Heart Recaptured

The prospect frowned but went to get my caffeine without question. The rest of the brothers gave me a wide berth, no doubt thinking Styx had ripped me a new one and I was pissed. They weren’t too far from being right.

“Ky, baby, you coming to play?” A singsong voice called me from the hallway.

Gritting my teeth, I turned to find Jules buckass naked, her shaved * taunting me, cupping her fake tits as two arms hugged her waist from behind, the fingers reaching down to strum at her clit. Those experienced fingers belonged to Tiff. My cock was rock hard, painfully hard.

“Got business,” I said curtly. “You’ll have to lick each other’s clits tonight.”

“Aww, we always do, baby. It’s just more fun with you watching and fuckin’ our asses is all,” Tiff said as she lifted her fingers and sucked Jules’s juices into her mouth. Jules immediately turned ‘round, planted her mouth over Tiff’s, and, groaning, pushed her backward into my private room.

Swiveling my chair back to the bar, the prospect stood, mouth gaping at the scene, and slowly put down my bucket of coffee. I cleared my throat and lifted an eyebrow. The kid flustered and set to wipe down the countertop.

As I raised my coffee to my mouth, he cautiously asked, “No offense, Ky, but what the hell business you got to pass on fucking them?”

Knocking the hot liquid back in one, I slammed down the empty mug in frustration, watching as it smashed into pieces, and tapped the bar twice with my palm. “Apparently, I’ve gotta get closer to God and top-grade virginal *. Amen and halle-fuckin’-lujah to that fucked-up shit!”

Chapter Four


Stepping into the warm night air, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a smoke, resting it between my lips. I walked by Viking getting his cock sucked by some junkie slut next to the garage, ignored the fuckin’ ugly scene, the glare from his pale ass, and lit up my cancer stick, taking a long, sweet drag.

Cutting through the line of trees at the back of the compound, I followed the dirt path through the thick woods and toward the sound of the river. The pilgrim weren’t in Styx’s apartment above the club, and according to Styx, if she weren’t there, she’d be by the river. Hence, despite being fucked off my face, I was trying to go Boy Scout through the woods.

Only for Styx…

It wasn’t long before I heard the rushing of the river and I scoured the grassy verge to see where my favorite piece-of-ass Bible Shaker would be. Stumbling along the river’s edge, I drunkenly kicked stones into the water, when I heard a strange wailing sound. Backing away to skirt along the shadowed line of trees, I quietly made my way toward the sound, grabbing my 9mm from the back of my jeans. The closer I got, the louder the high-pitched whining came.

Clicking off the safety, I burst out of the trees and immediately froze in my steps, my gun pointed at… Lilah?

What. The. Fuck?

Lowering my gun, and tucking it back into the waistband of my jeans, I stared at Lilah flat to the ground, wailing some crazy gibberish shit at an ear-bleeding volume. With a violent jerk of her head, she suddenly began screaming, crying, and throwing her arms in the air, rocking back and forth, mumbling words I couldn’t understand. It sounded like a whole lotta consonants jumbled together.

Complete fuckin’ nonsense.

I’d never seen anything like it in my life.

I stood there like a dumbstruck dick, heart pounding, watching her lose her mind beside the river.

Holy shit, she’d finally snapped. I had made her snap.

Styx was gonna scalp my ass!

Stepping back, I hid under the heavy cover of trees. Call me insane, but I wanted to be well out of sight of this possessive voodoo shit. Slumping to my ass, my back against a tree trunk, I pulled back a branch and just watched her.

Tillie Cole's books