Last Light

I caressed Matt’s face and he checked me over for scrapes.

A moment ago, he was convincing in his force. Now he was convincing in his gentle concern. I didn’t ask myself which was the real Matt. People are light and dark.

“Who knew?” he murmured, kissing my throat. “You like it so rough, Hannah.”

“I didn’t know until today. Hey, you like it, too…”

“Mm, you noticed.” He smiled and pulled me to my feet, rolling my leggings back up and smoothing my sweater back down. When he saw my wet spot on the floor, his smile turned to a satisfied smirk. “You really enjoyed it…”

“Is that horrible?”

“Not horrible. It wasn’t real. It’s not real.” Matt tucked my head under his chin and stroked my hair. “It’s a fantasy, and you trust me, don’t you?”

I nodded. With the euphoria of orgasm still moving through me, it was easy to forget my troubles: Nate, Seth, and the fact that Matt had risked everything by taking a cab here.

“What we do in our bed is no one’s business,” he said.

“On our floor,” I mumbled.

He laughed, the sound purring in his chest. “Yes, on our floor, too. Behind closed doors.”

I grinned impishly. “Behind broken doors.”

At that, we dissolved into laughter. We inspected the office door. One of the barrel hinges was loose, torn out of the frame. The mechanism inside the knob was busted.

“Oops.” Matt jiggled the knob. His eyes were bright, his expression amused and apologetic. Sheepish Matt … so fucking adorable.

“Baby, did … did you use your shoulder?”

He glanced at me. “Mm. I was feeling manly. Should have used my foot…”

“Oh, sweetheart.” I ruffled his hair.

“I’ll fix it. Tomorrow or something.” He took my hand and we went through the condo closing blinds. When we were sure no one could see in, I turned on a lamp in the living room. Laurence dashed back and forth in his hutch.

“He’s excited to see you.” I smiled.

“He’s fat and he wants a treat.” Matt fed raisins through the wire mesh.

More Matt adorableness: pretending he didn’t love that rabbit to death.

I sat on the couch and watched Matt prowl around the condo. He glared at everything. He studied the plants and books, opened the kitchen cupboards, looked through the fridge.

“Feels good to be here,” he announced.

“You look good here, Matt.” I worried a pill on my sweater. “Like you belong here.”

“Don’t I look good everywhere?” At last, he returned to me. He wore a small self-deprecating smile. He knelt at my feet and pushed apart my knees. He rubbed my thighs and stared up at me. Beautiful, I thought. Larger than life. Matt filled the rooms of our condo with his anger and his electricity. Did everyone see that, or did I see it because I loved him?

I covered his hands with mine.

“Matt, did you seriously take a cab all the way out here?”

“Mm. Don’t worry, Hannah.” He produced a hat and sunglasses from his coat pocket. A scarf dangled around his neck. “I wore my disguise.”

I sighed and laughed.

“I feel like a spy.” He grinned.

Matt continued massaging my thighs, pushing my dress higher and higher. He looked good on his knees, and I was exhausted, so I let it go. If Matt wanted to take a cab from the cabin to Denver, I couldn’t stop him. He couldn’t be stopped.

The tempo of his hands changed. His expression sobered. Subtle changes I recognized.

I slid off the couch and onto the floor with him. I touched the front of his jeans. Beneath my fingers, his cock twitched and expanded. He exhaled softly.


I grasped a handful of his hair so that I could hold his head steady. I didn’t want him hiding his face against my neck. I wanted to watch his eyes, his mouth.

His lips parted as I touched the shape of him. His arousal grew.

“Lift your shirt,” I whispered.

M. Pierce's books