
Ashley Klaserner, Daria King, Dinah Luneke, Jennifer Heisey, No?l Albers, Mary Plye, Angie Grogean, Kathryn Miller, Zoe Jordan, Sienna Condy, Malin Coughlin, and Lucy Briand for being early readers and for loving this story.

Our village—Mindy McGinnis, Liz Coley, Julie Cross, Mark Perini, Amanda Brice, Jessica Lemmon, Tina Ferraro, Cinda Williams Chima, Linda Keller, Tonya Kappes, the fabulous women of OVRWA (past and present), and our Seymour Agency sibs. Your support and faith in us is truly humbling!

Carey would like to personally thank:

God—first, last, and always—for giving me a life more abundantly and richly blessed than anything I could ever conceive of.

My family—Michelle, Tori, Jessie, Mary, Dylan, Sean, Beth, Mark, Jamie, Ty, Gram, Dad, Shey, Jani, Josie, and Mom. My undying gratitude to each and every one of you for enabling me to pursue my dream. I love you like crazy!

Harrison, Athena, and above all else Aaron—for taking up the mantle of my dream with willing hearts. For sacrificing more than you should. Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must’ve done something very good to deserve you.

Lorie Langdon, my first crit partner, constant spiritual supporter, the best cowriter in the universe, and the other half of my brain—I’m still amazed you don’t throat punch me after some of our revision sessions. Thank you seems inadequate.

My MargaRITAs, and my AMAZING crit patners—Jenn Stark, Kristi Cook, Kim MacCarron, Jen McAndrews, Erica O’Rourke, Vanessa Barneveld, Shea Berkley, and Shelley Coriell. I couldn’t ask for better “go-to” girls and thank God for bringing us together. I can’t wait until we can all say, “I knew her when.”

Brianna Ahearn for her valuable insight, and enthusiasm. I’m so glad you’re on the journey with us.

Meredith Briski, a dear friend, early reader, and someone wise in all ways of things YA, who had a vision for Kenna’s own book long before the rest of us.

My personal cheer squad: Melissa Dietrich, Kevin Stout, Gina Dierig, Erin Kotch, Angela Combs, Margaret Szemprech, Carol Wade, Lorie Jones, Debbie Burress, Amy Maier, Susan Campbell, Dave King, Roger Cady, Denice Bachmann, Holly Snider, Don Overton, Bob Luderman, and Claudia Liff.

Lastly, those I have likely overlooked in my haste to meet my editor’s deadline. I’m so sorry. Email me and I’ll make it right in book two!

Lorie would like to personally thank:

My Savior King, my Dream Giver, my Protector, Jesus Christ—the One who makes all things possible.

Tom Moeggenberg for being my real-life hero, the one who lifts me up when I fall.

My boys—Ben and Alex—for never doubting that their mom would be a published author, and for repeatedly asking if they could be in the movie. Love you guys!

Mom, for inspiring me to dream BIG dreams, for instilling in me the love of writing, and for believing in me even when I don’t believe in myself.

Leon Jennings for being my prayer warrior, wise mentor, and the best grandpa in the universe. I can almost feel the warmth of your smile shining down on me.

My family—Dad, Brian, Toby and Jerry, Tracy, Grandma Darlene, Aunt Sue and Uncle Adrian, Aunt Barbara and Uncle Harold, Aunt Deb, Angie, Pam, and Katie. Thank you for your enduring encouragement and support.

Aunt Gaye and Uncle Floyd, for introducing me to travel and culture, and, best of all, to the magical world of Brigadoon!

The girls who keep me sane—Kelly Moeggenberg, Laurie Pezzot, and Tricia Lacey. Thank you for your prayers, for making me laugh, and for occasionally forcing me to get out of my writing cave to enjoy life.

JR Forasteros for pulling me out of my darkest moment by making me face my greatest fear.

And of course Carey Corp, who helps me to see the world in a whole new light, pushes me to be a better writer, and lets me crash on her couch when I need a safe place to land. I wouldn’t want to be on this miraculous journey with anyone but you.



Langdon, Lorie & Carey Corp's books