Heart Recaptured

What was he doing here with me? He was now free, his bonds to me broken…

Darting my eyes around an unfamiliar room, I panicked when I noted strange machines gathered around me. I did not know where I was. My groggy mind, though, was beginning to clear. My hands started shaking and when I went to move my left hand, something was wrapped around it.

Glancing down, I found Ky’s firm hand was intertwined with mine. And he was gripping it so tightly, like he could not bring himself to let it go, even in slumber. Then for the moment I forgot I was in an unfamiliar place, I just focused on the fact that Ky was here.

I was no longer beautiful, yet he was here.

My skin ruined, my hair gone, and my cheek marred… yet here he was, protecting me, lying by my side.


My thumb ran over the rough skin on the back of his hand, and hearing a stirring, I fluttered my eyes up to meet his. I held my breath as his newly awoken blue eyes roved over me, staring at my face.

This was it. This was the moment I would lose him. My lungs shut down as I awaited what he would say, but then I almost cried.

“Baby,” Ky breathed out in loving relief, and he slowly leaned forward, releasing his hand from mine and carefully brushing back my hair. I closed my eyes, relishing his touch, but my mind could not stop asking the same question.

Why has he not left yet? He is now free.

Ky’s loving hand drifted down my neck and down my arm, and I reluctantly opened my eyes, trying to fight back tears.

Ky was staring at me with the most adoring expression I had ever seen, more than when I was perfect, more than I had ever seen on his stunningly handsome face before. Then, bracing for my reaction, he dipped his head down and brushed his lips so softly against mine.

I was stunned.

I did not know what to think. I had sacrificed my beauty to set my love free, but he was still here.

I could not understand why he was still here!

Ky’s lips continued to caress mine and, at first, my mouth stayed unmoving, too shocked that this beautiful man was kissing my… my… unpretty face. But Ky kept pursuing me, his tongue slowly lapping around my lips until they parted on a gasp and his tongue plunged inside.

Sensing his addictive taste, I was lost to him. Then he was everywhere—in my mouth, his cautious hands in my short hair… his soul in my heart.

Pulling back, Ky’s eyes were shiny and bright, at first I thought it was with lust, but when the flicker of a tear slipped from the corner of his tired eye and trickled down his cheek, my heart crumbled to dust.

“Ky,” I cried. Leaning forward, wincing with discomfort, I kissed away the hot, salty drop. “Please, do not cry—”

“Don’t fuckin’ do shit like that again, baby,” he interrupted in a raspy, hurt voice. There was no anger in his voice, just a desolate crushed roughness. “‘Cause I ain’t wanting to be without you. You hearing me? You’re my fuckin’ woman. We ride this road together, no matter what gets in our way.”

Blinking furiously, I tried to form a response, but I could only blink some more.

Ky’s fingertips ran around the edge of the bandage on my cut cheek, his eyes pained, and he said, “I’ll ask again, Li. Are you hearing me?”

His loving gaze implored me to say something.

“I… I do not understand what is happening,” I whispered, watching Ky’s head tip to the side as he studied me. He wiped at his cheeks with the back of his hand and pulled himself together.

“What, baby? What ain’t you getting? What the fuck’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked, his voice still graveled with emotion.

Tillie Cole's books