put this set on.” She handed him the next outfit. He undressed, put it on, and did the same walk. She made notes and took photos while he tried on six different outfits.

He wore them all incredibly well. And didn’t complain once about being bored or irritated.

“Thank you for doing this,” she said as he climbed out of the last outfit.

“We’re done already?”

“Yes. Why? Did you enjoy it? Thinking of hanging up your skates and becoming a model?”

He laughed. “Not on your life. But for you, I don’t mind.”

He’d been so great about this. Even the professional models hated trying on clothes. Dressing them in an outfit and sending them down a runway at a packed show, fine. That’s what they were paid for. But they found fittings tiresome.

“You were awesome.”

He stepped toward her. “So does that mean I get some kind of reward?”

“Uh, like what?”

He wrapped an arm around her and tugged her close. “I was thinking we could go make out on the window seat.”

“And I think you can get dressed now.”

Surprisingly, he let go of her and took a step back. “Okay, if that’s what you really want.”

The feel of his rock-hard body against hers made her want him.

And then he’d let go of her. So easily. Shockingly, actually, as she watched him climb into his jeans.

She was surprised by her disappointment. “Seriously? You’re getting dressed?”

He looked up at her. “Isn’t that what you want?”

“Yes. No. I mean, yes, of course. We should go.”

“What do you want, Carolina?” he asked, his jeans still unzipped, hanging on his hips and making him look sexier than he did when he was standing there in his briefs. She could sketch him, just like that, the hint of his hipbone shadowed by the denim . . .

God, she was insane. Drew did this to her. Somehow this was all his fault.

“I need to get back to work. Make some adjustments to the clothing, line out the models.”

He walked over toward the door. Confused, she frowned. He wasn’t fully dressed yet. What was he doing?

When the lights went out, she was disoriented.


“I’m right here.” He whispered, his body coming up to nestle behind hers. He wrapped his arms around her, then kissed her neck.

She shivered, closed her eyes, and tilted her head to the side, giving him access. Maybe it was seeing him mostly unclothed, or seeing him in her clothes. Maybe it was his cooperative spirit and the way he’d given himself over to modeling for her.

She didn’t know, and right now, right here, in the dark, with his body so close to hers, she stopped questioning it, stopped questioning herself. She only wanted Drew, only wanted his lips gliding along the column of her throat, pulling her sweater aside to nip at her shoulder.

She shuddered, and when he walked them forward, toward the window, her body pulsed with excitement.

“I’ve been thinking about you—about this window seat—since we walked in here tonight.”

He raised her sweater, spreading his hand across her stomach. Ripples of desire quivered throughout her body.

“I missed you while I was gone, Lina.” He whipped her around and cupped her chin, then kissed her, a searing hot kiss she felt through every nerve ending. She wanted more, wanted to be closer to him. She leaned into him, tunneled her fingers into his hair and moved her body against his.

When he groaned and cupped her butt, she knew she wanted him inside her. She’d missed him. That one night together—the night she thought would be the last time between them—hadn’t been enough.

She pulled back. “We could go back to my place.”

He smiled at her, a dark, dangerous smile that thrilled her. “Where’s your sense of adventure, Lina?”

“Uh, back in my apartment? In my bedroom?”

He laughed and turned her back around. “Look out the window. No one can see us. It’s dark in here. But you can look down at them.”

He popped the button on her jeans and drew her zipper down. His hand was warm as he slid it inside.

Her breath caught as he slipped his hand under her panties, cupping her sex.

“You’re wet, Lina.”


“Do you want me to make you come?”

How could she not when she was a tight knot of nerve endings ready to burst?


Jaci Burton's books