Gabriel's Redemption

The Professor was intimidating. He had his moments when he could be cold and prim. Certainly, there were times such as when she’d found him smoking on the balcony in Umbria when she worried about him. But the surprising gentleness with which he treated children made her wonder what he would be like with their child. He’d ruffle their son’s hair and talk about Superman. He’d carry their daughter in his arms and treat her like a princess.


As she saw Gabriel smiling and chattering to the silent child, Julia realized that what Tammy had told her was true—children bring out a special side of a good man.


And Julia desperately wanted to give Gabriel that opportunity.






At the end of what had been a fulfilling but long day, Julia sat with Gabriel on the terrace of their favorite room at the Gallery Hotel Art. The terrace and the room itself held so many memories for them. It was the place Julia had given him her virginity, and the place he returned to when he felt himself in danger of succumbing to his addictions after their separation.


He was lying on the banquette, hands behind his head, looking up at the star-studded sky. She was next to him, sipping a glass of San Pellegrino.


“You could have wine,” he said, pointing to her glass.


“I’m fine with water, Superman.”


His mouth twitched. “That was an interesting conversation. I’ve been called a lot of things in my life. But no one has ever called me Superman.”


She ran her fingers up and down his arm.


“Only because they haven’t got the nerve. I rather like the idea of you being the handsome but slightly nerdy professor by day, and the sexy Man of Steel by night.”


“What did I say about calling me a nerd?” Gabriel caught her wrist, pulling her so she was lying half on him.


The water sloshed in her glass, so he took it from her, setting it aside.


He brought their noses together.


“I can show you some steel tonight.”


“I’m counting on it,” she whispered.


“I never thought of you as Lois Lane before. But there’s a remarkable likeness.”


Julia rolled her eyes heavenward. “All this time, I thought you were in love with Beatrice, when really, it was Lois Lane. I need to switch literary genres.”


“Hardly. But a little role-playing might be interesting, Miss Lane.”


“We’ll have to have a Halloween party so we can dress up.”


Gabriel traced the line of her jaw with his finger.


“We don’t have to wait until Halloween.”


A thrill coursed up her spine at his tone.


“I look forward to that. Did you have a good time at the party?”


“Of course.” He released her, his gaze returning to the stars.


She sighed, picking up her glass again. She sipped the water as she contemplated how to broach the subject.


“Something happened today, didn’t it?”




She waited for him to comment further, but he didn’t.


She put her drink on the table and went to him, placing her arm atop his abdomen.


“Do you want to talk about it?”


He shook his head.


Her heart sank. “The list of things you won’t share with me is becoming longer.”


“My silence isn’t meant to hurt you.”


“It does.” She huffed in frustration. “How can I be your partner when you won’t talk to me?”


“Julianne, I’m going to talk to you. I promise I won’t do anything without discussing it with you. I just need to—figure out a few things first.”


“Can’t you figure them out with me? I’m a good listener. I can help.”


“You are a good listener. The best. But sometimes a man needs to do things alone.”


“Is that man-speak for ‘Don’t worry your pretty little head, darlin’?”


“Man-speak?” He chuckled, pressing his lips to her palm. “You’re adorable.”


She pulled away, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Now is not a good time to be patronizing, Gabriel.”


He rolled to his side and kissed the wrinkle between her eyebrows. “I’m not patronizing you. You are adorable.” He paused, his eyes focused and intense. “You need to be a mother. Seeing you with the children—how loving and at ease you are. You’re a natural.”


“Today was a special day. Your ponies were a hit.”


“You were right, as usual.”


“Then why are you so sad?”


“I can’t stand to leave them there.” Gabriel’s eyes and tone evidenced his distress.


Julia observed him, realizing that whatever distress he felt at the orphanage had been very well hidden.


“The children are treated nicely. The staff love them. They’re safe.”


“It’s still an orphanage.”


“Yes.” Julia pushed a curl back from his forehead. She ran her fingers through his hair in an attempt to soothe him.


“I know what it’s like,” he said quietly. “When my mother died, there were several months when I didn’t know where I’d end up. It could have been an orphanage or foster care. I could have been shipped back to New York to live with my mother’s family. I was in limbo, never knowing if someone was going to show up to take me away or if Grace and Richard were going to tire of me and pack my bags.”


“They would never have done that.”