Falling for Max (Kowalski Family, #9)

“Me, too.”

Once he’d caught his breath, he rolled away and went into the bathroom. After disposing of the condom, he looked at his reflection in the mirror. Colin had told him the most important thing was to get their friendship back on solid footing and, getting her into his bed so soon might have been a mistake, but he’d learned the hard way how they behaved now was important. He splashed some cold water on his face and then took his robe off the hook and slipped it on. Getting to the bathroom was one thing, but walking back out naked would make him feel awkward.

He was glad he did it. When he walked back into the bedroom, Tori was almost fully dressed. She pulled the shirt over her head and smiled when she saw him. “Do we have time to watch the end of the movie?”

It wasn’t as if he’d made big plans for the night. “Sure.”

She started toward him, or the door that was right behind him. “I’ll make coffee.”


“Because it’s after five.” She stopped and reached her hand around his neck to pull him down for a kiss. “I know.”

She kissed him like that again when the movie was over and it was time for her to leave. It was hard not to ask her to stay, but he had to be careful not to overstep the friends-with-benefits line. Casual, he told himself, like her good-night kiss.

Not yet ready to sleep, he picked up the remote and cycled through television channels, not landing on anything for longer than a minute. The action mimicked his thoughts, flipping through his mind without settling enough to let him focus.

It was hard enough to navigate relationships when they were clearly defined. Parents. Siblings. Girlfriend. Wife. But friends with benefits wasn’t something he had any experience with and trying to take cues from her would wear on him eventually.

Tori wouldn’t be asleep yet. Knowing her, she was probably at her computer, so he pulled her up on his phone before he could overthink it. I have a question. Still awake?

For a little while. Early morning, though.

That sounded like a hint. It can wait.

I’m not ready to sleep yet. What’s your question?

So friends with benefits. Is this like insurance benefits? Maximum number of visits? Pre-approval? He smiled and hit Send.

There are forms that have to be filled out. In triplicate.

That made him laugh out loud. I’m already behind on paperwork?

We can fill it out together. When the mood strikes.

He pondered her words for a while, letting the subtext sink in. Casual and spontaneous. I’ll make sure to have a pen handy.

As soon as he sent it, he realized that subtext might be too obscure, so he sent a follow-up text. By pen, I mean condom.

It felt like forever before she responded. You almost made me choke on my water.

I should let you go to bed. You have an early day tomorrow.

And a staff meeting. Whee.

He heard the sarcasm as clearly as if she’d said the words out loud. Good luck. And good night.

Good night, Max. xox

Kisses and hugs. It was a good start, and Max was smiling as he checked the locks on the doors, set the alarm system and went to bed. A very good start.

Chapter Nineteen

The staff meeting was scheduled for ten, since it was squarely between breakfast and lunch. Tori had gone in for the early shift and was done, so she took off her apron and made herself a coffee before sitting at the counter with Liz, Ava, Carl and Gavin. Paige had Sarah on her hip, no doubt because Rose had shown up for the meeting, as well.

“I know you’ve all heard the great news. In a couple of weeks, Gavin’s heading to Kennebunkport to wow the upper class with some of the Trailside Diner’s best dinner specials.” She paused while they all cheered, which made Gavin blush. “I’m so proud of you, Gavin, and I hope...”

Paige choked up and then they all got a little teary when Gavin walked around the counter to wrap his arms around her, baby and all. “I wouldn’t have this chance without you.”

“And you’d better make the most of it.” She patted his back, and then laughed when Sarah gave him a good shove.

“To add to our joy,” she continued once Gavin was seated again, “Liz’s pregnancy has the distinction of being the worst-kept secret in the history of Whitford.”

Tori caught Liz’s smile through the corner of her eye, and the way she slid her hand over her belly. “I wonder who got the coupons for being the first to tell Fran.”

“I told her myself,” Rose said. “And, yes, I made her give me the coupons.”

They all laughed, but then Paige’s expression turned serious. “I’ve put an ad in some of the bigger newspapers and online. Needless to say, I’m hoping to hire a cook as soon as possible. Until then, we’re going to try to make do by cutting back on the menu temporarily and keeping it simple.”