Holiday Games

Liz didn’t know what to say. “Did Gavin tell you?”

Kathleen laughed. “He didn’t have to. You’ve been pale and nauseated for weeks.”

“Plus, you just have a pregnant look about you,” Cara said.

“I do?”

Kathleen nodded. “You definitely do. And congratulations, honey.”

Liz took a seat at the bar. “Thank you. We just found out this morning. Apparently I wasn’t as adept at recognizing the signals.”

“Well, you’ve had a lot on your mind lately, so I’m not surprised. We women are the worst at reading our own bodies sometimes.”

She nodded at her mother-in-law.

“So how far along are you?” Gavin’s aunt asked.

“I’m not sure. I had a period last month, but it was only a little spotting at best. I thought I might be pregnant then, but the test was negative.”

“Best you go see your doctor. He’ll do an exam and tell you for sure.”

“My dress at the wedding was tight. And when I looked at myself this morning, it’s like there’s this little belly that wasn’t there before.” She put her hand on her stomach. “I thought I was just putting on weight. How could I not have noticed that?”

“Like I said, we’re not good at recognizing our own body’s signals,” Kathleen said.

Cara nodded. “But now you’re going to notice everything. Like how fast your clothes are not going to fit.”

“And how nauseated you’ll get. And how your tastes in food will change.”

Liz chatted with Kathleen and Cara while they cooked, and was so grateful for their help. When Gavin came back home with his dad, they settled in the living room to watch sports, but Gavin stepped in to see if he could help.

“How’s that flu?” he asked, wrapping his arm around her to kiss her cheek.

“Cat’s out of the bag. They know.”

“Please,” his mom said. “Give us some credit, Gavin. We’ve both been pregnant.”

“Oh. Sorry. Liz and I didn’t have a chance to talk about who we were going to tell and when.”

“Understood.” His mom came around the island and placed her hands on his cheeks. “Neither Cara nor I will say a word until you and Liz are ready to announce it. But congratulations. I’m so thrilled I’m going to be a grandma again.”

He smiled. “Thanks, Mom.”

After a while, everyone began spilling in. Liz didn’t know why she’d worked herself into such a neurotic mess. Just as it was at Gavin’s house, everyone was casual and relaxed, and of course, more than willing to pitch in and help with the cooking. While the guys worked on carving the turkey, the women set out all the side dishes.

The food was a veritable feast, and Liz could barely eat a bite of it.

“Tell me you’re not dieting on Christmas Day,” Jenna said, eyeing her barely touched plate.

“Hardly. You know I love food.”

“All you did was push it from one side to the other.”

Gavin speared one of the slices of turkey she hadn’t eaten. “My guess is she stuffed herself prepping it all, and now she’s too full to eat what’s on her plate.”

She could have kissed him. “You’re not supposed to divulge my secrets.”

“It’s always a cook’s prerogative to sample the food before it’s served,” his mother said with a wink.

“Well, it’s all fabulous,” Savannah said. “Thank you, Liz.”

“You’re welcome. Kathleen and Cara helped. So did Gavin.”

“She lies. She did most of it herself,” Gavin said. “The only thing I did was utilize my expert turkey-carving skills.”

“He tried to slice his finger off with the electric knife,” Mick said. “Thank God I was there to save him, or his career would have been over.”

Gavin rolled his eyes. “In your dreams. My knifing skills are legendary.”

“Yeah. In your own mind.”

After dinner, Kathleen declared that the men were in charge of putting away the leftovers and loading the dishwasher. Despite much grumbling about missing the game, the guys headed into the kitchen to do their duties while the women settled into the family room.

“How have you been feeling since the wedding?” Tara asked her.

“Oh . . . fine.”

“Really? No ill effects from that flu bug?”

“No. Not really.”

Tara gave her a look. “Are you sure? Because you still look a little pale to me.”

“Actually, you are a little pale, Liz,” Alicia said. “There are a lot of people out sick on our therapy team with the flu. God, it’s been awful. I’ve been hoping I don’t get it.”

“No, I don’t have the flu.”

“So, how far along are you?” Tara asked with a knowing smile.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re pregnant? How did I not know this?” Jenna looked affronted.

And Liz knew she’d never be able to hide this from the women she held so dear. She gave them all a smile. “Actually, I just took a test this morning, and it said I was pregnant.”

“Seriously? That’s awesome,” Alicia said. “Congratulations!”

Jaci Burton's books