Healing Love (Love to the Extreme #4)

Just then a fighter came to the door. “Lance. You’re up.”

“Please,” she begged and took a step toward him, arms outstretched. “If not for me, if not for yourself, think about Skylar.”

His entire body jerked back.

“I am,” he said between clenched teeth then stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Alone, she had to blink back the sudden sting of tears. He’d made his decision, and she had to make hers. As a medical professional, she couldn’t condone this type of fighting any longer. She’d make sure there wasn’t another Rodney incident, and if there were, she’d take him to the hospital herself. But after tonight, she was done. She didn’t give a rat’s ass what the McNealys tried to hold over her head to get her to stay.

She was done playing by their rules. She was done being afraid. She was just done.

Her door opened and Mitch stepped inside and closed the door behind him. A serious look was on his face. “You’re making me and Gabe nervous.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m a doctor. It’s one thing for me to be in here stitching up gashes and checking for concussion. It’s something else entirely when you take a man out of here who needs serious medical treatment.”

“For fuck’s sake, he’s going to get treated.”

Completely caught off guard by that admission, all she could do was blink. “He’s going to a hospital?”

Mitch thrust a hand through his hair. “Jesus, lady, we run a goddamn business that’s just a smidge outside the legal circle. If we want to keep our local backing, then we don’t let people die on our watch. That’s bad business. For everyone. We have everything covered. Just do what you’re told and mind your business.”

She was aware that he never confirmed that Rodney would be sent to a hospital, but he at least said he would be getting treatment. She hoped he wasn’t lying to her. “I can’t continue doing this.”

He swept his hand toward the door. “Then there’s the goddamn door. You’re beginning to be more trouble than you’re worth. We targeted you because you were new in town and accidently got yourself mixed up in our business. We needed to know who the fuck you were. We thought we had hit the jackpot when found out your secret. Thought you’d be cooperative. You’ve been anything but, and you’re seriously getting on my nerves.”

Lance stumbled through the door, breaking into their conversation. One eye was badly swollen, and bright red splotches stained his torso from multiple hits. At the sight, her stomach churned. His face and body hadn’t completely healed from the three fights he’d had just a couple of weeks ago. Now more injuries were added on top of injuries. This would only lead to disaster.

“Was it worth it?” she couldn’t stop herself from asking, furious that he kept punishing his body.

“I won, so yeah, it was.”

So he’d made it to the final round. One step closer to the thirty thousand dollars that was so damn important. Fantastic.

“Sit down,” she said and snatched up her penlight, dismissing Mitch, who let out a string of curses and left the room.

As he climbed up on the gurney, he let loose a muted, pained groan through clenched teeth. Anger festered inside her—at Lance, at the McNealys, at herself for being a part of this madness.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “You were really upset over Rodney.”

“Upset? I wasn’t upset. I’m angry.”


“Unregulated fighting. Multiple fights. A doctor”—she patted herself on the chest—“who knows better but is here anyway. No. I’m not upset. I’m done. Just go out there and win that thirty thousand you covet so much.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I mean, it was your idea and all.”

His throat worked on a swallow. “That’s unfair. I have my reasons.”

“Why? Because you owe the McNealys money?”

He was silent for a long moment before he nodded and slid off the gurney. “Yeah. I do.”

Without another word, he stiffly walked out the door.

Even though she’d already figured it out, having her assumption confirmed hit her hard.

As much as she liked Lance, loved being with him, this was her deal breaker.

The blow rocked Lance hard as it connected with his jaw and whipped his head to the side. Shaking it off, he refocused on the other fighter as he limped a circle around the man. Thankfully, Brent, who’d made it to the final round with him, was an equal. Lance didn’t think he had the strength to go up against another Bane from Batman. He was wobbly on his feet. His head ached to high hell, and every muscle screamed in protest.

The other guy didn’t look any better with two swollen eyes and a nose two sizes bigger than it should be. Neither one of them had tried taking the fight to the ground. Both knew that with their energy depleted either one of them could take control if things went to the floor—no matter who had been the dominant one and initiated the takedown.