Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Please!” I bite out with deep exasperation.

He pulls down on my shoulders and pushes me onto him and then off. Oh, I love the way he uses my body as if it weighed two pounds. It was effortless. He did it for a few seconds before I caught on and then went for broke. I began plowing into him like a mad woman, feeling electrical pulses traveling through my spine. He moved his arms to hold onto my hands behind my back while kissing me wildly on my shoulders, neck, and breasts.

“Azmir! Oh my...Azmir!” I screamed. My insides were on sensory overload and I tightened at the core to grip him internally.

“Rayna, you’re such an enthusiastic lover,” he choked out in a gruff over our pace. “You see…this is why you can’t leave.” At those words my eyes pried open. I can see the determination in his eyes, the hidden retribution for my stubbornness.

I knew in that moment that I was exhausting him mentally, my resistance wearing on him. But how long before he broke? I didn’t want to think about that. I want to focus on his workings of my anatomy. He feels incredible. “You feel it...don’t you, baby. There it is,” he says because somehow he knows. He knows that I am on the brink of an orgasm. He’s that in tune with my body that he can accurately predict it.

I let it go, singing the letter “O” with more meanings than I thought it had.

Azmir pulls me closer to him. “You won’t leave?” he asks with anxiousness. Desperation.

“!” I scream in torturous pleasure as my orgasm is still in full swing.

“Tell me, baby...tell me you won’t leave me—ever,” he demands through clenched teeth and with urgency in his tone.

“Never. I’m never leaving you. I swear, Azmir!” I meant every word of that proclamation. I felt it in every corner of my body as I was coming down from my orgasmic high.

Azmir had taken over the thrusting and it felt inconceivably delicious. “Good…because I plan to give you the world. I’m gonna make you so happy, Brimm. Do whatever I have to. I’m gonna make you my—” his declarations were interrupted by his ravishing orgasm. He held my limp body so near to his as he writhed beneath me. It was as if he needed to become one with me. I felt the goose bumps that sheathed his tense body.

I was absolutely spent. We sat in that position until we both finished collecting ourselves.

I couldn’t get his last sentence out of my head. He’s gonna make me what? Happy? Proud? His wife? He’d already said happy so he had to have meant his wife. Am I ready for that? Am I worthy of that? I don’t want to move things too fast. It’s enough that I’m living with him. I’m still adjusting to that. My eyes paced the wall behind Azmir as my thoughts ran wild.

“You okay?” he whispered against my neck where he buried his face during his climax.

“Yeah,” I breathed, trying to mask my bemusement.

Azmir reached for the key to free my hands from the handcuffs.

“Ah!” I cried. I hadn’t realized my shoulders were locked into that position. “Try explaining that to Tyler this morning,” he teased.

Azmir takes my hands into his and lifts them gently to his face to inspect damages. He sighs in relief when he notices no bruising. He kisses them and for once he isn’t looking me into my eyes. This is strange for him. It plays on my suspicions. Was Azmir hinting at a proposal? I had to confront this head on.

“Azmir?” I call to him, though he’s two inches away and still rock hard inside of me. I try to capture his diverting eyes.

“Yes, baby,” he answers while still planting small kisses on my hands and wrists. It was distracting.

“What you said earlier? Or what you were trying to say...?” Crap! What am I trying to say?

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