Heart Recaptured

Lilah froze in my arms and she gasped. “What?” she whispered, shocked.

“Marry me. You wanna do all this shit right. Then marry me.”

“Under God’s holy law?” she asked.

I shrugged. “Under a fuckin’ pink unicorn’s law for all I care, I don’t give a shit.”

“You would do this for me?”

“Baby, I’ve done a complete one-eighty for you. May as well shackle myself to you for life too.”

Lilah laughed, throwing back her head. “Then, yes, Ky! My answer is yes!”

I crushed my lips to hers and thought my heart would fucking explode. My old man had it so wrong and I fucking bowed down to the woman in my arms.

A slap on my back made me turn around. Styx was smirking real big, signing, “Hades has frozen over if you’re getting tied down! Welcome to the *-whipped brotherhood, Ky.”

“My old man was wrong. Pussies are to be licked good, fucked hard—and always worshipped,” I signed back.

Styx laughed. “Amen to that truth, brother.”

“Cunt-struck, Styx. Always been cunt-struck for this pilgrim blonde.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


I married Ky at sunrise four days later, basking in the beauty of the Lord’s creation, doves flying high in the sky. I wore a simple white dress with garlands in my hair, and Ky wore his leathers, his Hangmen cut in place.

Mae and Maddie stayed with me as I dressed, Mae could not stop crying, Maddie watching on with a happy smile…

“You are so beautiful, Lilah,” Mae said as she placed the garland on my head. Her shining blue eyes met mine and she clutched my hand. “You deserve this love, Lilah. You deserve to be happy.”

“Thank you, sister,” I said through a thick throat as I pressed my forehead against hers. I still found it difficult to believe this was happening.

I was marrying Ky, declaring my love for him under God’s eyes.

“Shall we share a prayer?” Maddie asked from behind me, and I turned to see her offering her hands to Mae and I. Nodding, I clutched her hands, as did Mae, and Maddie led us in the Lord’s Prayer.

As she finished, the three of us looked to one another, and no words needed to be spoken. We three had survived. We were united. And we had a new faith and the hope of a new life, free of pain.

We were gradually breaking free from our curse…

Pastor Elsie James held the ceremony in front of Ky’s brothers, their old ladies and my sisters—who acted as my bridesmaids—in the beautiful rugged garden of our cabin. Even Elysia, Ky’s hidden sister, attended, much to the shock of the club. She said she would risk being exposed to see her only and “reformed whore” brother get married. But, I knew she wanted to be here for her only family on this special day, and I could see how happy Ky was when Sia turned up, proud tears in her eyes.

Ky and I exchanged rings. Ky gave me a simple gold ring, sliding it on my finger as the most perfect ceremony came to a close. We said 'I do', and as the sun reached its peak, I officially became “Property of Ky”.

Pastor James declared us man and wife and Ky turned to his brothers and cemented our union by shouting, “Live free. Ride free. Die free!” As we walked through the MC family, they echoed the credo with happiness.

They received us as man and wife.

Later that day, we were sitting on our porch, me on Ky’s lap, circling the golden ring on his finger and I was unable to stop feeling an incredible sense of contentment.

Ky lifted my hand to his mouth and asked, “You good, baby?”

Laying my hand on my husband’s chest and watching my new family drink and laugh in my garden, I spoke the truest words I had ever spoken. “My heart is content. Without my beauty, but blessed with your unconditional love. For the first time in my life, I am content.”

Tillie Cole's books