Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

Lisa thrashes underneath the demon, her legs kicking and her hands slapping. The demon moves one hand down to Lisa’s neck and begins to squeeze. Her pungent breath reeks as she leans down into Lisa’s face. “Did you enjoy fucking Samuel? I hear he made you scream. Too bad you didn’t make him cum!” She lets out a cackle, Lisa struggling against her. “Did he tell you about me? His Lilith? Oh, don’t fight it. You are not strong enough. You won’t win against me.”

Lisa’s eyes cloud over and she feels what’s left of her life begin to leave her. Images of Alex flood her mind. She hears his voice. I gave myself for her! I have always loved you. Lisa fights against dying; she holds onto the memory of Alex. Finding strength in his voice, she adjusts her gaze and looks at Lilith.

Her face begins to distort into her demonic form. Like Samuel, her nose pulls in, leaving a hole in her face; her eyes widen and turn pitch black; her skin radiates into a bright red hue; her hair streams down her back in long, black locks, dripping with sludge from Hell. Removing her hand from Lisa’s neck, it shifts into long claws. Lilith opens her mouth and grins, her fangs extending past her bottom lip.

Staring at the demon, Lisa realizes that she’s in Limbo; she’s not in Hell and she’s not on earth. Anything goes. The strain to breathe leaves her, and the corners of her lips pull up into a smirk.

Suddenly, she shoots her hand up to Lilith’s face, shoving her fingers in her eyes and nose. Lilith screams, trying to pry her fingers away. Lisa then punches her in the chest, which leaves an indentation so she punches again.

Lilith pries Lisa’s fingers from her face, black blood oozing from the wounds. “I will end you for that!” Lilith lunges at her. Quickly rolling to the side, Lisa scrambles to her feet. Just as Lilith closes the distance, Lisa feigns right then reaches out, grabbing a handful of Lilith’s hair.

Pulling her back, Lisa kicks Lilith’s knees and forces her to the ground. Winding Lilith’s sludge-like hair around her fist, Lisa slams her head into the ground once, twice, three times. “Not if I end you first!” Lisa grabs Lilith’s claw-like hand, then jabs her foot into the back of her elbow, breaking the bone with a loud crack. Lilith screams out in pain, and Lisa loses her grip, tumbling to the ground.

Lilith rolls away from her, hissing with her serpent-like tongue. Her face oozes black blood from her wounds. Moving to her knees, Lilith’s left arm hangs limp. It begins healing itself and the long claws twitch. “You fucking bitch!” Lilith screams out.

Lisa gets to her feet quickly and takes a fighting stance. Her eyes move over Lilith, thinking about what to do next. She runs at Lilith and throws her to the ground. Lilith lets out a savage scream.

Forcing Lilith onto her stomach, Lisa jabs her knee into her neck and holds her down. Grabbing her left wrist, Lisa presses her other foot against Lilith’s elbow, pulling as hard as she can. There are sounds of bone breaking, while Lilith screams in agony.

Lisa finally manages to rip off Lilith’s arm. As she falls back onto Lilith’s legs, Lilith kicks Lisa to the ground. Lilith rolls onto her back, crying out, “I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!”

Lisa scoots back across the ground, holding onto the remains of the arm. Hot, black blood drips onto Lisa’s body and burns her skin. Trying to ignore the pain, Lisa gets to her feet. Looking at the mangled body of Lilith, she sneers, “Then come get me, demon.”

She turns her head to face Lisa. Suddenly, Lilith jumps in the air and throws herself at her, knocking her to the ground. Lilith opens her mouth and screams. Her mouth begins to widen, her chin dropping down past her collarbone, and her teeth, including her fangs, elongate. A loud screeching howl erupts from Lilith’s lungs. Just as she’s about to devour her, Lisa jabs the clawed hand into Lilith’s neck.

Blood sprays over Lisa. Screaming, she pushes Lilith off of her and hurries away. Panting, Lisa tries wiping the blood from her body, feeling the wet substance burn her skin. Looking over where Lilith lays, the demon’s body begins to spasm.

Just then, the ground begins to shake, cracks along the ground start to wind themselves in different directions. The sky shifts in color and dark gray cumulus clouds build, stretching in large patterns, thunder clapping loudly.

The ground begins to open up around Lilith, her neck oozing and forming a puddle around her. Lisa stands and moves back a few feet. Suddenly, many long, black arms reach up from the ground and wrap themselves around Lilith. She looks at Lisa one last time. “I’ll find my way back and I’ll finish you!” With that, Lilith screams, the hands around her begin pushing their fingers into her body. A loud groan, mixed with screams, radiates from the hole that Lilith is pulled into.

Julie Morgan's books