Maverick (Satan's Fury MC, #1)

“You… or at least something that could lead them to you. Whoever these guys are, they seem pretty intent on finding you, so that’s why Cotton put Maverick in charge of watching over you.”

It was hard enough being here like this, but I definitely didn’t need Mr. Green Eyes watching my every move. He’s always so damn serious, with his blank stare and grim expression. It was like someone had just killed his dog or something. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen the man smile, and now he was going to be watching over me. Crap on a cracker. Just being in the same room with him made me feel all awkward and nervous, and it made my palms sweaty just thinking about it.

“It’s his job, Henley. He’ll make sure nothing happens to you,” she replied.

“I will do what they tell me to do. But I don’t need a freaking babysitter, Cassidy. Especially not him.”

“Maverick will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. That’s all that matters. Even if you don’t like it, you’re going to have to make this thing work. It’s not going to be easy for either of you. You’re just going to have to make the best of it,” she said, as she started restocking the bar’s coolers.

“Damn it all to hell,” I told her as I rolled my eyes. “Why did I ever leave the house? I should’ve just gone to bed and none of this would have ever happened. I wouldn’t have to deal with Mr. Grouch.”

“Henley, just do what he says. He takes club business very seriously, and it’ll only piss him off if you don’t do what he tells you,” she warned.

“Yeah… well, I’ll do what I can to not piss him off. Alright?” I asked sarcastically. “I’m going to bed, mom. I’ll see you in the morning.”

As I started to walk out of the bar, I looked over at Maverick. He was sitting alone, drinking another shot of whiskey. His elbows were stretched across the countertop as he stared into the empty shot glass. A part of me wanted to go to him… ask him what was bothering him, but I couldn’t get the courage to do it, so I just left.

I still didn’t know my way around the entire clubhouse. When Cassidy told me where my room was, I thought I knew exactly where she was talking about. I was wrong. This place was like a maze with all the doors and hallways, but after asking three different guys for help, I finally managed to find my room. When I opened the door, I was pleased to see that Cassidy was right. The guys managed to get everything I asked for and more. One of them even brought my favorite blanket from my bedroom. I took off my clothes and put on my favorite Game of Thrones t-shirt. When I crawled into bed, I was relieved to see that they even remembered to get the pillows off of my bed. I’m a little obsessed with them and knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep without them.

“Henley?” a man’s voice called with a pounding knock against on my door.

“Hold on,” I answered as I got up from the bed and walked towards the door. When I opened it, Maverick was standing there with his overpowering presence and his beautiful green eyes glaring straight at me. He didn’t say a word as his eyes dropped down, reading the words on my t-shirt or possibly checking out my boobs. I really couldn’t tell.

I cleared my throat, trying to draw his attention back to my face and asked, “Did you need something?”

His eyes slowly meandered down my body, roaming over my bare legs. My feet shifted nervously as he continued to stand there blatantly staring at me. His intense gaze burned against my flesh, making me pull at the hem of my long t-shirt. With a deep sigh, he ran his fingers roughly through his hair, and my eyes instantly zoned in on his waist. His faded blue jeans dropped low around his hips and with his arm lifted, it gave me a peek at his abdomen. My eyes widened when I noticed he had a very pronounced, very sexy V. Damn, I did not need to see that.

His head was still facing down, and I assumed he was checking out my dark purple toenail polish when he asked, “You got everything you need?”

“Yep. All good here,” I told him as I turned back and looked around the room. My clothes were all hanging in the closet, my make-up was on the small dresser, and my bed was made up with fresh sheets. The guys had done everything they could to make the room as nice as possible. When I turned back to face Maverick, he was still staring at me with a peculiar look on his face. “The guys really did an amazing job here. It was really sweet of them. Did you need something?”

“Good,” Maverick said with a nod. “It’s late. I just wanted to make sure you were settled, I’ll be back in the morning. We have a few things to discuss.” Without another word, he turned around and left.

I stood there staring at the empty doorway, wondering what the hell we had to talk about. Something told me that he wasn’t exactly thrilled about having to keep an eye on me, but the way he just looked at me? Yeah, that was hot. This man had me all kinds of confused. I was tempted to just pack up my stuff and get the hell out of here. I told Cotton everything I knew, so there was really no point in me staying.

Chapter 9



L. Wilder's books