Healing Love (Love to the Extreme #4)

“Okay. We see now how this has to be.”

The line went dead. What the hell did that mean? He tossed the phone on the passenger side seat then thrust his hands in his hair. Fuck.

Seemed some of the more prestigious members were refusing to make bets without first getting to know the fighters they were betting on. All the fighters were being rounded up for a meet-and-greet. Lance didn’t have time for that shit.

He had a date with his daughter, and he refused to break it.

He’d had this outing planned for days, not knowing his daddy-daughter date would be an excuse this afternoon to turn another woman down. Correction. Not just another woman.


When she’d asked what other way he could take care of her, he’d come damn close to giving that woman a sample of the many, many ways he wanted to do it. She would’ve let him. That had been clear all over her face. Somehow he’d found the strength to pull away, and he’d needed to put distance back between them.

Kelsey was off-limits. The only thing she needed from him was protection. Though she had a badass quality, there was also a vulnerability about her the McNealys would eat alive.

And since he was responsible for the McNealys targeting her, it was his responsibility to keep her safe from them.

Damn it. He couldn’t think about this right now. Skylar deserved his full attention.

Putting all thoughts of the woman who was driving him crazy out of his mind, Lance climbed out of his Jeep then took the steps of the huge porch two at a time. He pressed the doorbell, and a second later the door whipped open and a mass of blonde curls launched themselves into his arms. “Daddy!”

He squeezed her tight against her side. “Hey, princess. You ready for our date?”

“Yep. What’re we going to do?”

“The night’s yours.”

“Okay. Pizza first then to the arcade and then…”

Lance chuckled as his daughter rambled off a list of everything she wanted to do. He’d try and do as much of that list as he could fit in.

He glanced up to see his ex-wife, Piper. Affection warmed his heart. After the way their marriage had ended, she should’ve been one of those ex-wives who despised her ex-husband, and for a couple of years she had. But Skylar’s diagnosis had helped her move past the bitterness and anger she’d carried for him, and they’d built a solid friendship.

Losing his daughter was the worst thing that could come out of Piper learning he was involved with the McNealys again. Second to that would be losing the relationship he now had with his ex-wife.

Piper laid a hand on her daughter’s back. “Skylar, go inside and grab what you want to take to Daddy’s.”

His daughter darted inside.

“How are things?” he asked.

“Going well. Brian and I are going to paint the town red tonight.”

Brian was Piper’s husband. “Good for you two. With Gayle taking that job, I haven’t had a babysitter like I used to. I know that’s cut into your and Brian’s quality time.”

She gave a dismissive wave. “Don’t worry about it. You’re not slacking off. You’re working. I get it.”

The sad thing was if she knew who he was working to pay back, she wouldn’t be as understanding. Not with the past she had with the McNealys.

The door opened and Skylar stepped out clutching Bacon, her stuffed pink pig, to her chest. He’d bought her the toy the day she had her first chemotherapy session. She was almost five years old at the time. Over three years and a remission later, she still carried it everywhere, and loved all things pig.

His heart tightened. He loved this child more than life itself. Would do anything for her. He offered his hand, and her tiny fingers slipped into his. She was his purpose in life. Even knowing how the cousins would try to fuck him, he’d still go to the McNealys for that loan, because he would do anything for her.

“Brittany is so mean,” Skylar said as they walked down the sidewalk toward the pizzeria. “She made fun of my shirt. I don’t know why. It had pigs on it. Pigs are awesome.”

“Kids can be mean, baby. Just ignore her.”

“That’s what Momma said.”

“Your momma’s right. Listen to her.”

As they reached the entrance to the pizzeria, Lance opened the door for his daughter and let her walk in first. They stood in the long line of people waiting to be seated. He glanced around the packed restaurant and his gaze slowed at a woman sitting alone in a booth. She held her phone in front of her face, fingers working on the front. Kelsey seemed completely at peace.

His chest tightened like it had earlier when he saw his daughter. What was it about this woman? It’d been a long time since he’d felt protective instincts toward anyone but Skylar.