Fallen (Chronicles of the Fallen, #1)

Pain. Fear. Agony. Hate. All of it was pouring out of her. Opening her eyes to the sounds of people crying, the sounds of anguish, the sounds of endless torment, Lisa sits up and looks around. Panting, she suddenly gags on the sulfur in the air, the stench of death erupting inside her mouth. Leaning over on her hands and knees, nothing happens. She doesn’t vomit, she just heaves. A scream leaves her lips as her hair is yanked back.

“Welcome to Hell!” Lisa looks to her right. A demon, whose skin is black as night, eyes completely red, no hair on his head, and tattoos of Celtic design spread across his chest, is standing there. He sneers and his black teeth are exposed. His other hand grabs her cheeks, his sharp nails driving into her skin. She whimpers as he moves in closer, looking into her eyes. His head tilts to the side as he watches her thrash around in front of him. His tongue flicks out, the ends of it split like a snake. She tries not to cry out or even breathe for fear of gagging again.

Leaning in closer, the demon’s tongue flicks out again and he lashes it across Lisa’s cheek. It’s like a whip. The moment it touches her skin, she cries out and her face burns from the touch. He gives her a sadistic grin. Looking down her body, then back up into her eyes, he slashes her with his tongue again. She screams in pain.

Turning towards what looks like a cage, he opens it up and throws her inside. Landing on her hands and stomach, she turns and see him shutting and locking the door. The sludge on the inside of the cage moves over Lisa’s fingers and she tries to pry it free, but it’s like hot tar and her skin begins to burn. Reaching towards the wall of the cage, her fingers wrap around the bars as she looks out at her surroundings. The ground around her is dark brown, almost black; there are no walls, no end in sight; there are pits of fire, volcanic-type eruptions spewing hot lava in the distance. The fear that runs through her is like that of a captive soldier about to be executed. She knows it’s coming, the fear that leads up to the moment. That fear is what she’s carrying with her every step of the way now.

Demons of all kinds walk the grounds. There’s the black demon who found her. Standing next to him, she sees a red female demon with claws the size of her head. Her hair is in cornrows and the ends are snakes that constantly bite at her shoulders. The female demon moves quickly across the grounds, snatching what appears to be a human male. Her mouth opens wide like a snake and fangs extend out. She can hear the man scream, and her grip on the cage tightens.

Tears stream down her cheeks. Reaching up to swipe them away, blood appears on her hands. She wipes her eyes again and her hands are covered in red. Looking down at her arms, her skin begins to burn and bubble off her body as the black sludge in the cage slowly moves up her. She screams as two pair of eyes shine in the darkness of the cage. Fear grips her as she tries to move to the back of the cage and away from the eyes, but they move closer. She continues to back up until she’s pressed against the wall. They move in faster and she has nowhere to go. Then, suddenly, they’re gone; everything is black. Panting, she screams and the sulfur air invades her lungs. Coughing and choking on the pungent smell again, enough light shines in for Lisa to see two hellhounds seething as they stand over her. She screams as they growl, then lunge at her, biting on her limbs.

The top of the cage is opened and Lisa looks up. She screams as the hellhounds continue to mangle her body. A black sludge seeps into the cage and the hellhounds yelp, backing away. Lisa panics as the sludge seeps closer to her, then screams when it begins to cover her body, making its way towards her head. She screams, then drowns in the sludge as it invades her mouth and throat.

Suddenly, her arms are pulled so hard in two different directions that she feels like they will detach from her body. Her wrists are strapped down to something hard. She feels her body being pulled into an upright position, like she’s hanging on a cross. She opens her eyes and her body begins to jolt and bounce as ropes begin pulling her higher into the air. “STOP!” she screams out. “Please!” She hears the hellhounds snarl as they grab the flesh on her legs, ripping it from her body. She screams out in pain.

There are sounds of heavy feet moving across the grounds. Her body jolts from the heavy steps. Screaming in pain as the hellhounds chew on her flesh, her legs kick at their heads. The footsteps move closer and the hellhounds whimper and move away from her. She watches them flee and more fear erupts inside of her. Lisa hangs helpless, having nowhere to hide. Pain pulsates through her body, the heat burning at her skin and eyes.

Squeezing her eyes closed in an attempt to wake up from whatever nightmare she has put herself in, pain continues to radiate through her. As something strikes against her arms, she screams out and opens her eyes. Looking around through the blood-infused haze, she realizes she’s been shoved over an open pit. Looking down, thousands upon thousands of people are inside this pit, all trying to escape. One by one, they stop fighting each other and their gazes lift up to look upon her, her blood dripping onto the ground.

Julie Morgan's books