Legacy of Love

Chapter 26

The weather was typical August; hot and sticky and from the summers that they both remembered growing up in Louisiana, they hadn’t seen anything yet.

They’d been on the road since sunup and the signs welcoming them to the state of Louisiana loomed ahead, with the exits for New Orleans to their right.

The closer they got to their destination the more anxious Zoe became. There were so many things she had to confront this weekend. She hoped she was up to handling it all. Not to mention that she had yet to tell Jackson that she was offered the job in New York and that she was taking it.

“Let me know where to turn off. I think I remember but I’m not sure.”

She focused back on the road. “We still have a little ways to go.” She peered in the side-view mirror and saw Sharlene’s Volvo close behind. “About another twenty minutes.” She leaned back and tried to slow the rapid beating of her heart.

Jackson steered the car along the winding path that was embraced on either side by towering maple and willow trees, partially obscuring the houses beyond. It was coming back to him now; his bike rides past “the white house” as the kids called it back then.

The road sloped slightly upward and then the house came into full view. It was much like he remembered it, he thought smiling wistfully. So this is where Zoe grew up, he thought as he drove along the gravel lane to the side of the house. And suddenly he felt connected to this place somehow in a way that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. It was more of a sensation, as if he’d really been here before and not just passing by. But of course that was crazy.

“Well, this is it,” Zoe said as they came to a stop.

Sharlene’s car pulled up behind them.

Before they could get out of their cars, the door to Zoe’s family home swung open and her mother and her two aunts came out to greet them with wide waves and big smiles of welcome.

The quartet trooped over to the front porch and they were immediately swept up in hugs and kisses even before introductions were made. Zoe instantly felt warm inside, surrounded by so much love. She missed this, she thought. She missed hearing her aunts fuss with each other about who burnt the corn bread or whose turn it was to weed the yard. She missed hearing her Nana’s stories about growing up in this house and her daily advice about everyday living. She turned to her mother and realized that she missed her, too. And that surprised her more than anything.

“It’s good to see you,” her mother said softly, holding Zoe’s arms in her hands.

“It’s good to see you, too, Mama.” She leaned in and hugged her mother and felt like a damn of tears was going to burst inside of her. She held on for a moment longer to pull herself together then stepped back. “Ya’ll know Sharlene, of course,” she said. winking at her friend. “And this is her friend Ray.” She stepped next to Jackson. “This is Jackson Treme.” She took his hand and held it tight. “Jackson, Ray…my aunt Flo, my aunt Fern and my mother, Miraya.”

There was another round of hugs and cheek kissing now that the introductions were official.

“Ya’ll come on in and get settled,” Aunt Fern said. “We have lunch all fixed and Zora is waiting to meet ya’ll.”

“Let the children wash the dust off of ’em first, Fern,” Flo fussed.

“Aw hush. You could at least offer them a glass of cold water, dusty or not.”

“Don’t you two start in front of company,” Miraya warned.

Zoe waved her hand in dismissal. “Don’t mind them,” she said for Jackson and Ray’s benefit, “that’s their usual.”

“Zoe, you want to show everyone where they’re going to stay?” Aunt Fern asked. “The rooms are all fresh and there are towels in that hall closet. You remember the one.”

“Yes, ma’am,” she answered, suddenly feeling like a little girl again and not minding at all.

“Then ya’ll come right back down,” Miraya said.

“Yes, ma’am,” came the chorused response.

Zoe led the guests through the house and up the stairs to the bedrooms and baths. “Sharl, you know your way around as well as I do.”

“I’m going to take my same room. I used to stay here all the time when we were growing up,” she said to Ray.

Zoe took Jackson’s hand. “My room is this way.” She turned left down the hallway and opened the door at the end.

The heavy four-poster bed dominated the space, but it was the sheer white curtains in the windows that softened the room. It was a simple room, and he could tell that it hadn’t been used in a while. There were no personal effects around except for a framed photograph that sat on the nightstand. He walked over and picked it up. It was a picture of Zoe and her mother. The picture by her nightstand whether she still lived in this house or not spoke volumes about the way Zoe really felt about her mother. He gently put the picture back down.

He turned to her and found her watching him, expecting him to say something, it seemed. But they both knew that the one photograph in the room said it all.

“Is it really okay if we spend the night together in your room with your family right here?”

“I was planning on taking the room right next door,” she said with a devilish smile. “So when you hear the secret knock, it’s me.”

“Hmm, nothing is more of a turn-on than sneaky sex,” he teased, pulling her into his arms and nibbling on her neck.

Zoe squirmed and giggled. “Why, you bad boy,” she said emphasizing her Southern belle charm. “I wouldn’t know anything about that, sir, me being such a lady and all.”

“Well, this bad boy would be more than happy to teach you everything he knows.” He dipped his head for a kiss when the knocking on the door made them leap apart like two teenagers caught in the backseat.

Zoe tugged on her shirt and went to open the door.

“Ya’ll coming or what?” Sharlene asked. “I’m starved and I want to see Nana.”

“Yes, we were just coming down.”

Sharlene looked from one to the other. “Hmm. Right.”

“Come on, babe, before my friend tells on us.” She stuck her tongue out at Sharlene and swept by her.

When they got downstairs they were drawn to the backyard by the sound of animated conversation and laughter.

The family was gathered on the enclosed porch with a spread of food that was fit for royalty. Nana sat regally at the head.

“It’s about time,” Aunt Flo fussed. “We were ’bout to eat all this without ya.”

“Come on out here and set yourselves down,” Aunt Fern ordered.

The long wood table was covered from end to end with food; from platters of golden fried chicken, catfish that had been dipped in Fern’s special batter, deep dish macaroni and cheese, fresh cut string beans, seasoned collards and black-eyed peas and rice. And for dessert, peach cobbler and apple pie.

“Don’t just stand there with your mouths open,” Miraya gently chided, “get a plate and dig in.”

Zoe took Jackson’s hand and led him down to the end of the table where Nana sat, while the others started fixing their plates.

She bent down and kissed her Nana’s cheek, wrapped her arms around her neck, then knelt down beside her. “Nana Zora, this is Jackson Treme.”

Jackson extended his hand. She took it in a surprisingly strong grip and eased him down to her. “We don’t shake hands ’round here. We give hugs,” she said in a voice that to Jackson sounded like a musical voice that he’d heard all of his life. He leaned down and hugged her and within the brief seconds of their embrace Jackson felt an enormous sense of tranquility wash over him, a feeling that no matter what happened, it was going to be all right.

When he stepped back her gaze connected with his and she smiled and said only to him, “Yes, it is.”

Jackson blinked back his surprise just as Sharlene elbowed her way over to get in her Nana time.

“Come on let’s eat,” Zoe said. “I’m starved.” She glanced up at him and registered the almost dazed look in his eyes. “You okay?”

He blinked and focused on her. “Yeah, fine. Your grandmother is special.”

Zoe turned and looked behind her. Zora was being waited on hand and foot, her daughters tending to her every need without a word of direction or a request from her. “Yes, she is special.”

“Hope you like everything,” Zoe’s mother said, coming up to stand beside her as she filled her plate.

“It’s incredible. Really.”

“We all worked hard to make it nice. And tomorrow will be even better.”

Zoe smiled. “I can’t imagine how.”

Miraya patted Zoe’s shoulder. “You’ll see.”

The late afternoon lunch turned into dinner complete with lively talk, plenty of laughter, gossip about the neighbors and anecdotes about the family as the food continued to flow.

As the sun began to set and the day grew cooler, Aunt Flo offered “something a little stronger to help you rest,” she’d said.

To which Fern replied, “Don’t you mean to help you rest?” And they were at it again.

Nana Zora interrupted the back and forth by announcing that she was retiring for the night. “Come help your grandmother to her bed,” she said to Zoe.

“Good to have you back home,” she said as Zoe helped her up the stairs.

“It feels good being here.” She opened the door to Zora’s bedroom.

“Come sit a minute,” Zora said as she sat on the edge of her bed.

Zoe took a seat in the chair next to the bed.

“You have some decisions weighing heavy on you. And what you decide is gonna change your life. He’s a good man. He’s the one we’ve been waiting for, the one for you. Now I can’t tell you what to do, but you’ll know when the time comes.”

“How will I know?”

“You’re gonna feel the answer right here.” She pointed to the center of her chest. “That’s how you’ll know. We Beaumont women have made some wrong choices throughout the years and not living up to what Zinzi had planned. And we done paid for it. You can make that right. Now go ahead. Tomorrow is your day and you need to be rested.”

Zoe got up and kissed her grandmother’s cheek. “Rest well.”

“You do the same.”

Zoe closed the door softly behind her. She had every intention of going to her room but her mother stopped her in the hallway.

“Your Nana, okay?”

“Yes, she’s fine. Getting settled down.”

“Good, good.” She hesitated for a moment. “I wanted to give you your birthday present early.”

“Mama, you don’t have to do that.”

“I want to. Come.”

She followed her mother to the other side of the long winding hallway into her bedroom.

“Close the door.”

Zoe did as she was asked while her mother went to her dresser and took out what looked like a photograph. She held it out toward Zoe.

“His name is Paul. Paul Randall. I met him when I was nineteen years old. He was something else,” she said wistfully.

Zoe’s hand began to shake.

“And he was going to do things with his life. Be somebody. He was in school to be a lawyer. So when I found myself pregnant, well, I couldn’t tell him. I knew what he would do. He’d drop out of school, find some piece of job to take care of me and that baby and one day he’d wake up and hate me for taking his life away from him.” She swallowed over the knot in her throat and vigorously shook her head. “I couldn’t let him do that. Couldn’t.” She sniffed back her tears and lifted her chin. “So I went on, had my baby and had my life and gave him his.”

Zoe could feel her heart beating wildly in her throat. “You…you never told him about me?”

Miraya shook her head, no. Her lips pinched into a tight line. “I thought that was love. Giving someone their freedom. Never giving them a chance to play their own version of what love was. Been looking for it ever since.” She gave a sad smile. “In all those clubs and dives. Never found it again.” She looked into her daughter’s eyes. “I don’t want that for you. When you have it, when you feel it, give it a chance. I didn’t do right by you or by…your father. You can change all that. And maybe you can find it in your heart one day to forgive.” A lone tear slid down her cheek.

Zoe wanted to be angry, furious at mother for what she had done. But she’d buried her anger long ago. She’d replaced it with dismissal and distance over the years to shield herself from hurt. But for the first time what she realized was that she hadn’t lost out all those years. She’d been loved and doted on and cared about in every way possible. It was her mother who’d lost so much and now she wanted to ensure that Zoe didn’t make her same mistakes. She gave her that part of her life back that had been missing. And now Zoe needed to return that gift with one of her own.

“I forgive you, Mama.”

Zoe walked toward her mother as Miraya’s arms opened wide and cocooned her in love.

Donna Hill's books