“Oh, never mind,’’ Helga laughed. “I know you’re basically a decent beast and I’d probably be walking along kicking rocks, too, if you weren’t here pestering me!’’
“The sea!” Red Whale called, sending the message back down the line. The troop of beasts was advancing along a dry stream bed which cut deeply among the mountains. For those back along the line, there was nothing to see for several hundred feet except the same old rocks and trees. But for Red Whale and the beasts near the front of the column, the view widened out, revealing what was surely the Great Sea sparkling in the rich glow of early evening.
The pace of the weary beasts picked up as those in the front rushed to find their way down to the sea and those at the rear pushed forward to gain their first glimpse of the discovery. As more and more of the seacoast became visible, a long sandy beach came into view.
At first, in the deepening shadows of dusk, the beach appeared empty. But Red Whale, lumbering along at the head of the line of beasts, seemed to make out some faint movement on the still-distant shoreline—not unlike beasts coming ashore in a longboat!
“Crinoo! Zarr!” Red Whale cursed. “Rummer Boars again! Could our luck be any worse?”
Keeping his thoughts to himself for the moment, Red Whale motioned for the column to stop. Still providing no explanation, Red Whale directed his comrades to take a rest, while he continued his advance toward the beach to take a look. Red Whale wanted to investigate the nature of the beasts coming ashore while his comrades were still far up the mountainside and able to easily retreat if a threat existed. He did not have long to wait for more information.
A light, like the faint strike of a match, flashed on the beach, setting a torch ablaze. The brilliant light of the torch revealed a dozen Rummer Boars walking up the beach from their longboat.
“HALLOOO!” Red Whale cried out loudly, causing a great startle and stir among his comrades resting some distance behind.
“HALLOOO! OVER HERE, BEM MADSOOR! HALLLOOOO!” Red Whale yelled. For, indeed, it was none other than Bem Madsoor leading the Rummer Boars on the beach.
A mass of beasts surged toward Red Whale from behind, as everyone quickened the pace down toward the beach. Nearly a mob by the time their feet hit the sand, the happy beasts whooped and hollered on all sides. The Daring Dream crew rejoiced to be reunited with Bem Madsoor and jabbered endless questions about how she came to be captain of a Rummer Boar ship. For their part, the crew of the Lost Hope followed their captain and took part in the general celebrating. Helga, Christer, and the others, always glad to join a hearty welcome for new friends gave slaps on the back and broad smiles all around.
“These beasts must be hungry and thirsty,” Bem said. “And I’ve got seabeasts back on the ship who are surely wondering what is going on! Let me signal them to come ashore and bring provisions for a feast!”
The memorable feast given by Bem Madsoor on the beach that night sealed the friendship of many beasts and clans so long separated by the vast Voi-Nil and previously unknown to one another. From the personal stores of His (former) Tuskiness, Sabre Tusk d’Newolf, Bem and her crew served Red Whale’s crew previously unknown delicacies:
Lizard Patties in Tambon’t
Crabee Shark Knuckles with Crabee Broth
Puree of Honey-Wolloper
Broiled Pears and Whisker Grass
Fresh-Caught, Roast Salmon, Bathed in Butter
A Whole Shark, Larded on the Spit
Lizard Steaks or Baked Snake
Pickled Eels
Snake Egg Pie
Sweet –Tweet Cake
Twice Shot-Through Creams
Hot Peskee Tea
There was much to celebrate. The Daring Dream crew was safely reunited and voted to abandon the wreckage of the Daring Dream in favor of accepting an offer from the Lost Hope crew to come aboard their much larger vessel as shipmates. To the loud cheers of both crews, Red Whale and Bem Madsoor proposed a voyage back to Lord Farseeker’s realms, returning the Daring Dream crew home and fulfilling Lord Farseeker’s hopes of learning what lay beyond the Voi-Nil. Red Whale assured Bem and her crew that the good Lord Farseeker would have many a voyage to keep them sailing. Cries of “HUZZAH-HUZZAH-HUZZAH” from both crews accepted Bem and Red Whale’s proposal to serve as Co-Captains for the voyage home. Signaling the end of Sabre Tusk d’Newolf’s raiding, his Rummer raiders’ new policy of honest sailing and fair dealing toward all, and the exchange of lost hope for new dreams among his crew, the name of Bem’s new flagship became Daring Dream II.