Love Redeemed (Book #4)

“Azmir!” Rayna cries out, while her arms encircle me.

To anyone else, that calling of my name would be perceived as panic, but to the person on the other end of what we’re experiencing—what we’re making together, I know she’s embracing my flight, padding my landing. I shiver as unadulterated languor encloses me.

She throws her soft body onto mine, pinning me to the bench with a grip of my shoulders in an impassioned embrace. I’m assessing my body, observing my heart trying to beat out of my chest, the sweat that envelopes my entire frame, and my head that’s slowing its spin. What was that? I can’t bring myself to complete comprehension. I can only feel the explanation of it, not verbalize it.

In the recesses of my befuddled mind, I can make out the muffled sounds from voices above us, in the captain’s salon. Futilely, I wonder if they heard us. I can’t feel my toes to give a fuck.

“Oh, my god, Azmir!” That cry is in alarm. Rayna lifts slightly to gain my gaze. “Your shoulders are bleeding!” she holds up her bloodstained palms. Her eyes are horror-stricken.

I look to my left and right, observing my slit shoulders. Sure enough, they’re smudged in blood with fresh traces ejecting. I don’t feel the stinging sensation until now. However, the smarting pain can’t rival the endorphins floating through my veins or the warming balm that stretches the full length of my body.


“I’m so sorry, baby,” she grimaces. “I got carried away. I could help myself. Oh, my god…I’ve never felt anything like that be—”

I cap that last word with a hard kiss. I unleash my tongue to wildly explore every crevice of her delectable mouth. Rayna folds into me instantly, moaning helplessly into my mouth. The kiss is so captivating, I forget to breathe.

I barely hear the captain, who obviously doesn’t know we’re tangled beneath him, announce the chef’s call for dinner. Rayna belts out a conspirator’s giggle, and then covers her mouth with the back of her hand as if that helps from tipping anyone off. In her delirium, she even has the nerve to hold the shushing finger to my face. I have no damn clue who she’s quieting besides herself. I haven’t whispered a word; I’m still coming down from what she put on me moments ago.

We need to get up to wash the blood off her and tend to my shoulders. It’s apparent that we have a dinner order to put in as well. As I lift both our bodies from the bench, making sure Rayna’s ass is covered before I turn the corner for the steps to the lower deck, she tries to fight her giggling fit to examine my now brooding state. I’ve been perceptibly preoccupied and not with her in mirth.

“Fuck,” I finally murmur over a hard exhale. “We’re buying this boat.”

She then breaks. Rayna can’t contain her cackle…all the way to our shower.

I’ve arranged for us to cruise for seven days starting in Los Angeles with stops in Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas. Our next few days are filled with recreation, sun bathing, swimming on and off the yacht, island hopping, shopping, drinking, eating, hiking in the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains, exploring, and feverish smashing. We only have a week to celebrate our union due to our demanding work schedules. I’ll be heading out of town just a few days after returning from my honeymoon. Besides, Rayna was insistent on not taking too many days off work.

Nonetheless, during our week-long celebration, I bond with my wife, teaching her how to swim in the ocean amongst other things.


The yacht was docked just off Baja and we were diving off the open deck of the boat. Rayna’s sun-kissed bronzed skin looked sexy as fuck in her sun yellow string bikini over her well-toned figure as she stood at the lip, prepared to jump. Her eyes were big in anticipation, though it was her third time in a row plunging into the Pacific. Each time, her contemplation was shorter than the one before. I did the countdown from below as I squinted, shielding the hard sun from my eyes.


Buzzing with excitement, Rayna leaped into the cool water, screaming on the way down before I was through. I heard the splash a few feet away, and when she came up, Rayna brushed her face with her hands, looking around for me. Marcus and a few other crewmembers cheered her on. When she located me, she swam over, wrapped her legs around my waist as she clasped my frame.

“How was that one?” she pants in my face, covertly asking for my approval.

“Much better, Mrs. Jacobs,” I reward.

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