Heart Recaptured

“KY!” someone shouted, the voice causing someone to cut off the music.

“WHAT?” I screamed back, throwing the bottle of Jack to the floor, the liquor smashing on the wood.

Cowboy, Hush, and AK were on their feet, Smiler the one that shouted.


Jumping off the chair, Styx and Mae joined me as we watched Lilah, dressed in that bloodied white tunic from that disciple, by the fire, staring into the mirror, gripping her hair in one hand and a fuck-off sharp blade in the other.

Her right hand lifted in the air, braced to strike.

“BABY! NO!” I boomed out just as her hand hammered down, the blade slicing off a fuckload of her dripping wet hair.

Whipping around to face us, Lilah’s blue eyes were huge, tears pouring down her cheeks.

She didn’t stop; instead, she kept hacking off her hair. I tried to rush forward, but she held out the blade, aimed it right at my fucking chest.

“Do not stop me! For it must be done!” she hissed, and I backed up, hands in the air.

Bottom lip trembling, Lilah carried on cutting off section by section of her hair until only a few inches of blond remained on her head.

“Baby,” I whispered, hearing Mae crying in Styx’s arms beside me, as if in pain.

Her blue gaze met mine. “It must be done, Ky. To set you free, it must be done. No more spells… no more spells.”

Lilah backed closed to the fire, the blade rising in her hand. With her free hand, she lifted the sleeves of the tunic, her eyes glazing over.

“And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils.”

Lilah began mumbling some Bible shit as she placed the blade on her arm and began slicing at her flesh.

“Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow…”


Lilah’s head whipped to the direction of the hallway, and Maddie came barreling through. “Lilah!” she screamed, tears pouring from her eyes. “You were gone from your room!”

Keeping her head downcast, Maddie pushed through the silent crowd. A deep roar sounded behind her, and Flame appeared at her back, shoving people away from Mae’s youngest sister.

Maddie stopped next to Mae, her green eyes wide with fear. “Please, Lilah… stop,” Maddie pleaded, Flame behind her, arms wide, protecting her back.

Lilah shook her head, her short, wet hair sticking to her forehead. “I cannot… I cannot live with this sin. I need to be saved… We must all be saved…”

Taking the blade, Lilah sliced down her tunic, revealing her bare chest. Taking the tip of her blade, she pressed it to the skin, gritting her teeth as she sliced herself from one side to the next. A pained cry wrenched from her mouth, blood running down to her tits.

Mae dropped to the floor, her palms flat the wood. She started spouting some prayer, her body rocking back and forth. Styx looked down at her in horror, then to Lilah lifting the knife, staring at the blood dripping off the blade.

“That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

Taking advantage of her attention elsewhere, I edged forward, communicating with my brothers that I was gonna take her down. But as a floorboard creaked below my foot, Lilah snapped her crazed eyes to me, dug her free hand in her pocket, and pulled out my gun.

“Shit!” I heard Hush spit out as Lilah raised the gun, clicking off the safety. “Do not stop me, for it must be done to reach salvation!”

“Lilah! Put the fuckin’ gun down!” I ordered, but instead, she targeted the gun on me, her hand shaking like a leaf.

Tillie Cole's books