Healing Love (Love to the Extreme #4)

Leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, Lance scowled over the fourth fight of the night. One of the fighters was standing over his grounded opponent, kicking him in the head. A completely illegal move that the so-called ref inside the cage didn’t intervene to stop. He’d seen that a lot tonight, and it knotted his stomach.

The crowd was eating it up though. People were yelling and shaking their fists in the air, encouraging the onslaught. Lance wished the ref would do his fucking job and stop the madness. So far, he’d seen no reason for there to even be a ref in that cage. All he did was stand back and wait for someone to either be knocked out or tap. Then he announced the winner.

His gaze strayed to the closed door at the back of the warehouse.

A doctor.

He had to give the McNealys credit for having a medical professional on site. Not that it had anything to do with concerned for the welfare of their fighters. Knowing them, it was just an extra measure they’d taken to keep any unwanted attention off their newest endeavor.

The cousins had built a large, loyal following by offering the best entertainment in three states. With their carefree attitude and safe environment, they were well liked and even respected. It was just the unfortunate fuckers like himself who got to see the uglier side to the cousins.

Kelsey didn’t belong in this world. Fuck, he didn’t belong in this world anymore, but he kept getting sucked back in. Though this time, at least, it was for a better reason than to gamble away his life.

I have you to thank for the job.

Kelsey’s comment kept replaying in his mind. She had no clue why Ralph and his posse were ganging up on him. All she’d seen was a man in need…and she’d helped.

The thanks she got for that was to be drawn into the McNealy world—because of him. She seemed oblivious to the danger she was in, which wasn’t shocking with the way Gabe and Mitch came across. But their laid back personas hid cold businessmen, who looked for weaknesses then exploited them to get what they wanted.

And Kelsey was hiding something.

He had no doubt about that now. He’d seen the blind panic on her face, eyes that hadn’t focused on anything around her. Months ago, he’d seen that expression on Mac’s face as he’d rushed out of Gayle’s hospital room. The past had gotten the better of his best friend. And earlier tonight, Kelsey’s had gotten the best of her.

The McNealys couldn’t find out what that something was or she’d never get out of this situation. They’d use it to keep her here. Lance sure as fuck wasn’t going to allow that to happen. It was his fault she’d been brought into this in the first place. It was now his responsibility to keep her safe from the McNealys…and himself.

A movement to his left caught his attention, and he turned to find Mitch headed toward him. “You’re on next, Black,” Mitch said as he stopped beside him. “We need to discuss a little issue first. Due to an unforeseen event, we’ve had to tweak the agreement Ralph relayed to you.”

Lance clamped his jaw tight. “What kind of tweak?”

Mitch shrugged. “It seems we may have been a little too hasty in offering you payment for both wins and losses.”

“So I only get paid for wins now? You know I don’t fight for fucking free, right?”

Anger brightened Mitch’s eyes. “You forget yourself, Black. You came to us. You owe us. You signed a contract with us. If we want you to put on a goddamn pink tutu and fight in that cage, you’ll fucking do it.”

“Or what?” Lance shoved away from the wall and pushed his face into the other man’s. “You two are the ones changing the fucking rules two years into an agreement.”

Mitch didn’t even flinch. Those steely cold eyes stared straight through Lance, reminding him that the McNealys were not men you wanted to cross when you owed them money.

“Don’t fucking test me, Black. You’ll take the changes to our agreement like a good little bitch or it might be time for us to have a chat with your ex-wife. You feel me?”

Lance froze. Motherfucking assholes. They knew exactly where to hit him to bring him to his knees—or in this case, receive his full cooperation. “You’d really go to Piper?”

“I don’t like your attitude right now. I think you need a reminder of what, exactly, you have to lose if you really piss us off.”

“You’re a piece of shit.”

Mitch shrugged. “Think of me how you will. All I care about is my money. If we have to go to your ex-wife and let her know you’re playing with the evil McNealys again, we will. I could give two shits if you see your daughter again, but I’d say you do.”

“Fuck you,” Lance said through clenched teeth, knowing they had him backed in a corner. Piper held the key to his daughter, and if she ever found out he was involved with the McNealys again, he’d lose Skylar.