Maverick (Satan's Fury MC, #1)

“It’s down the hall on the right,” Maverick told me, pointing down a long, dark hall. I was just about to open the bathroom door when I heard the waitress’s voice coming through the wall. She was obviously upset, her voice getting higher and higher. No one was responding to her, so I assumed that she was talking on her cell phone.

“I told you months ago that I was done with your shit, Drew. Now, let it go! Stop calling me! Stop texting me. And for fuck’s sake, stop coming by the house. If you haven’t freaking noticed, I do not want to see you!” she barked. There was a brief pause before she started up again, “I don’t give a shit! You’re the one who decided to screw that whore from next door. That’s all on you. I don’t want to hear anything else you have to say. If you come around here again, I’m calling Bishop. Period.” There was a little commotion coming from the restroom, and then, suddenly the door flew open.

Her face flushed red with embarrassment when she saw me standing there, and before I could tell her not to worry about it, she said, “Uh… sorry about that. I have the ex from hell, and he just doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.”

“No need to apologize. There’s nothing worse than a guy like that, but it sounded like you handled him pretty well,” I told her, smiling. She seemed like a really cool girl, and I hated that this guy was giving her such a hard time. She was a least a foot shorter than me, making her seem a little younger than she really was. Her hair was pulled back in a fishtail braid, and she was wearing a pair of shorts with a hot tank top that said, ‘I’m actually not funny. I’m just mean and people think I’m joking’. I wanted one, and if she hadn’t been in the middle of an angry rant, I would have ask her where she’d gotten it.

“I’d really like to throat punch the asshole, but I doubt that it’d make much difference. We’d been dating for over a year when I found out he was screwing the slut-bag next door. I broke it off, but he just can’t get it through his thick skull that I’m done with his dumbass,” she explained as she let out a flustered sigh. “I’m sorry. I got carried away. It’s just one of those days.”

“No problem. We all have them,” I said laughing.

“By the way, my name is Sunny.”

“Nice to meet you, Sunny. I’m Henley. I’m here with Maverick,” I told her as I looked back to our table. When I saw that Maverick was distracted with his phone, I asked her, “So, I heard you mention Bishop’s name earlier. Do you know him?” I brought my hand up to my face, covering my eyes with my fingers while I shook my head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked… that’s none of my business.”

“Don’t be silly. I basically just spilled my guts to you in the ladies restroom, so I’d say you’re entitled to a question or two. I’m Bishop’s neighbor. My mom used to babysit his son, Myles, so we’re all pretty close. I’d never really call him over something like this, but I know he’d be there for me, if I really needed him,” she explained.

“I’m sure he would. Be sure to let him know, if you keep having problems with this guy. Maybe he can do something to help you sort it.”

“I will. I’d better get back up front before the lunch crowd starts rolling in,” she told me as she started towards the front. She turned back to me and said, “It was really great meeting you. Next time you’re in town, stop by, and I’ll buy you a drink.”

“That would be great, Sunny. I’ll do that,” I replied just before I walked into the restroom. By the time I came back, Maverick had already placed our order and our drinks were sitting on the table.

“Did you get lost?” he asked, putting his phone back in his pocket.

“I was just having a little chat with our waitress, Sunny. She’s having some guy troubles,” I told him.

“Did you get her sorted?” he asked with a mocking grin.

“From what I could tell, she did a pretty good job of sorting it herself,” I explained. I looked back over to Sunny, hoping that I was right. She seemed like a really amazing girl, and I’d hate for anything to happen to her.

When we finished eating, Maverick stood up from the table and said, “We need to get back to the club. I texted Gavin to tell him that we were on our way. I’m not exactly looking forward to it, but it’s time for us to talk.”

I’d almost forgotten the hell that was waiting for Maverick when we got back to the club, but hearing Gavin’s name tossed me right back into reality. Gavin had screwed up big time when he betrayed his brother, and I wondered if Maverick would ever be able to forgive him. I worried that after today, neither of them would ever be the same.

Chapter 19



L. Wilder's books