Guarding His Heart

Chapter Fifteen


“Uncle Leo,” Skylar ran up to me and gave me a big hug. “I’ve missed you.”

“Hey, Sky.” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Your dad here?”

“Yes, daddy is in the back with Uncle Zane and Robin is in the kitchen with Aunty Lucky.”

“Awesome.” I smiled down into her cute little face.

“I’m playing with the babies.” She made a face. “It’s boring.”

“I’m sure it’s not that bad.” I laughed.

“You want to play with us?”

“Not right now.” I shook my head. I loved David and Ruby-Lane, but I wasn’t really a baby person. “But, I’ll come back and talk to you soon. I need to take these sandwiches to the kitchen and then I need to go and see if Zane and Noah need any help.”

“What help would they need?” She frowned. “It’s Aunty Lucky that’s cooking.”

“Well, they might need help drinking the beer.” I winked at her and she giggled.

“Oh, Uncle Leo.” She ran over to the babies. “David, your Uncle Leo is a goofball.” She squeezed his cheeks and I walked into the kitchen.

“Hey Lucky.” I gave her a quick hug and kiss. “Hi Robin.”

“Hi Leo.” They both gave me a quick smile and I was glad that we were all able to get along as well as we did.

“Need any help?” I asked as I walked out of the kitchen. “No? Oh okay?” I ran out as they threw kitchen towels at me.

“Leo.” Zane grinned at me. “You made it.”

“You knew I’d be here. Free food always calls my name.” I grabbed a beer from the cooler and sat down. “So any burgers done?”

“No.” Noah shook as his head as he flipped something on the grill. “I think it’ll be another fifteen minutes.”

“I’m starving here.” I groaned and chugged some beer.

“How you doing?” Zane stared at me through narrowed eyes.

“I’m fine.” I shrugged and looked away from him. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Lucky’s banned me from guys night for a month.” Zane sat across from me.

“Man, you’re so whipped.” I shook my head and took another sip of beer. “And that’s why I’ll never be getting married.”

“Uh huh.” He rolled his eyes. “Try not to chug them so fast.”

“I’m fine.” I was starting to get annoyed. “Anything I can do?”

“No.” He stood up. “Just relax.”

“I’m relaxed.”

“You spoken to Hannah yet?”

“No.” I got angry just thinking about her. “I told you that I’m done with her.”

“Done sounds so final.”

“It is final. She’s a snake in the grass. A snake that’s been waiting for the perfect opportunity to bite.”

“Dude, really?” Zane rolled his eyes. “So melodramatic.”

“I’m not being melodramatic. I’m just telling it like it is. She’s a snake.”

Zane shrugged and walked away and I took another sip of beer. The last week with Hannah had been so awkward. And yesterday, yesterday I’d been so angry and turned on that I hadn’t even known what to think. She made me so mad when I looked at her, yet I was still attracted to her. She still had me wrapped around her little finger. When I’d seen the sadness in her eyes yesterday, I’d wanted to comfort her. I’d wanted to apologize for the things I’d said and done, as if I’d been in the wrong. I’d been so angry with myself that I’d left the office and gone back after I knew she’d be gone. I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d be able to deal with her on an everyday basis. It was so hard to look at her and not want her. It was so hard to not ask her what she’d done the night before. My bed felt lonely and my life felt empty. I wasn’t sure how she’d been able to affect me so much already. I barely knew her. Shit, we’d only been friends with benefits for a short period. Yet, she was all I could think about.

I was so angry with myself for letting her in. Beep Beep. I pulled my phone out and saw an email from my dad and I opened it quickly, the blood draining from my face. There was a video escalating through the office of Hannah and I having sex on the desk. It appeared to have been an accident. One of us had accidentally hit the record button on my computer and the IT department had watched it and shared it with some other people in the office. My dad was furious, but he said the video meant we could fire Hannah, as it was obvious from the video that the act was consensual.

I deleted the email and sat down, not knowing how I felt. All I knew was that I didn’t want her to leave. Not like this. Not with us angry at each other. I wanted to understand why she’d sent the emails to her work email. I wanted to know how she could kiss me and make love to me with eyes full of light and emotion if she was using me. I pulled out my phone and decided to send her an email.

To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: Dirty Video


I think you should know that there is a pornographic video of us having sex on my desk escalating around the office. A couple of people have seen it, but my father is taking care of it. I just thought you should know.

Leo Maxwell

I hit send and stared at my phone, wondering if she was going to respond. There was a reply about two minutes later.

To: Leo Maxwell

From: Hannah Will

Re: Does this mean we are porn stars?


Thanks for letting me know. How embarrassing! I hope this doesn’t mean we’re going to turn up on Youporn?


I laughed as I read her email and responded right away.

To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: How do you know about Youporn?


I don’t know that anyone wants to watch our sex tape. This also means that you will not be able to get me fired. Just wanted to let you know. The emails to HR would help.


Your boss

I pressed send, feeling angry. Let’s see what she would say to that!

To: Leo Maxwell

From: Hannah Will

Re: If you come over tonight, I might let you know


There are so many things we need to talk about, but I don’t think email is the way. I’m sorry that I hurt you. I hope you give me a chance to explain. I miss my stallion and I miss you.



Your not very good assistant

I stared at the email in confusion. What was she talking about? What did she want to explain? I was about to email her back when I got a text message.

“It’s me.”


“Are you mad I’m breaking all the rules?”

“What do you want?” I typed angrily.

“To talk.”



“There is no us. We f*cked a few times and that’s it.”

“I’m going to let that one go.”

“Let what go?” I frowned into the phone. Who did she think she was?

“I’d like you to meet my friend Lisa.”

“Ok? Why?”

“And I’d like to meet your friends.”

“Are you out of your mind?” Was Hannah psychotic? Why would she think I’d have any interest meeting any of her friends or allowing her to meet mine?


“Hannah, I suggest you get professional help.” I typed and pressed send and drank some more beer. Had losing this job made her go literally crazy?

Ding Dong.

“Go and get the door please, Leo.” Zane asked me and I walked to the front door.

“Who else is coming?” I muttered as I walked through the large home and opened the front door. “You.” I stared at Hannah in shock. She was standing there with another girl, who looked like she’d just been called to appear on The Price is Right.

“Hi.” She said softly.

“What are you doing here? Do I need to call the police? Are you stalking me?” I stared at her beautiful face and tried to think about something other than her lips on my cock.

“Can we come in?”

“Hi Leo.” The girl pushed past me. “I’m Lisa, I’m sure Hannah’s told you all about me.” She grinned. “This house is beautiful.” She nodded as she looked around. “I’m impressed.”

“Okay?” I frowned at her. “Thanks, I guess.”

“Is the man of the house home?” She grinned and I shook my head.

“He is, but so is his wife.” I said loudly and she sighed loudly.

“Go figure. Just my luck.”

“Lisa.” Hannah sighed. “Ignore her please. She doesn’t realize how bad she sounds.”

“I guess I see why you’re both friends.” I stared back at her. “I guess it takes one gold-digger to know another gold-digger.”

“What?” Lisa’s jaw dropped. “You said what?” She stepped towards me, the smile gone.

“Lisa, it’s okay. We’ll let him have that.” Hannah stepped forward. “Go and find Lucky and introduce yourself. I need to talk to Leo.”

“How do you know Lucky?” My eyes narrowed as I stared at her. Shit, was this some Fatal Attraction shit?

“She came to the office yesterday.” She touched my arm.

“Oh?” I frowned. “Why?”

“She wanted to talk to me.” She sighed. “She had a feeling we had our signals mixed up.”

“What signals?”

“I never planned on sending those emails to HR, Leo.” She sighed. “I don’t even remember why I forwarded them to myself now. I never used you. I didn’t want to get you fired. I didn’t want to blackmail you. I wasn’t with you because you were the boss's son. I really liked you. I know, I know, I wasn’t supposed to like you as more than friends with benefits, but I did. I really liked you and I was hurt when I thought you’d used me to get the Martin account.”

“I never used you.” My mind was racing as she spoke to me.

“I know that now, but when you stopped talking to me and grew all cold, I thought it was because of what you’d done. I thought you were treating me bad because I found out the truth.”

“I never would have taken you to New York if I’d know Rob Martin was going to do that. That was not a ploy of mine, Hannah. I would never do that to you.”

“I know.” She sighed. “I know. I just wish you believed that I was never going to send those emails.”

“It hurt me.” I sighed. “I didn’t understand. I still don’t understand why you forwarded them.”

“I don’t know.” She bit her lower lip. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I believe you.” I pulled her into my arms and gave her a quick hug. I could feel a part of my heart melting as I felt her warmth next to me.

“I was so scared you were going to chase me out of here.” She smiled weakly as she stepped back.

“There was a moment there that I was thinking about calling the police.” I laughed. “I was thinking has Hannah lost it?”

“Lucky came to see me. She wanted us to talk. She invited me here.” She said softly.

“Sounds like Lucky.” I smiled and shook my head. “She doesn’t know how to mind her own business.”

“I’m glad she doesn’t.” Hannah smiled. “Work will be so much better on Monday.”

“Oh yeah.” I cocked my head and smiled at her.

“Unless you want to fire me of course?”

“No, I don’t want to fire you.”

“It’s going to be so embarrassing thought.” She made a face. “I can’t believe we made a sex tape and I haven’t even seen it.”

“We could make another one.” I said softly.

“What?” She breathed out.

“Maybe we could make another one, if you want.”

“Do friends with benefits make sex tapes?” She asked and looked down.

“No.” I stepped forward and took her hands into mine. “Friends with benefits don’t make sex tapes, but boyfriends and girlfriends do.”

“Oh?” She looked up at me, her eyes wide and uncertain. As I stared into her open and honest face, I wondered how I could have doubted her. What had I been thinking? Hannah was the last person that would attempt something deceitful.

“Yes, I’d like you to be my girlfriend Hannah Will.”

“What rules come along with being your girlfriend?” She asked, grinning at me.

“You must answer all my calls, you must text me, you must email me, and we must have sex everywhere and everyone in the office has to know.” I grinned. “Oh and you must meet and hang out with my friends and family.”

“Hmm, are you sure you’re not just saying that because you feel bad about the sex tape?”

“Is that what you think?” I stared into her eyes and kissed her lightly. “Do you think that’s why I’m asking you to be my girlfriend?”

“No.” She said breathlessly as she kissed me back.

“So is that a yes?”

“Yes, Leo Maxwell, I will be your girlfriend.”

“Good.” I grinned and pushed her back against the door. “I wonder if we can get away with a quickie?” I ran my hands down her waist and leaned in to kiss her again.

“What’s a quickie, Uncle Leo?” Skylar’s voice squeaked behind me and I jumped back.

“Skylar.” I groaned and ran my hands through my hair. “This is my girlfriend, Hannah. Hannah, this is Skylar, she’s Noah’s daughter.”

“Nice to meet you, Skylar.” Hannah grinned at the little girl, a red hue on her face. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen.

“Come on, let me introduce you to everyone. Don’t be surprised if you see some people fainting from shock though. I’ve sworn for years that I wasn’t going to get a girlfriend.”

“I’m glad you changed your mind.” She squeezed my hand. “I’m glad you’ve let me in Leo.”

“My heart was guarded.” I stopped and stared into her eyes. “It’s been guarded for a long time, but now, now that I’ve met you, I know that it doesn’t have to be guarded any longer.” I pulled her towards me and kissed her on the lips hard, enjoying the taste of her against my lips. “I really like you, Hannah Will. I really really like you.”

“I really like you too, Leo Maxwell.” She kissed me back eagerly and I frowned.


“What’s wrong?” She looked worried.

“I don’t think I’m being honest.” I stared into her brown eyes and kissed her nose softly. “I think I more than like you, Hannah. I think I’m falling in love with you.”

“Oh.” Her eyes looked surprised and she smiled at me with a dazed expression.

“Oh?” I licked my lips.

“Oh, I think I’m falling in love with you as well, Mr. Leo Maxwell. I think I fell for you the day I met you.” She said softly. “My new big macho boss.” She grinned. “I think it was love at first sight, only I was too annoyed to know it.”

“Good.” I ran my fingers down her back. “I think I fell in love with you the moment I found out you hated your new boss and your new boss was me.”

“Argh, don’t remind me.” She groaned.

“Aren’t you glad I took your job now?” I asked softly and she laughed.

“Yes, my darling. I’m very glad you stole my job.”

“I didn’t say stole, you little—” I grabbed her ass and she ran away from me.

“Leo, stop.” She giggled as she ran into the kitchen.

“I’ll never stop.” I followed her into the kitchen, my heart soaring. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.” I whispered under my breath as I watched Hannah hugging Lucky. This was my family and my heart felt full and heavy. This was my family. This was my life. I had nothing to fear. I was loved and I loved. I watched Hannah chatting and laughing with Lucky and I knew in that moment that one day Hannah was going to be my wife. I knew it in my heart and my soul. Hannah was the one for me. She was the one that I’d been waiting for and I didn’t even know it.