Fallen Fourth Down (Fallen Crest #4)

“I’ve never met Mason, but Logan seems comfortable with the attention.”

My fingers relaxed, and I leaned back in my chair. Feeling myself nodding, I replied, “He is. I think he’s so used to it that he doesn’t even realize it’s there half the time.”

“What’s your boyfriend like?”

“What do you mean?”

“How does he handle everything? I mean, he’s gotta be huge at his college already. His name’s all over ESPN when they talk about Cain U.”

I shrugged. “He’s fine. I don’t know. He said his focus is school, football, and me.” A small grin escaped me. “Mason’s like Logan. I don’t think he knows anything different.”

“Yeah. That’s how he seems, from what I’ve seen and heard about him.”


“Then there’s all the girls. Aren’t they vicious?”

I laughed. “They have been. Not to Logan’s girlfriend, though. They seem to love her.” I barely talked to anyone except Mason, Logan, and Heather, but I was opening up to him. I was telling him things that I was just becoming aware of myself. Kris had been welcomed with open arms when she transferred, but they had attacked me. I was jealous of her. I was jealous of how easy her transition had been.

Jackson murmured, “But that’s because they were jealous of you. I mean, Mason’s a big deal. It must’ve been nuts with him here. I can’t imagine. I’ve heard people talk about Logan and his girlfriend. I might be a guy, but I can tell that a lot of girls think they’re going to break up sooner rather than later. I know how girls work. They’re just being patient, biding their time.”

“Maybe.” I shook my head. “This conversation’s been weird.” I stood.

He laughed and stood with me. “But nice. It was nice talking to you again.”

Going to the step that led down to the parking lot, Jackson went with me. “I thought you were going to eat?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. The idea of going in there and sitting at a table with a bunch of people from school isn’t real tempting.” His gaze lingered on me. “It feels empty for some reason.”

A van was parked right next to my car, and as we crossed the parking lot, a guy hurried out of Manny’s and darted around us. He got into the van and started the engine. I was about to step forward, but Jackson touched my arm and pulled me back. He was watching the van and a second later, the driver reversed out of his parking spot, going right into the path that I would’ve been in. Without casting a look to us, he swung his front end around and gunned the engine, spitting up dirt from his tires.

I would’ve gotten hit. My mouth opened. I was about to say thank you, but the words caught in my throat.

Logan was standing on the other side of my car.

My eyes rounded.

He was looking at where the van had gone. His features were scrunched up, a scowl was on his face, and he looked back. As he did, his eyes met mine briefly, then fell to the hand that Jackson still had on my arm. Guilt flooded me. I jerked over a step. Jackson’s hand fell down and he turned to me, his eyebrows furrowing forward for a slight second, and he saw where I was looking. As he did, he moved back a step.

An accusing look appeared on Logan’s face, and he pressed his lips in a flat line.

Everything happened in a split second, from the van leaving, to Logan seeing Jackson’s hand on my arm. I had reacted, but it was a bad reaction. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I didn’t know why I reacted how I did, but it was too late. Logan started for us and I swallowed. This could get interesting.


“Oh look.” He tilted his head to the side, pushed his hands into his pockets, and gave us a cheeky grin. “It’s the happy couple. Out for brunch?”

This might get worse than I imagined. “Logan.” I caught the glare he sent to Jackson. “This is not that.”

“Yeah, not giving a shit what it doesn’t look like. I’m giving a shit about what it does look like.” Turning so he was facing Jackson squarely, he narrowed his eyes. “Who the fuck are you?”

“I’m Jac—”

“I know your name, Jackass. I’m asking who you think you are.” He moved a step closer, his eyes narrowed into slits. “She’s dating my brother. Don’t come here and take advantage of her because she’s nice and lonely.”

Heat surged to my cheeks, and my head went down. Lonely? I was missing Mason, but to hear it said out loud was embarrassing.

“I wasn’t. I didn’t.” Jackson shifted towards me. “Sam?”

I shook my head. I hadn’t told Mason yet, and I wasn’t going to tell Logan first. “Stop it, Logan. I told you last night. I know Jackson. We were talking about Jeff. My ex. His cousin. Remember him? He worshiped you last year.”