Fragile Bonds

I look at Erica, who seems a bit lost by Xavier’s comments. I offer her a polite smile before Xavier pokes me in the shoulder, urging me to speak up.

“Wow, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to follow that. I’m thankful that I have my family with me today. It might not be the way I imagined getting to this point, but Xavier, you are the man I always pictured as my other half. And Jacob, you might not have come from my belly, but you are the best son any mommy could ever ask for. I love you so, so much. And like you, Xavier, I’m thankful for Alyssa. None of us would be here like this if it wasn’t for her seeing what you and I were unwilling to acknowledge about the past and admit to possibilities in the future. I only wish that I had a lifetime to get to know her better because she’s one of the most genuine people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.”

Jacob pushes his chair back from the table, running around to jump into my lap. Xavier looks like he’s about to say something, but I shake my head. “Jacob, what are you thankful for?”

“I’m thankful that Uncle Braydon told Daddy to quit his job so he’s home every night. And for our new house with the big backyard. And most of all, I’m thankful that I have two mommies who love me.”

He looks up at me with his gap-toothed grin and I can’t help but laugh. My heart melts every time he calls me Mama Melly because he is my son, no matter who gave birth to him.

It turns out that Erica is one of the girls from Artemis. Her cool demeanor when they first arrived is because she worried I was going to be a judgmental prude who didn’t approve of her working as a cocktail waitress. The last of her tension disappeared after I informed her that I had once been exactly where she is now.

She helped me clean up after dinner while the men flopped onto the couch to watch football. After watching her start to say something several times and cut herself short, I finally let her off the hook by talking about Alyssa, Xavier and everything that’s happened in the year since I walked through the door on Tamarac Lane.

Now, she’s helping me unwrap Christmas ornaments while the guys set up the artificial tree. I would have preferred a real tree, but Xavier insisted that with the way Jacob and Brody run around, it would be a recipe for disaster.

“Oh, crap! I have to go get something,” I tell Erica, using the arm of the couch to push myself off the ground. My back is killing me, but I’m not going to mention it for fear Xavier will tell me that we’ll do this another day. I want to start making family memories with Xavier and Jacob, the first being that we will decorate for Christmas on Thanksgiving night. It was Alyssa’s favorite holiday after she had a family of her own, and now I can see why. It’s totally different when you’re surrounded by those you love.

I pull a box off the top shelf of the hall closet. I walk over to Xavier so I can whisper in his ear. “I have something for you and Jacob. Do you want me to give it to you now or wait until everyone leaves?”

He looks down at the box and then into my eyes. “Is it from her?” he asks, a trace of sadness washing over his face. I nod. “Might as well do it now. Jacob might fall asleep before this bunch gives us any peace and quiet.”

I call Jacob over to where we’re standing in front of the tree. I pull the white and ivory angel out of the box.

“Jacob, your mommy gave me this last Christmas and asked me to bring it to you this year,” I tell him, fighting the tears as I remember the anguish she felt after making me promise to spend Christmas with “her guys” this year. “She knew she wouldn’t be here, but she wanted you to know that she’s still here with you in your heart.”

“Can I hold her?” Jacob asks, holding out his hands. I’m hesitant, only because most of the angel is made out of porcelain and he’ll never forgive himself if anything happens. “I promise I’ll be careful. Please!”

“Okay, but you have to sit on the floor.” Once he’s seated, I join him on the plush carpet, handing him one of the last gifts his mother left for him.

“Mama Melly, there’s something inside of her!” He reaches into the opening at the bottom of the angel and pulls out a folded piece of paper. I look up at Xavier whose wide eyes mirror my own. I have no clue what this is. “Can you read what it says?”

I swear my heart stops when I see Jacob’s name on the front of the paper. I unfold it and see that it’s a note from Alyssa. “Maybe we should wait until bedtime for this, buddy,” I urge him, not wanting to put everyone through the pain of whatever message Alyssa left for her son.

“No, now!” Jacob whines. I look to Xavier, who shrugs. If he doesn’t see an issue with it, I suppose I have no choice but to suck it up. I pull Jacob onto my lap, wanting to hold him as close as I possibly can as I read the letter out loud. The room around me is silent as all of the adults stop what they’re doing so they can listen.

Sloan Johnson's books