Love Beyond Compare (Morna's Legacy, #5)

“Cooper, do ye mind staying with Orick tonight, lad? I canna bear to be next to him, his snoring kept me up all night at Morna’s.”

Cooper shrugged. “Sure, but Orick doesn’t snore.”

I handed the key to Cooper as he reached for it, refraining from snickering at Adwen’s attempt to cover up the reason for such a sleeping arrangement. It was a bad excuse. Cooper woke before everyone. He would know well enough if Orick snored, but I didn’t say anything, instead trying to change the subject as quickly as possible.

“Coop, will you show Orick how to use the shower? I’m sure both he and Adwen are ready to get cleaned up in a way that doesn’t involve a sink full of water and a rag.”

“Sure, but then I am going to bed, Aunt Jane. I am wiped.”

I yawned in agreement even though my heart was going a million miles a minute, and my head was starting to ache rather badly. I hoped I hadn’t overdosed on caffeine. “Me too, Coop. I’m so very tired. Okay, then. See you guys in the morning.”


Adwen spun me toward him, crushing my back into the doorknob the moment I latched it. I cried out in pain as I reached behind to touch at my most-assuredly bruised ribs. He apologized half-heartedly before scooting me over so that my back pressed flat against the door and pulled my sweater frantically over my head.

“Hey, slow down, mister. Don’t you want to look around the room first? Maybe get a drink of water or something?”

“Jane, do ye see what ye’ve done to me? I havena been in this much pain in all of my life. If I doona have ye now, I fear I shall die.”

I almost laughed at the desperation in his voice, but as I looked at his face, I sort of believed him. My gaze moved downward, and I gasped at the bulge in his jeans.

“Please tell me that hasn’t been that way since the plane.”

“Aye, it has. And ye teased me about it, lass. ’Twas more cruel than ye know.”

“God, Adwen, I never thought…I mean, I didn’t think…there’s no way it should have stayed up that long!”

I reached for him and undid his jeans as quickly as I could. Every movement I made against him caused him to groan in agonizing pain. When I finally managed to pull his jeans downward, he gasped in relief.

“’Tis better but no good enough, lass.”

I nodded, stripping quickly as he did the same. Once naked, he lifted me off the ground as my arms went around him, my legs wrapping around his waist as he carried me to the nearest resting place—a console table around the corner of the entryway. It sat empty, no more than a decorative space-filler against the wall. He sat me down on it as he plunged deep inside me, groaning as he leaned forward so far that his forehead lay against the wall.

“Are you okay, Adwen?” His hips had stilled but his shoulders trembled from the effort of it. I couldn’t see why he resisted so—not when he needed to release himself so badly.

“No, lass, for this will be twice that I’ve no worshipped ye as I wish to.”

I reached around and grabbed onto his cheeks, pushing him into me to spur him on. “Adwen, I don’t care. Not right now.”

He moved roughly, each thrust making my heart beat faster. I clawed his back as I clenched around him, my body responding in ecstasy the same moment he found release. He kissed the sweat on my brow, lifting me gently, carrying me over to the bed as he pulled out of me.

“Thank ye, Jane. I’m so sorry.”

I laughed, my chest rising and falling in such quick succession I felt like I’d just run a great distance. “For what? Are you crazy? That was great. Are you?” I glanced down and exhaled in relief. “You’re feeling better now, yes?”

He grinned in a way that just one corner of his mouth pulled up. He’d never looked more attractive to me.

“Aye, verra.”

“That’s good.” I lifted myself and leaned over to kiss him. “I thought I was going to have to take you to the hospital or something. It could have just broken, you know. That’s actually possible.”

“Ach.” He looked horrified at the suggestion. “Thank the saints, it dinna.”

Every inch of me felt filthy, and I knew Adwen had to be feeling much the same way. I stood and took a step toward the bathroom, extending a hand out to him.

“If you’re too sleepy, that’s fine, but I’ve got to take a shower. Are you ready to experience that miracle?”


Watching Adwen in the shower reminded me of watching a puppy bounce happily around in the rain for the first time—they shared that same sheer joy. We stayed beneath the warm spray, cleansing, exploring, holding one another until we were both so pruned and exhausted from the heat we could hardly stand.

Bethany Claire's books