Healing Love (Love to the Extreme #4)

That it did. Mac had changed from being a snappy asshole to a sappy teddy bear after meeting the lively storm chaser. “How is she?”

“Busy. I can’t believe I am actually saying this, but I’m looking forward to chasing season just so she’s home more. This damn job takes up all her time, but she loves it.” Mac changed the subject. “How’s things with Kelsey? I’ve been watching your training sessions with her. You’re spending a majority of the time on focus pad drills. Not changing it up.”

Lance frowned, irked by the comments. “You got a problem with that?”

Mac had never questioned his training methods before. He saw no reason for him to start now.

“No. Was just curious as to why.”

He’d actually asked himself the same question, since Kelsey struggled so much with it, but there was something not right about the way she reacted. A part of him was determined to help her get past it. The other part was simply intrigued. The freezing went against everything he’d learned about the woman in the short time they’d known each other. Fuck, she’d taken Ralph down in an impressive rear-naked choke hold. A couple of taps from him shouldn’t be affecting her so negatively.

“Something’s holding her back. I’m just trying to help her work past it.” Lance popped open his locker and dug out a change of clothes. “You’ve seen her. She’s capable of anything she puts her mind to.”

“That session with Amber was extraordinary.”

Yes, it was. She’d been breathtaking up in that ring.

“She’s got skills,” Lance muttered.

As Lance tugged on his clothes, Mac studied him.

“I’ve noticed some chemistry there.”

Lance paused in buttoning his jeans and closed his eyes. He hoped the whole goddamn gym hadn’t noticed that. When he reopened them, a huge smile had broken across his friend’s face. Seeing the man smile was still taking some getting used to.

“Yeah. Maybe.” Lance finally answered. No reason to deny it. At least not with Mac.

“That’s awesome, man. I’d like to see you find someone.”

Lance yanked on his shirt with more force than was necessary. “I don’t have time to date. Remember, I have a loan I’m paying off. That takes a lot of my free time.” With agreeing to fight for the McNealys, he’d also be spending more time in the underbelly of Kansas. He didn’t want Kelsey around that. Besides, he couldn’t tell her what he was doing, and he sure as fuck wasn’t going to lie to her about where he was. So it was best that he leave it alone, and they stay training partners.

“Make time. You work too fucking much.”

Lance spun on his friend. “Goddamn it. Just let it go, would you?”

His friend frowned. “What’s up your ass?”

“You are.” He regretted the words as soon as they shot out of his mouth. Mac had been through hell and back, and he was finally happy and at peace with his past. He obviously wanted the same thing for Lance. “Look, man, I’m sorry. I’m stressed out and have a short fuse these days.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not like you haven’t been on the receiving end of my shit. Anything you want to talk about?”


“You know the offer—”

“Don’t.” He couldn’t stand having Mac offer him money, which he knew was coming next. “My bed. I’ll lie in it, okay?”

A long pause followed and then a heavy sigh. “All right. At least start making time for yourself. You can’t keep going like this.”

“I’ve been doing it this long.”

Shaking his head, Mac walked toward the door, then stopped and twisted around. “Let me share a piece of invaluable advice I once got from a close friend. You need to live a little bit, and she seems like she would be good for you.”

Lance was left alone with Mac’s parting words. He’d been the one who’d given Mac that piece of advice just months ago when he’d been fighting his attraction to Gayle. Maybe he did need some fun. He enjoyed every minute he trained with Kelsey—looked forward to it.

For the past three years his life had revolved around work, fighting, paying back the loan, and his daughter. While he loved every single second he spent with his little girl, he hadn’t relaxed in a long time. Maybe Mac was right. Maybe it was time to live a little. Kelsey was the only woman who interested him. They could go out. It didn’t have to be a date. Just hang out.

His cell beeped. Grabbing it up, he pressed the text button.


So this was how it would work. He’d get a text and he’d have to show up. Sighing, he dropped the phone on his gym bag and raked his fingers over his face. Right there was the reality check he needed after Mac’s pep talk.

What if he’d asked Kelsey to go out tonight? He’d have to cancel, have to lie about why.

Damn it. He yanked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He fucking hated being at the McNealys’ beck and call, but he had to focus on the end result. Tonight, win or lose, he would be five thousand dollars less in the hole. Five thousand dollars closer to refocusing his business, to more free time.

That was all that mattered.